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Fracking EPA!

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  • Fracking EPA!

    EPA Backs Down From Fracking Contamination Order
    March 30, 2012 3:15 PM

    HOUSTON (CBSDFW.COM/AP) – The Environmental Protection Agency has withdrawn an order requiring a natural gas drilling company to provide water for two North Texas families based on accusations that the company contaminated water wells.

    The EPA said Friday its decision regarding Range Resources drilling in Parker County allows the agency to shift the focus “away from litigation and toward a joint effort on the science and safety of energy extraction.”

    Range was accused of contaminating water with benzene, methane and other toxic gases through a drilling method called hydraulic fracturing. The process involves breaking up rock with chemical-laced water to free previously out-of-reach natural gas.

    Fracking is a controversial practice among many environmentalists and some homeowners.

    The Fort Worth company and the Texas Railroad Commission argued the contamination came from other natural causes.

    (Copyright 2012 by CBS Local. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All Rights Reserved.)

    EPA backs off on fracking contamination claims in TexasDown in the Lone Star State, while it may be too soon to get our hopes up, it appears that a ray of sanity based sunshine may be breaking through the clouds of progressive political obfuscation surrounding the issue of natural gas drilling. And it didn’t even take a court to enforce it. In one pending case involving alleged contamination of ground water by energy exploration efforts, the EPA has backed out of a law suit and said that their claims can not be backed up by the evidence. They also signaled that they will revisit at least two more similar cases before deciding whether or not to proceed.

    The Environmental Protection Agency has dropped its claim that an energy company contaminated drinking water in Texas, the third time in recent months that the agency has backtracked on high-profile local allegations linking natural-gas drilling and water pollution.

    On Friday, the agency told a federal judge it withdrew an administrative order that alleged Range Resources Corp. had polluted water wells in a rural Texas county west of Fort Worth. Under an agreement filed in U.S. court in Dallas, the EPA will also drop the lawsuit it filed in January 2011 against Range, and Range will end its appeal of the administrative order.

    In addition to dropping the case in Texas, the EPA has agreed to substantial retesting of water in Wyoming after its methods were questioned. And in Pennsylvania, it has angered state officials by conducting its own analysis of well water—only to confirm the state’s finding that water once tainted by gas was safe.

    Some of us have been screaming this from the rooftops for years now, but to little avail in DC since 2006. So much of the hyperbole surrounding these claims came directly from Josh Fox’s fictional pseudo-documentary and green warrior dream ticket, Gasland. Of course, his most exciting and controversial claims were completely outside the realm of actual science. One of the most famous, as I’ve explained before, was the case of the Pennsylvania homeowner who had so much natural gas coming up from his well that he could set the sink on fire in his kitchen.

    That much was true. Of course, it’s also true that you can do that in homes with in-ground wells all over Pennsylvania and Virginia in places where no drilling has taken place. With one pending case in Texas, the EPA seems to have finally noticed. (Emphasis mine)

    The EPA bypassed the Texas Railroad Commission, which it said failed to address an “imminent and substantial endangerment” to public health. It ordered Range to supply water to the affected residents, identify how gas was migrating into the aquifer, stop the flow and clean up the water.

    After the EPA sued Range for not complying with its order, Range appealed, arguing that the agency’s analysis was inconclusive. It pointed to nearby water wells that were known to contain high concentrations of gas long before it began drilling.

    The railroad agency, which regulates oil and gas, concluded last year that gas most likely seeped into the aquifer from a shallow pocket of gas nearby, not the Barnett Shale, thousands of feet underground, from which Range was producing gas.

    If you go to areas with huge concentrations of hydrocarbons under the ground such as Pennsylvania, West Virgina, Ohio or Texas, and you drill holes in the ground, you’re going to hit natural gas. That’s why we drill there. And the hole doesn’t have to be a gas well. It happens in water wells too.

    And yet I attend rallies of Green Warriors where I live and see people talking about natural gas as if it’s just “gasoline” that shows up naturally under the ground. (So, of course, we should leave it there.) I’m not kidding… I heard a guy say that in New York last year.

    Science for Dummies Alert: Gasoline and natural gas are entirely different things. Natural gas is a complex mixture composed primarily of Methane at roughly 80% (CH4) and Ethane (C2H6) with a few other sundry compounds tossed into the mix. Gasoline is mostly heptane (C7H16) and octane (C8H18) with some significantly lower amounts of everything from C6 to C11 tossed in. (We can’t actually refine to the level of compound specificity many people think we can, at least not in an economical fashion.)

    Let’s put on our optimist caps and hope that reality has begun to sink in at the EPA and they will actually begin listening to scientists and industry experts rather than taking all their testimony from Josh Fox and a collection of Hollywood wannabes.

    Technorati Tags: 2012 election, Hotair, Politics

    So much for that ecological disaster...
    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.

  • #2
    Aww.. those left wing loons are a bunch of chicken little's. They make most of this environmental stuff up.

    Don't stand in the way of progress.


    • #3
      The sad thing is that some reasonable regulations could put a stop to 90%+ of the complaints about fracking but the industry is so pig headed they will resist even the most reasonable regulation and in the end it will mean they get slapped with a lot of regulation instead of a small or medium amount of regulation. Putting in place a minimum depth requirement so that near surface water isn't contaminated with fracking solution would end this problem entirely alternatively they could regulate what goes in the fracking solution at shallow depth wells so that they're not introducing known carcinogens as they're doing now. The cost difference wouldn't even be that much; only 5%-10% according to some sources.

      This reminds me of the recent pink slime debacle where a few very large companies resisted labeling requirements just because they didn't want consumers to be able to tell what was in their food; if they just went to the effort to educate consumers about how processed beef biproducts were still mostly beef there likely wouldn't have been a backlash. Instead the greedy bastards tried to prevent consumers from knowing and this resulted in a consumer revolt and big drops in sales as consumers had a crisis in confidence. Those companies have only themselves to blame because of the short sighted way they handled things and the same is going to be true for the fracking companies.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        Putting in place a minimum depth requirement
        Just curious - what depths are you talking about ?
        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

        Steven Weinberg


        • #5
          It would depending upon the presence of a confining layer. Generally I'd want at least one (prefer two) in order to keep separation between upper water tables and lower aquifers. Generally 1000' to 2000' would be a good place to start as that kind of distance would assure there are multiple confining layers between where the fracking fluid gets injected and where people are getting their well water but the rule would have to be flexible enough to be adjusted according to local geology. Making companies liable for damages such as lose of use of well water would be a good way to incentivize companies to avoid taking chances with shallow wells.

          So deeper than X and you're immune from lawsuits provided the local geology fits certain broad requirements but shallower than X and you can do it but only if the company certifies special geologic conditions. If they certify it and turn out to be wrong then they've got to pay damages to the people harmed. That seems fair.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            The next tact for the enviro loons will be the claim that fracking induces seismic events.
            "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

            “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


            • #7
              Thanks, that makes sense even if you are using evil american metrics

              Another curious question. In denmark we can't go much deeper than a couple of 100 m for fresh water due to salinity and organic sediments. Still, we are actually able to use it untreated. In the US, you seem to have some serious problems with water supply. For the inner parts of US, I assume that it isn't salinity that is the problem, so why do you have troubles ? And, yeah, there are of course regional differences such as deserts, mountains etc. A simple reason could of course also be that you simply use way to much water

              Sorry for the threadjack - just hope that that crazy Finnish poster doesn't attack me yet another time
              With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

              Steven Weinberg


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ogie Oglethorpe View Post
                The next tact for the enviro loons will be the claim that fracking induces seismic events.
                It does but only very minor events. Heck, unloading of over burden also causes minor seismic events. There was a rock quarry I remember visiting up in Santa Barbara which would periodically have minor localized earthquakes and the reason was the faults were at equilibrium pressure so as you removed the weight of the over burden (by removing rock from the quarry) you'd change the pressure along the fault resulting in minor shifting. We're talking very small localized quakes though in the 1-2 range.

                It's really nothing to worry about.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  BTW well water contamination and seepage of natural gas into aquifers is an issue which is why what goes into the fracking solution, at least at shallow depths, should be regulated and there should be some sort of inducement to get companies to frack deeper formation especially ones which have confining layers above them to prevent such gas seepage.

                  It is a real economic damage to a farmer if his well water can no longer be used to irrigate his crops just as it does cause economic harm to a homesteader who loses use of his local well water. There should be some regulations to mitigate those impacts and allow people harmed to seek damages. The hard part is balancing it so companies can still drill and not be swamped by frivolous suits.
                  Try for discussion and debate.

