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Conservative priorities in midst of economic crisis.

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  • Conservative priorities in midst of economic crisis.

    GOP Playbook: Running On A Platform Of Hate
    December 21, 2011
    By Joseph Ascanio

    (The following is a cross-post; originally published at

    It is really no secret how the vast majority of modern-day Republican front-runners – those who have co-opted the “fiscal conservative” political party to further a corporate-funded, socially conservative theocracy – generally feel toward the LGBT community.

    Time and time again, each reason-challenged player offers up similarly antiquated anecdotes aimed at demeaning, diminishing and demoralizing the nation’s gay citizens, soldiers and families while masking their own shortcomings as Americans, let alone American leaders.

    Such rhetoric fuels legions of lesser-Americans – those who willfully and ignorantly succumb to cultural prejudice and the notions of natural-born superiority – and attempts to validate and defend centuries’ worth of hate within our borders.

    There is a reason why Rick Perry’s “Strong” video – arguably his first, “fast-out-the-gate” media ploy – centers around bashing the gay community and its willingness to serve the country as soldiers fighting for his “freedom.”

    It is the same reason former House Speaker Newt Gingrich – a three-time husband and (documented) adulterer – has joined ranks with the majority of the Republican presidential nominee-wannabes and “pledged” to fend off straight America from the gay “barbarians” at the gate by denouncing their would be right to love only one person for the rest of their lives.

    Similarly, it is the very reason why both Michele and Marcus Bachmann have each vowed to promote “family” as the benchmark of Michele Bachmann’s would-be-first-female presidency – with “family” beginning rooted as marriage “between one man and one woman” – while also seeming positively resolute to willfully and purposefully tear apart families of so-called “anchor babies” whose apparent threat to the country’s moral fiber is just too great a burden for Lady Liberty to bear.

    The reason is quite simple, really: the modern-day GOP has little-else to go on that would resonate so very absolutely with their adoring base as does social conservatism; the crowds whose chanting of “Take Our Country Back!” harken back to a pre-Civil Rights Movement America in which anyone not straight, white, Christian, male and/or wealthy is forced into a life of fear and servitude.

    The umpteen Republican debates and subsequent Right-leaning “news” that has polluted the airwaves over the past few months have focused almost completely on social conservatism while largely ignoring the multiple harsh realities faced by Americans across the country. And, all too often, such “skewed values” create meaningless victims out of innocent, would-be patriots who happen to be on the wrong end of the GOP cross-hairs.

    While bashing the Obama administration – as well as the majority of the Democratic party – for engaging in supposed “divisive” rhetoric and waging “class warfare” – spokesmen for the “Party of No” continue to perpetuate a long-standing hatred between Americans of different perspectives; pitting cultures, orientations and religions against each other in a 200+ year grudge match.

    Meanwhile, they consistently hide behind their “faith” as a catch-all defense against anyone daring to call them out.

    Most recently, in Decorah, Iowa, a 14-year-old bisexual high school student called out Governor Rick Perry for his commitment to reinstating Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

    The student bravely inquired of Perry on why he is “so opposed to gays serving openly in the military; why you want to deny them that freedom when they’re fighting and dying for your right to run for president.”

    Perry, in no unfamiliar terms, attributed his anti-gay stance to his faith (apparently Jesus doesn’t love everybody after all) and the overwhelming consensus within the evangelical community that homosexuality is a “sin” (as opposed to killing tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians):

    “This is about my faith,” answered Perry, “and I happen to think, you know, there are a whole hosts of sins. Homosexuality being one of them…I don’t agree that openly gays should be serving in the military.”

    Perry then added that he felt President Obama acted against the judgment of military brass, wrongfully claiming that “this president was forced by his base to change that policy and I don’t think it was good policy, and I don’t think people in the military thought it was good policy.”

    Notorious for not hitting the books on – ahem – policies, Perry is dead wrong on that little factoid. According to corresponding surveys from the Pentagon, an overwhelming majority of military men and women had no qualms about serving alongside openly gay soldiers.

    But, do facts matter? Of course not. His faith persuades him to follow a path – regardless of how wrong, harmful or biased – and he is allowed to do so while remaining shielded from ridicule from within his own demographic.

    To them, little else matters more than the promise of a nationwide regression back to the good ol’ days of political incorrectness, religious intolerance and government-sanctioned hate; a metaphorical “Archie Bunker syndrome,” if you will, in which “traditional” Americanism takes precedence over anything not part of the status quo (even though, as evident in Archie’s case, such “traditional values” are often on the wrong side of humanity).

    This is the “syndrome” to which the Republican party placates. Dependent on the votes of millions of Americans with no time, energy or interest in educating themselves on the virtues of culture or the intricacies of government, the modern-day Republican party – vying for seats of power – simply plays into the unwavering hands of voters who would rather not be forced to think and instead opt for anyone “speaking their language.”

    Candidates for office smile for the cameras, kiss babies and pretend to pray for the blessings of one arbitrary pastor after another – all antics to which voters will undoubtedly follow in lock-step all the way to the voting booths.

    Turning a blind eye and deaf ear to vapid soundbites of condemnation, ridicule and disgust, the Republican base is treated to Right-wing-sanctioned approval of hate – hate against gays, Muslims, socialists, secularists, atheists, etc. – and revels in its own self-validation.

    These are the people clamoring for “long form birth certificates” and protesting the funerals of fallen, gay soldiers. These are the people threatening to burn the Koran for its violence and incendiary volumes yet not the Bible for the very same verses.

    These are the people calling for assassinations of the First Family and bombing abortion clinics.

    These are the people calling for the abolition of welfare while collecting social security. These are the people wailing over the “sanctity of marriage” while ignoring the nation’s skyrocketed divorce rate. These are the people who speak out in defense of gay/teen bullying.

    These are the people willing to classify global corporations as American citizens yet deny the same rights to immigrants.

    These are the people who claim to “support our troops” yet offer no compassion for a gay soldier willing to die for his/her country.

    These are the people who claim to be patriots yet could give a —- about their fellow Americans.

    The sad truth is – as great of a country we live in - we are unfortunately a nation plagued by some of the most hateful, vile, and astoundingly stupid people on the planet. In a democracy – where the people’s voice is (supposedly) the law of the land – we are subjected as a nation to the misgivings of a society’s darkest sentiments.

    - Joe Ascanio

    Based out of Greater New York, Joe Ascanio is a full time web designer, developer and marketing guy working in the online technology marketplace. His website – – is a semi-personal blog devoted to opinionated rantings over current events, politics and pop culture as they relate to our modern-day society.
    Faith, not facts will help restore America's straight, white greatness.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

  • #2
    He lives in America? Well, what's that mean? It means he can write any stupid thing that he wants to write and still be able to sleep comfortably and safely.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #3
      Thanks for bolding all of the insightful, interesting and newsworthy parts in that piece, that was a real time-saver


      • #4
        Here ya go, gribbler.

        GOP Playbook: Running On A Platform Of Hate
        December 21, 2011
        By Joseph Ascanio

        (The following is a cross-post; originally published at

        It is really no secret how the vast majority of modern-day Republican front-runners – those who have co-opted the “fiscal conservative” political party to further a corporate-funded, socially conservative theocracy – generally feel toward the LGBT community.

        Time and time again, each reason-challenged player offers up similarly antiquated anecdotes aimed at demeaning, diminishing and demoralizing the nation’s gay citizens, soldiers and families while masking their own shortcomings as Americans, let alone American leaders.

        Such rhetoric fuels legions of lesser-Americans – those who willfully and ignorantly succumb to cultural prejudice and the notions of natural-born superiority – and attempts to validate and defend centuries’ worth of hate within our borders.

        There is a reason why Rick Perry’s “Strong” video – arguably his first, “fast-out-the-gate” media ploy – centers around bashing the gay community and its willingness to serve the country as soldiers fighting for his “freedom.”

        It is the same reason former House Speaker Newt Gingrich – a three-time husband and (documented) adulterer – has joined ranks with the majority of the Republican presidential nominee-wannabes and “pledged” to fend off straight America from the gay “barbarians” at the gate by denouncing their would be right to love only one person for the rest of their lives.

        Similarly, it is the very reason why both Michele and Marcus Bachmann have each vowed to promote “family” as the benchmark of Michele Bachmann’s would-be-first-female presidency – with “family” beginning rooted as marriage “between one man and one woman” – while also seeming positively resolute to willfully and purposefully tear apart families of so-called “anchor babies” whose apparent threat to the country’s moral fiber is just too great a burden for Lady Liberty to bear.

        The reason is quite simple, really: the modern-day GOP has little-else to go on that would resonate so very absolutely with their adoring base as does social conservatism; the crowds whose chanting of “Take Our Country Back!” harken back to a pre-Civil Rights Movement America in which anyone not straight, white, Christian, male and/or wealthy is forced into a life of fear and servitude.

        The umpteen Republican debates and subsequent Right-leaning “news” that has polluted the airwaves over the past few months have focused almost completely on social conservatism while largely ignoring the multiple harsh realities faced by Americans across the country. And, all too often, such “skewed values” create meaningless victims out of innocent, would-be patriots who happen to be on the wrong end of the GOP cross-hairs.

        While bashing the Obama administration – as well as the majority of the Democratic party – for engaging in supposed “divisive” rhetoric and waging “class warfare” – spokesmen for the “Party of No” continue to perpetuate a long-standing hatred between Americans of different perspectives; pitting cultures, orientations and religions against each other in a 200+ year grudge match.

        Meanwhile, they consistently hide behind their “faith” as a catch-all defense against anyone daring to call them out.

        Most recently, in Decorah, Iowa, a 14-year-old bisexual high school student called out Governor Rick Perry for his commitment to reinstating Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

        The student bravely inquired of Perry on why he is “so opposed to gays serving openly in the military; why you want to deny them that freedom when they’re fighting and dying for your right to run for president.”

        Perry, in no unfamiliar terms, attributed his anti-gay stance to his faith (apparently Jesus doesn’t love everybody after all) and the overwhelming consensus within the evangelical community that homosexuality is a “sin” (as opposed to killing tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians):

        “This is about my faith,” answered Perry, “and I happen to think, you know, there are a whole hosts of sins. Homosexuality being one of them…I don’t agree that openly gays should be serving in the military.”

        Perry then added that he felt President Obama acted against the judgment of military brass, wrongfully claiming that “thiA Republican politician said something bad about gays.s president was forced by his base to change that policy and I don’t think it was good policy, and I don’t think people in the military thought it was good policy.”

        Notorious for not hitting the books on – ahem – policies, Perry is dead wrong on that little factoid. According to corresponding surveys from the Pentagon, an overwhelming majority of military men and women had no qualms about serving alongside openly gay soldiers.

        But, do facts matter? Of course not. His faith persuades him to follow a path – regardless of how wrong, harmful or biased – and he is allowed to do so while remaining shielded from ridicule from within his own demographic.

        To them, little else matters more than the promise of a nationwide regression back to the good ol’ days of political incorrectness, religious intolerance and government-sanctioned hate; a metaphorical “Archie Bunker syndrome,” if you will, in which “traditional” Americanism takes precedence over anything not part of the status quo (even though, as evident in Archie’s case, such “traditional values” are often on the wrong side of humanity).

        This is the “syndrome” to which the Republican party placates. Dependent on the votes of millions of Americans with no time, energy or interest in educating themselves on the virtues of culture or the intricacies of government, the modern-day Republican party – vying for seats of power – simply plays into the unwavering hands of voters who would rather not be forced to think and instead opt for anyone “speaking their language.”

        Candidates for office smile for the cameras, kiss babies and pretend to pray for the blessings of one arbitrary pastor after another – all antics to which voters will undoubtedly follow in lock-step all the way to the voting booths.

        Turning a blind eye and deaf ear to vapid soundbites of condemnation, ridicule and disgust, the Republican base is treated to Right-wing-sanctioned approval of hate – hate against gays, Muslims, socialists, secularists, atheists, etc. – and revels in its own self-validation.

        These are the people clamoring for “long form birth certificates” and protesting the funerals of fallen, gay soldiers. These are the people threatening to burn the Koran for its violence and incendiary volumes yet not the Bible for the very same verses.

        These are the people calling for assassinations of the First Family and bombing abortion clinics.

        These are the people calling for the abolition of welfare while collecting social security. These are the people wailing over the “sanctity of marriage” while ignoring the nation’s skyrocketed divorce rate. These are the people who speak out in defense of gay/teen bullying.

        These are the people willing to classify global corporations as American citizens yet deny the same rights to immigrants.

        These are the people who claim to “support our troops” yet offer no compassion for a gay soldier willing to die for his/her country.

        These are the people who claim to be patriots yet could give a —- about their fellow Americans.

        The sad truth is – as great of a country we live in - we are unfortunately a nation plagued by some of the most hateful, vile, and astoundingly stupid people on the planet. In a democracy – where the people’s voice is (supposedly) the law of the land – we are subjected as a nation to the misgivings of a society’s darkest sentiments.

        - Joe Ascanio

        Based out of Greater New York, Joe Ascanio is a full time web designer, developer and marketing guy working in the online technology marketplace. His website – – is a semi-personal blog devoted to opinionated rantings over current events, politics and pop culture as they relate to our modern-day society.
        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


        • #5
          Originally posted by gribbler View Post
          Thanks for bolding all of the insightful, interesting and newsworthy parts in that piece, that was a real time-saver
          I am impressed. You've learned of the dark side of the force.
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
          Stadtluft Macht Frei
          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #6
            Breaking News: Conservatives don't like gays
            <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


            • #7
              Breaking News: Gay people like to have gay sex
              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


              • #8
                Breaking News: Homophobic conservatives like to have gay sex
                "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Al B. Sure! View Post
                  Breaking News: Homophobic conservatives like to have gay sex
                  This is a MrFun thread, not an Asher thread.


                  • #10
                    You guys suck. I found this article not only original in subject and content, but also fascinating and enlightening.
                    If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                    ){ :|:& };:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gribbler View Post
                      Thanks for bolding all of the insightful, interesting and newsworthy parts in that piece, that was a real time-saver
                      Sorry - I assumed that you're literate. My bad.
                      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MrFun View Post
                        Sorry - I assumed that you're literate. My bad.
                        I still don't see any bolding...
                        "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                        "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                        • #13
                          It is really no secret how the vast majority of modern-day Republican front-runners – those who have co-opted the “fiscal conservative” political party to further a corporate-funded, socially conservative theocracy – generally feel toward the LGBT community.

                          1) Corporate funding is an excellent thing, is it not? The current President obtained about 10% of his campaign funds from it in the previous election. Obama, too, is therefore on the same path as the Republican front-runners. The writer's assertion is therefore too narrow by far.
                          2) The assertion of corporate-funded theocracy strikes me as nonsense. Corporations are the business interests of investor groups. Their investments are made to secure or curry political favour. Such funding draws influence away from social conservatism rather than for it for the simple reason that these investors, on the whole, are not social conservatives. Relying on their funding means toning down religious rhetoric of any kind, not ramping it up.
                          3) The assertion that anyone in American politics wants a theocracy is utter nonsense. Social conservatives, surprisingly enough, want to conserve the societal mores or values of the place in which they reside. Those mores happen to be incompatible with theocratic rule. This is just in case you missed the memo on the last two centuries of American politics, which embraced many 'socially conservative' rules without being a theocracy. Theocracy is the rule of a religious clergy whose political and legal authority derives from their status as clergy. That's not Rick Perry or Rev. Huckabee. That's the "Supreme Guides"--Khameini of Iran, the Supreme Guides of the Muslim Brotherhood, and so forth. Republicans of their stripe have ruled throughout the United States for decades on end without a theocracy in sight. The author is clearly ignorant of what a theocracy is.
                          4) "Vast majority"? I count two openly in favour of civil unions: Romney (about 25% of the vote) and Hunstman. Not exactly a vast majority.
                          Incidentally, I count one candidate Obama willing to playfully oppose gay marriage pre-elections and support it post-elections (read: appoint judges who favour "reading a right to gay marriage" into the Constitution). Can you say "hypocrite"?

                          The reason is quite simple, really: the modern-day GOP has little-else to go on that would resonate so very absolutely with their adoring base as does social conservatism; the crowds whose chanting of “Take Our Country Back!” harken back to a pre-Civil Rights Movement America in which anyone not straight, white, Christian, male and/or wealthy is forced into a life of fear and servitude.

                          1) Wow. The modern GOP as the Confederacy? Does anyone recall George Bush whistling Dixie? He too was a conservative Christian. This is simply race-baiting of a different kind. Once upon a time it was directed against blacks; now against a supposedly "socially conservative" group of "lesser Americans." What shall we do with these "lesser Americans", pray tell? This is a fantasy, and a disturbing one at that. It reflects the author's prejudices against this posited group, not any serious political analysis.

                          Perry, in no unfamiliar terms, attributed his anti-gay stance to his faith (apparently Jesus doesn’t love everybody after all)

                          Except that he probably does, according to Perry. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Perry's not part of the God hates fags crowd. Otherwise he (and for that matter, his public, and the GOP) would probably not be waiting to get into power to start lynching gays. Wake up--this isn't Jim Crow for gay people.

                          and the overwhelming consensus within the evangelical community that homosexuality is a “sin” (as opposed to killing tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians

                          Welcome to the USA: the land where your enemies are not bugbears but people who basically accept the idea of democratic governance. Please discard your projected hatreds and prejudices at the door. If and when you find the evangelical community endorsing the "killing of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians" for the sake of murder you will have some merit to your argument, but that's not going to happen. Hence the word "killing"--which obscures the fact that many (not all, and certainly not as some ancillary aspect of their religious instruction) 'social conservatives' favoured a war against a tyrant.

                          Faith, not facts? This article has a lot more of the former (often of the prejudiced kind) and a lot less of the latter.
                          "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier


                          • #14
                            This is a local GOP chairman in NJ but it's still pretty horrible. Apparently this guy spent his spare time putting hidden cameras into the boys shower room at the Catholic school where he worked. This is what we've come to expect from "The Party of Family Values".
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                              This is a local GOP chairman in NJ but it's still pretty horrible. Apparently this guy spent his spare time putting hidden cameras into the boys shower room at the Catholic school where he worked. This is what we've come to expect from "The Party of Family Values".
                              That's just petty. Criminality is not a political attribute. Not every Catholic is a pedophile and nor is every Republican, and there is nothing in the politics of the Republican party that encourages such criminal behaviour any more than among the Democrats.
                              "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier

