How effective would the threat of fisticuffs be in getting you to do something? For instance, we are arguing about whether complimentary means "free" or "a flattering statement" and I (let's pretend I am the same size, sex and enjoy the same degree of health as you) run out of points to make so I resort to "oh yeah, well speaking of compliments you better shut up or you're getting a knuckle sandwich with my compliments!" and menace you (getting all up in your grill etc.)
Are you willing to physically fight someone to win the argument? How do you feel about taking on someone who's much bigger than you (as in that fight scene between Paul Newman and George Kennedy in Cool Hand Luke) or someone apparently weaker than you?
I am chicken about physically fighting, and you can probably get me to back down on any argument with a legitimate threat of pain or tooth loss.
Are you willing to physically fight someone to win the argument? How do you feel about taking on someone who's much bigger than you (as in that fight scene between Paul Newman and George Kennedy in Cool Hand Luke) or someone apparently weaker than you?
I am chicken about physically fighting, and you can probably get me to back down on any argument with a legitimate threat of pain or tooth loss.