Seriously, WTF? Rather then hitting the breaks when she went over the curb the 85 year old idiot just kept flooring it as she drove into the shop, drove through the shop, and then when she hit the back wall just just kept flooring the accelerator so that her tires burn marks into the shop floor. This isn't the first time this has happened either and it's almost routine. On my dad's street some elderly woman was driving 25 mph (the speed limit) and when she stupidly rammed into a parked car she just kept flooring it instead of hitting the breaks. Long story short, she ended up ramming EIGHT different parked cars and then tried to keep driving down the street as if nothing happened so one of my dad's neighbors hoped in his car to flag the stupid ***** down. She claimed she hadn't noticed that she'd rammed into eight different cars and pushed them several feet up on the side walk.
My solution? Starting at age 60 these old people should be forced to retake the driver's test every year and the slightest mistake or **** up (like not understanding the difference between the break or accelerator) means a permanent life time lose of their driving privileges. These old geezers are so befuddled they're a public hazard and need to get put on a bus.
My solution? Starting at age 60 these old people should be forced to retake the driver's test every year and the slightest mistake or **** up (like not understanding the difference between the break or accelerator) means a permanent life time lose of their driving privileges. These old geezers are so befuddled they're a public hazard and need to get put on a bus.