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UK man jailed for trolling the internets

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  • UK man jailed for trolling the internets

    A Reading man is sentenced for sending offensive messages by "trolling" bereaved families and friends.

    Sean Duffy case highlights murky world of trolling

    Sean Duffy, from Reading, Berkshire, posted hurtful remarks on pages set up in remembrance of girls who had died.

    His victims were the bereaved relatives of people he did not know, and included the family of Worcester teenager Natasha MacBryde who killed herself after being bullied.

    Duffy pleaded guilty to two counts of sending a communication of an indecent or offensive nature.

    The charges related to Facebook and YouTube posts about Miss MacBryde, 15, who Duffy had never met.

    But exactly what constitutes trolling, who does it, and who does it affect?

    Trolling is described by Oxford Dictionaries Online as an "informal term".

    It means to send or submit a provocative email or posting with the intention of inciting an angry response.

    Fevzi Turkalp, a technology expert from says trolling is often used in chatrooms and online forums, especially in the technology world.

    "Someone will go onto an Apple website and say something derogatory about Apple, knowing full well people on there will be fans of Apple, in order to provoke a response," he said.

    However, there is a darker side to trolling, in which people take advantage of anonymity to make hurtful and offensive remarks.

    "People feel protected by anonymity and the true nature of people comes to the fore," said Mr Turkalp.

    It is at this point that trolling can also descend into cyberbullying.

    Cyberbullying is defined by Mr Turkalp as "a repetitious and malicious activity by one person or a group of people against another individual".

    Sean Duffy had never met the teenagers he posted messages about
    In the case of Miss MacBryde, her bereaved family and friends were targeted by Duffy's trolling.

    Duffy posted messages on a remembrance page set up by Miss MacBryde's friends.

    In one of the posts he called the teenager a slut.

    He also posted a video on YouTube, entitled Tasha the Tank Engine, showing the children's character Thomas the Tank Engine with Miss MacBryde's face.

    Miss MacBryde had thrown herself under a train after being cyber-bullied in a separate incident.

    In another cyberbullying case, Carney Bonner, 17, told BBC Berkshire in March how he almost "slit his wrists" due to being bullied on Facebook as a 14-year-old.

    And, although it is commonly believed that teenagers are the main victims of cyberbullying, teaching unions also report a rise in incidences against staff.

    Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers' union, said pupils had started to use "sophisticated tools" against teachers.

    "Misuse of internet sites can destroy teachers' confidence and professional reputation and provide yet another vehicle for false allegations against staff.

    "New cases of abuse, harassment and humiliation are emerging all the time."

  • #2
    If the authorities show up here, they'll have a field day.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #3


      • #4
        and here is a pro

        After his arrest, Mijangos later admitted that he made up to $3,000 a day performing "complicated financial hacks" with others. He hung around in online hacker forums like "CC Power," learned how to use malware tools like Poison Ivy and SpyNet to gain entry to other machines, and use "crypter" software to hide his work from anti-virus and security programs.

        Some of the hacks simply targeted individuals, slipping the initial malware onto their machines through P2P networks. Once he had control, Mijangos's malware contacted, a service that obscured his own domain name while giving his malware a persistent location for phoning home. When contact was made, Mijangos could download additional code like keyloggers to the infected machines, and it was a simple matter to grab and misuse people's credit cards after that.

        But the truly odd "sextortion" behavior was Mijangos's calling card. Indeed, as the government later put it, he "dedicated considerable time to toying with victims." If he obtained access to a woman's computer, he searched for incriminating photos and video—or accessed the webcam and tried to take some of his own. If he obtained access to a man's computer, he instead impersonated the male and reached out to the man's girlfriend to ask for nude photos. With photos in hand, Mijangos would approach the women and threaten to post the picture publicly unless they sent additional nude videos of themselves. Some women did so.

        He then spent considerable time monitoring people's communications. In the case of his most spectacular hacks, Mijangos could watch the instant messaging and e-mail communications of both a boyfriend and girlfriend, and could even listen in to conversations made over the phone or in person with police by using the computer's built-in microphone. The omniscient effect this created tended to terrify victims; one said later that she felt like her life had been taken from her.
        Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
        GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


        • #5


          • #6
            That Steve Hughes bloke that doc posted is quite funny.

            I like this one


            • #7
              And all this time I believed BK was Canadian

              Originally posted by SlowwHand View Post
              If the authorities show up here, they'll have a field day.
              Lots of overtime
              Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


