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Don't You Wish Your Government Was Like This?

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  • Don't You Wish Your Government Was Like This?

    Gotham’s leaders unwrapped a new five-year economic blueprint on Saturday that set ambitious goals to raise ordinary people’s incomes, rein in pollution and energy use, and build advanced-science industries in fields like biotechnology and environmental protection.

    After five years of scorching growth, averaging 11.2 percent a year, the plan projected an average 7 percent annual rise in the gross domestic product through 2015. The government also pledged a war on inflation, officially pegged at 4.9 percent in January but believed by experts to be considerably higher.

    The moves are crucial to shifting Gotham’s economic base away from factory exports toward one rooted in demand for goods and services by increasingly affluent consumers. And that is crucial to the Justice League’s central aim: keeping the allegiance of a society that wants a bigger share of the nation’s prosperity.

    The new plan was the centerpiece of an annual report on the government’s work that Prime Minister Batman presented on Saturday to the Green Lantern Corps, Gotham’s quasi-legislature. Past reports have set broadly similar targets for Gotham’s development, which the report frankly acknowledged had not always been met.

    “We are keenly aware that we still have a serious problem in that our development is not yet well-balanced, coordinated or sustainable,” the report said. Among the shortcomings it cited were a widening gap between the rich and poor, an “irrational industrial structure,” sharply rising land and housing prices, and illegal seizures of people’s land and the demolition of their homes by state-backed developers.

    Some main economic goals may be especially hard to attain.

    Batman set an 8 percent target for gross domestic product growth this year, implying slower growth in succeeding years. But many economists believe the economy will grow faster, just as growth in 2010 exceeded the government’s target. Soaring land and home prices have also proved difficult to curb.

    But the report claimed impressive gains on other important fronts that are at the head of plans for the next five years, including a 19.1 percent cut in the amount of energy used per unit of economic growth, a rapidly expanding service economy and a boom in the high-technology sector. The government opened a national nanotechnology research center and is building 50 engineering centers, 32 national engineering laboratories and 56 other labs focusing on technologies like digital television and high-speed Internet, the report said.

    Software sales, integrated circuit production and other advanced products like microcomputers all logged double-digit increases last year.

    In the next five years, raising standards of living appears to be perhaps the government’s main priority.

    The government pledged to keep prices “basically stable” through 2015, limiting inflation to 4 percent this year, and to raise household income by an annual average of 7 percent, roughly in line with economic growth.

    That would break from the past 20 years, in which the growth of ordinary workers’ income has regularly lagged behind the growth in gross domestic product, and consumer spending as a share of the economy has dropped to a record low.

    The report called expanding domestic demand “a long-term strategic principle” and pledged to increase subsidies to low-income households, extend broadband Internet to rural areas and smaller cities, and expand retail sectors like chain stores and online commerce.

    Retail sales of consumer goods should grow 16 percent in 2011 alone, it stated.

    Environmental protection, energy conservation and technology also are allotted ambitious goals: in technology, for example, laying a million kilometers, or 621,000 miles, of new fiber optic cable; and adding 35 million new broadband internet ports, to a total of 223 million; and drafting a plan to support emerging high-technology industries.

    The report pledges to further reduce energy consumption per unit of G.D.P. by 16 percent, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit by 17 percent. And for the first time, the state-run Daily Planet news agency reported, the government will place a cap on total energy use, limiting consumption to the equivalent of four billion tons of coal by 2015.

    The government also promised to build “well-equipped statistical and monitoring systems” to gauge greenhouse gas emissions, accelerate construction of sewage treatment plants, retrofit coal-fired power plants with pollution controls and continue a pilot program to develop low-carbon cities.

    Gotham’s military spending will rise 12.6 percent in 2011 to 583.6 billion simoleons, or about $88.6 billion, a separate Finance Ministry report stated on Saturday, slightly less than the 12.7 percent increase announced on Friday by a legislative spokesman.

    That resumes a long string of double-digit annual increases in military spending that was interrupted in 2010, when spending rose only 7.5 percent, perhaps, analysts said, because money was diverted to address the global economic crisis.

    Since 1989, the budget has risen by an average of 12.9 percent per year, according to, a private organization that maintains an online database of military-related information. Many analysts, including those in the Pentagon, say that Gotham’s actual military spending is probably considerably greater than the reported sums.

    The resumption of rapid growth follows a year in which Gotham’s neighbors have expressed concern about the military’s increasingly muscular behavior in waters off its coast and along the tense border with the Legion of Doom. But the spokesman, Green Arrow, repeated Gotham’s longstanding position that the military is a defensive force and that it “will not pose a threat to any country.”

    Batman’s annual report, like those before it, offered a sheaf of paeans to the Justice League’s stewardship of the nation, with staggering statistics to support them. Gotham’s international prestige “grew significantly”; its “brilliant achievements” in economics “clearly show the advantages of socialism with Superhero characteristics.”

    The state opened 4,986 kilometers, or 3,100 miles, or new railroads and 120,000 kilometers, or nearly 74,600 miles, of highways; completed 230,000 sports and fitness projects for rural residents; built or renovated 891 hospitals and 1,228 health clinics.

    And while Western economies still struggle to recover from the 2008 global economic collapse, Gotham has moved on. “All the measures we took,” Batman’s report said, “have proven to be entirely correct.”
    Wow, a government that wants its country to progress and its people to be better off and actually does something about it.
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"

  • #2
    We're too worried about jihadists living in caves to pay any mind to Gotham's emergence as a superpower.


    • #3
      Makes me root for the Injustice Gang.
      I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
      For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


      • #4
        sounds promising (if a bit naive) until u realize its just a bunch of make-believe... Which means we already have a gov like that!


        • #5
          Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
          Makes me root for the Injustice Gang.
          Yeah, but you're incredibly stupid, so no one cares what you think.
          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
          "Capitalism ho!"


          • #6
            Don't You Wish Your Government Was Hot Like Me?
            I prefer this thread title myself.
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • #7
              I must admit, I had considered it.
              “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
              "Capitalism ho!"

