After watching me play Civ4 for hours, building up cities and taking over the enemy's, she got interested and asked me to show her how it worked. Of course, I knew I'd be creating a monster--the game's addictive. What I did not anticipate is that she would become addicted without taking the game at all seriously.
A normal, average, and therefore "correct" Civ player will spend every single turn looking to maximize advantage, planning up to several dozen turns ahead. I am not what you would call a good player, but I at least weigh my options carefully. I maximize output from every square and choose what to build next based on how it fits into my plans for domination.
My wife has taken a deeply disturbing and more whimsical approach. She plays around at random, just clicking whatever sounds good and worrying about what it does later. She maintains that it's more fun to just explore the game world without worrying about winning. Also, she likes seeing/hearing me cringe when she does something like send a caravel with a scout to explore the polar regions when half the globe is still blacked out.
It's a subtle form of psychological torture with her. "Ooh, I think I'll build a theater next." "Honey, you don't have any dye and your culture slider is at zero. The theater won't do anything." "Oh well, they can build the theater anyway."
"'re doing it WRONG!"
Then she accidentally knees the PC's power switch, losing at least twenty turns of "progress," and she doesn't get upset! Might my wife be a witch?
A normal, average, and therefore "correct" Civ player will spend every single turn looking to maximize advantage, planning up to several dozen turns ahead. I am not what you would call a good player, but I at least weigh my options carefully. I maximize output from every square and choose what to build next based on how it fits into my plans for domination.
My wife has taken a deeply disturbing and more whimsical approach. She plays around at random, just clicking whatever sounds good and worrying about what it does later. She maintains that it's more fun to just explore the game world without worrying about winning. Also, she likes seeing/hearing me cringe when she does something like send a caravel with a scout to explore the polar regions when half the globe is still blacked out.
It's a subtle form of psychological torture with her. "Ooh, I think I'll build a theater next." "Honey, you don't have any dye and your culture slider is at zero. The theater won't do anything." "Oh well, they can build the theater anyway."

Then she accidentally knees the PC's power switch, losing at least twenty turns of "progress," and she doesn't get upset! Might my wife be a witch?