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Gunman Assassinates U.S. Congresswoman

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  • Originally posted by Guynemer View Post
    I think it is time for a second Rally to Restore Sanity, since the first one didn't take.
    ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
    ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


    • Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
      If it makes you feel better Asher, I'd have felt the same way if he'd have randomly broken into a recital of the Lord's Prayer during a briefing about the case as I did when the Sheriff started telling us his political beliefs which had nothing to do with the case.
      So it's just this sheriff in particular you have a problem with.

      What political beliefs was he espousing that so angered you? He starting talking about healthcare reform?
      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
      "Capitalism ho!"


      • Originally posted by Asher View Post
        Just as crayyyzee as expecting them to go without expressing religious leanings, but they do it all the ****ing time.

        You guys just don't like it when what he speaks is truth and it hurts your cause.
        DD comments are limited to conservative blogs. If its not on there, he just blusters every time.
        “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
        "Capitalism ho!"


        • This is why DD is so outraged by this. The talking heads have told him to be.

          In Tucson’s first rush hour since the shooting, talk radio hosts denied that their heated rhetoric had played a role.

          Talk Radio Hosts Reject Blame in Shooting
          TUCSON — During Tucson’s first rush hour since a weekend shooting left six people dead and 14 wounded, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords, talk radio hosts pushed back against arguments that their heated political rhetoric had played a role in the tragedy.

          Phone calls poured in to stations across the dial to denounce Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, who said at a news conference over the weekend that Arizona had become “the mecca for prejudice and bigotry” and that local TV and radio hosts should do some “soul-searching.”

          The radio hosts struck a defensive, even embattled tone at times on Monday. They said Saturday’s shooting had nothing to do with either their broadcasts or the state’s tense political environment; they read e-mails over the air that were critical of their political stances, and some spoke about death threats they had received.

          All agreed that Sheriff Dupnik had embarrassed Arizona and unfairly denigrated talk radio by linking it with the shooting.

          “There isn’t any correlation,” said Jon Justice, who hosts a highly rated program on KQTH, 104.1 FM, in Tucson. “It’s like blaming Jodie Foster for the individual who shot Ronald Reagan.”

          Garret Lewis, host of The Morning Ritual on KNST, 790 AM, in Tucson, said Sherriff Dupnik’s comments had “incited stupidity around the world.”

          “People have the image now that we’re a bunch of racist bigots and there are shootouts in the streets,” Mr. Lewis said. “Again, he has absolutely no proof that any of this is true.”

          Steve, a caller on Mr. Justice’s show, said Mr. Dupnik’s statements “showed him for the buffoon he is.”

          Later, a caller named Lee said the sheriff was “a blithering idiot.” Caller after caller came up with their own colorful descriptions.

          In the incredulous language of talk radio, Mr. Justice defended his show and dismissed the notion that Arizona’s political culture had served as the backdrop to the shooting or an inspiration for the suspect, Jared L. Loughner.

          “This is a crazy person!” he said. “Politics is out the window — you’re a nutbag! No amount of controlling talk radio is going to change that!”

          “People need to go and point fingers,” he said. “It’s unfortunate, but some people do. They have to find somebody to demonize.”

          Barry Young, the host of a morning show on KFYI, 550 AM, in Phoenix, said: “They are telling us that we have to make sure our words and phrases don’t incite crazy people. I have one problem with that: They’re crazy.”

          Some callers, however, made it clear that they believed the state’s conservative-leaning radio hosts bore some responsibility.

          “You ought to be ashamed,” Dale said on Mr. Justice’s program. “You are part of the problem.”

          Mr. Justice, his voice cracking, responded, “There’s nothing I have said on this radio station that could have inspired” Mr. Loughner.

          A caller who identified himself as Rick told the host Mike Gallagher of KKNT, 960 AM, in Phoenix that “individuals like yourself instill fear” in people.

          “Was Jared Loughner a Mike Gallagher listener?” the host asked. “You’re dishonest, Rick.”

          On Wake Up Tucson on KVOI, 1030 AM, the hosts said their political conversations were more reasoned than inflammatory.

          “When we take an issue on, we really, really understand where we’re going,” said Joe Higgins.

          “Ninety-nine percent of the stuff that we’ve ever talked about, we’re dead on,” said his partner, Chris DeSimone. “We’re constantly doing our homework.”

          On the Morning Ritual, it was barely light outside when Mr. Lewis began knocking down arguments that gun control laws should be tightened in response to the shooting. “We can’t always depend on the police, the sheriff’s department or anyone else to protect us,” he said. “At some point, we have to do it ourselves.”

          Among the sponsors on several programs Monday were gun shops and gun shows, including the Crossroads of the West Gun Show, which is scheduled for the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson this weekend.

          Most callers to the shows Monday morning agreed with the hosts and defended their right to speak.

          “I don’t know what you did wrong,” said a caller to Mr. Justice’s show named John. “Keep the freedom of speech going.”

          But while most radio hosts sought to stay clear of political partisanship, Rush Limbaugh said Monday afternoon on his show that seeking to connect the shooting with radio talk shows — which are dominated by conservatives — was part of a Democratic strategy.

          “It is our right and our duty to criticize the people who have put the fate of our country in peril,” Mr. Limbaugh said.

          Sam Dolnick reported from Tucson, and Timothy Williams from New York.
          “It’s like blaming Jodie Foster for the individual who shot Ronald Reagan.”
          Complete non sequitur. Jodie Foster never advocated for violence against political figures, Carter or Reagan.

          “People have the image now that we’re a bunch of racist bigots..."
          People had this image long before this incident.

          “They are telling us that we have to make sure our words and phrases don’t incite crazy people."
          As I said earlier, crazy people are more likely to be affected by such words.

          I don't think we can blame any specific individual other than the shooter and his accomplices for this tragedy. However, certain radio hosts and other public figures whose words incite violence shouldn't dismiss so readily the dangerous effect they may be having on impressionable minds. The fringe may be asking for their heads, but what most people want to see is some kind of self-reflection from them concerning their behavior. The media is influential in this country and must be responsible for the message it relays.
          Last edited by DaShi; January 10, 2011, 16:30.
          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
          "Capitalism ho!"


          • "It’s like blaming Jodie Foster for the individual who shot Ronald Reagan.”

            Sounds familiar

            “People need to go and point fingers,” he said. “It’s unfortunate, but some people do. They have to find somebody to demonize.”

            Like Mexican immigrants in Arizona.

            On Wake Up Tucson on KVOI, 1030 AM, the hosts said their political conversations were more reasoned than inflammatory.

            “When we take an issue on, we really, really understand where we’re going,” said Joe Higgins.

            “Ninety-nine percent of the stuff that we’ve ever talked about, we’re dead on,” said his partner, Chris DeSimone. “We’re constantly doing our homework.”

            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


            • Originally posted by DaShi View Post
              However, certain radio hosts and other public figures whose words incite violence shouldn't dismiss so readily the dangerous effect they may be having on impressionable minds.
              Can you give me some specific examples of radio hosts and public figures who have incited violence?
              ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
              ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


              • Sarah Palin
                Glenn Beck
                Rush Limbaugh

                Those are just the big names.
                “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                "Capitalism ho!"


                • Originally posted by DaShi View Post
                  Sarah Palin
                  Glenn Beck
                  Rush Limbaugh

                  Those are just the big names.
                  Specific examples please. When did those people incite violence?
                  ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                  ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                  • Learn to read, the examples are littered throughout the thread. Or are you claiming that they never have?
                    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                    "Capitalism ho!"


                    • Originally posted by DaShi View Post
                      Learn to read, the examples are littered throughout the thread. Or are you claiming that they never have?
                      I've read the whole thread - there are no examples of incitement to violence from those people. Your definition of inciting violence must be very broad as to be meaningless.
                      ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                      ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                      • he smoked pot, nuff said


                        • So now you are putting words in my mouth. Do you have a point to make or not?
                          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                          "Capitalism ho!"


                          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                            he smoked pot, nuff said
                            Cali sure smoked something to make him the way he is.
                            “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                            "Capitalism ho!"


                            • Come on, Cali. You want me to find some examples for you, then I want something in return. I'm not asking for much, just your pride. Take a stand on the issue, and I'll address it.
                              “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                              "Capitalism ho!"


                              • Originally posted by DaShi View Post
                                So now you are putting words in my mouth. Do you have a point to make or not?
                                My point is that you don't have any examples to back up what you said about radio hosts and public figures inciting violence.
                                ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                                ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty

