Strawman! No one denies that black people have more melanin! Just because someone is skeptical towards claims that black people are stupid does not mean they think we are all clones!
But I never implied everyone who disagreed on specific issues is blank slater, I do however occasionally mislabel those who think any study of biological differences is a priori wrong, blank salters because they implicitly promote this view.
But to return your favor let me point out, something I've already mentioned and that you have conveniently ignored:
Not all HBDers think that for example Asians have higher average IQs than Indians or Whites. If what I said is a straw man then you have been setting up your own too:
Yes it is... people try to justify their racist, sexist opinions by making the accusation that anyone who disagrees must think everyone is a blank slate!
Originally posted by gribbler
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