Since I'm going to be finishing my IT Security degree in about 4 weeks, I want to begin putting together a reading list and reorganizing my goals. I want to prepare ahead of time for the void that is going to be left when I no longer have this big goal to work towards every day, and the subsequent reality that it could take months to find a job. Obviously a large part of my day will be spent trying to find a job, but I need other things to keep me going and take up all of my time. So, I figure this is a good place to ask for book recommendations given the diverse array of interests on here.
Japanese: An obvious one. I plan to finish what I started and become fluent in reading and writing. I have something like 2GB of books sitting on my hard drive right now but if anyone has anything feel free to recommend it.
English: I never actually learned the technical aspects of English, and in fact, my understanding of Japanese grammar is probably equal to my understanding of English. I figure it's probably a good idea to really perfect it, and what I learn here will probably give me a greater understanding of Japanese as well.
C# and Python: Learning these are my short term tech goals. I'm looking for some decent books on these. I prefer programming books that are light on overly verbose explanations and heavy on coding. Basically the exact opposite of my current Java book.
Wine: Looking for some decent books on wine for a beginner. I'm interested in wine because I like it, it has nutritional value, and it will add character I think and perhaps a sense of class. I'm sure there's some wine connoisseurs on here.
Finance and Investment: I have to admit, this doesn't really interest me, but from a practical perspective I need to learn it. Specifically I'm interested in personal investment.
East Asian Philosophy and History: Purely for enjoyment. I've gotten tired of reading nothing but technical books. I'm also interested in some entertaining history books that aren't East Asian in nature. Actually, history is always entertaining no matter what it is so just fire away.
I'm also interested in other skills, hobbies, or interests that you think would be worthy of pursuit. This should keep me busy until I find a job and begin my M.S. in Information Assurance. Hopefully I'll find one fast.
Japanese: An obvious one. I plan to finish what I started and become fluent in reading and writing. I have something like 2GB of books sitting on my hard drive right now but if anyone has anything feel free to recommend it.
English: I never actually learned the technical aspects of English, and in fact, my understanding of Japanese grammar is probably equal to my understanding of English. I figure it's probably a good idea to really perfect it, and what I learn here will probably give me a greater understanding of Japanese as well.
C# and Python: Learning these are my short term tech goals. I'm looking for some decent books on these. I prefer programming books that are light on overly verbose explanations and heavy on coding. Basically the exact opposite of my current Java book.
Wine: Looking for some decent books on wine for a beginner. I'm interested in wine because I like it, it has nutritional value, and it will add character I think and perhaps a sense of class. I'm sure there's some wine connoisseurs on here.
Finance and Investment: I have to admit, this doesn't really interest me, but from a practical perspective I need to learn it. Specifically I'm interested in personal investment.
East Asian Philosophy and History: Purely for enjoyment. I've gotten tired of reading nothing but technical books. I'm also interested in some entertaining history books that aren't East Asian in nature. Actually, history is always entertaining no matter what it is so just fire away.
I'm also interested in other skills, hobbies, or interests that you think would be worthy of pursuit. This should keep me busy until I find a job and begin my M.S. in Information Assurance. Hopefully I'll find one fast.