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Seen any good movies lately?

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  • Seen any good movies lately?

    I wasted $13 on a movie ticket last night. The movie was rubbish. I can't remember what it was called.

    Big alien spaceships invaded Los Angeles (aliens prefer to invade Los Angeles or Central Park in New York). Big mechanical aliens emerged from the big alien spaceships and launched a big attack on a tiny number of survivors. That was after the aliens used big alien beams to levitate virtually the entire population into their big spaceships.

    The US military dropped a big nuclear weapon on Los Angeles on the second day. This had no apparent effect on either the aliens or Los Angeles. The USAF launched a really big attack and shot up a spaceship which promptly reassembled itself. US soldiers came and shot at the aliens with all sorts of weapons with no apparent effect. The soldiers didn't live long.

    The hero of this stupid movie killed an alien by punching it in the face. This seems perfectly normal in the movies. If you can't kill it with nukes, missiles and bazookas you must must rush up and punch it in the face to kill it.

    The aliens were taking peoples brains out to put them into machines which were sent out to get more brains to put into more machines.

    It seems humanity was wiped out. Unfortunately the hero was still alive at the end of the movie. He was quite the sort of hero who really should get snuffed at the very moment the movie starts.

    I am unaware of any plot, story line or character development in this movie. This may sound just like a Sly or Arnie or Bruce movie. It wasn't.

  • #2
    Is that called Skyline? If so, thanks for the warning, I was considering seeing that. I'm not usually a huge fan of action movies, but I kinda dig aliens, so I was considering giving it a shot...

    Uhhh, last movie I saw in theaters was Inception, which I thought was absolutely *brilliant.* Love love loved it. I imagine most of you have seen it, but if you haven't, I strongly recommend it.
    "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


    • #3
      Yes. It was Skyline.

      BTW If you like alien critters "District 9" was absolutely first rate. Not an "action movie".


      • #4
        Yeah, I did see that. I agree, well worth it
        "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


        • #5
          I saw Let Me In the other day - that was ****ed up!

          Though I'm guessing the Swedish original, which I'm pissed I somehow missed, is even more creepy.

          Oh, I saw The Road on DVD, which was interesting in a bleak and depressing kind of way.

          Looking forward to the 2nd ep of The Walking Dead tonight.

          The movies have been a bit **** lately, so I'm looking forward to: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo #3; Tron; Monsters; The Tourist; London Boulevard and Skyline...

          I'll probably still see Skyline just for the special effects if it's that bad. It'll only cost me £2 in any case...
          Last edited by MOBIUS; November 12, 2010, 06:51.
          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • #6
            Oh and I forgot to mention Machete - finally Danny Trejo has a leading role!
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #7


              • #8
                i really enjoyed inception and scott pilgrim
                Safer worlds through superior firepower


                • #9
                  I didn't care for The Road, though I don't fault the director's attempt. I think it's just a hard book to translate to the screen.

                  I saw Red a while ago, and found it enjoyable in a silly way. If it's still in your local theater, try it. But bear in mind that my taste in movies is pretty unusual--I disliked Wall-E and Avatar because I can't stand having Hollywood types preach at me, for example. Whereas GI Joe was so phenomenally crappy I laughed my whole way through it and consider it money well spent. I probably won't bother seeing Skyline in theaters, but it may go on my Netflix queue. Right next to Machete, which is already on there.
                  1011 1100
                  Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snotty View Post
                    i really enjoyed inception and scott pilgrim
                    Inception was a bit 'meh' for me tbh. I mean I loved the special effects but I just found it dragging in the final third.

                    Scott Pilgrim OTOH was awesome!
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Elok View Post
                      I didn't care for The Road, though I don't fault the director's attempt. I think it's just a hard book to translate to the screen.
                      I didn't read the book (too lazy to read books!), overall I enjoyed the film and the message it seemed to portray, however bleak it was. There were a few decisions that the central characters took that made me wonder quite how they'd survived so long though...

                      I saw Red a while ago, and found it enjoyable in a silly way. If it's still in your local theater, try it.
                      RED was brilliant - right up my street in a 'we're having fun making this movie' kind of way!

                      But bear in mind that my taste in movies is pretty unusual--I disliked Wall-E and Avatar because I can't stand having Hollywood types preach at me, for example. Whereas GI Joe was so phenomenally crappy I laughed my whole way through it and consider it money well spent. I probably won't bother seeing Skyline in theaters, but it may go on my Netflix queue. Right next to Machete, which is already on there.
                      Wall-E didn't appeal enough to see; Avatar I enjoyed for the effects, but pretty meh about the story etc - especially the preachy futuristic version of the US expansion into Indian territory. Still, it was an awesome cinematic spectacle with the 3D thing - already bored with 3D BTW...

                      GI Joe: agree, though I didn't pay to see that one! Skyline and Machete I will, cos it costs next to nothing to see them anyway...
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #12
                        I saw Jackass 3.

                        I rented The Warriors: on Blu-Ray tonight.

                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!

