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Wah, I am becoming filosofer

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  • Wah, I am becoming filosofer

    When people talk of utility functions, rarely has anyone put any effort into actually computing it.

    So what good is freedom and options? So I've finished with school and is now suppose to be this thing called "grown ups" and is suppose to make this thing called decisions. How is this a reasonable proposition when the expectation values of all choices are unknown outside wild blind guessing.

    Even trivial things, like lifestyle choices effects on health have information stored in completely useless ways. What value is the of studies if you can't tell me a chocolate bar will lower my life expectancy 10minutes +-4minutes per 250mg consumed or something. Some unspecified description claiming correlation is obviously completely worthless without the magnitude, and error bound. All this thing about career choices, money, investment into any local, social group or body of related ideas all have varying levels of very poor utility information outside of exceeding crude self report measures most of the time that is systematically effected by society wide biases that stands uncorrected, and lacks longitude studies with conditional starting information even given such crude measures.

    The existing framework for utility computation consists of mere child's play, and there is no serious attempt at a framework capable of comparing the utility of increasing lifetime earning by 10% or mastery of all civilization games ever released. If something so common and trivial can not be dealt with properly, how is the explosion of activity permutation supposed to be sorted? I can't even figure out the expected utility of this op post (there is always some low probability that I've become a proper forum masochist without me being aware) and the underlying activity backing it.

    It appears to me that most people just jump into a local optima out of a very tiny selection space while ignoring everything outside their immediate self concept neighbourhood when self concept, and belief systems are all subject to change, and by extension, (self) manipulation.

    The only thing I'm certain is that in 30 years time, I'm going to look at my peers and regret everything I've ever done, but I may have overestimated the variance on the expected functional time of my mind, the potential for developing a self delusion of accomplishment, improvement in psychoactive drugs, or becoming a filosofer that somehow reject traditional measures of utility (though I'm not sure if this condition realized is anything but the subset of the first).

    So how does one do this rationality thing? (posting here basically suggests very incomplete information collection of online (or otherwise) communities for the purpose.....but the lifetime utility gain from undertaking such an activity is currently still uncomputable given the poster is stupid)

    What are those people being all, "self confident" and stuff when they haven't even undertook one proper examination of all possible life paths at a point in life. (if not all the time)

  • #2
    What school did you go to? When I graduated, they gave us a handbook on how to live our lives and the consequences of every decision we could possibly make. I have to say, it has made life much easier, if a bit predictable.
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"

