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East German army unit finds skills still in demand after reunification.

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  • East German army unit finds skills still in demand after reunification.

    East German army unit finds skills still in demand after reunification

    Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Fake or real? The decoys made at Storkow require a second lookEast Germany's National People's Army was completely disbanded after German reunification, except for a small unit of experts who have survived because of their skills at camouflage and deception.

    Thick black smoke belched out of the massive exhaust pipes of a Czech-built Tatra diesel engine as the low-slung, eight-wheel military truck set in motion. On top of the vehicle was an olive-green missile fixed to a launch pad, seemingly ready to launch its explosive payload any moment.

    But as the truck was slowly rolling out of its hangar, its huge wheels – the size of a man – didn't turn. The vehicle's body, too, didn't quite match the undercarriage onto which it was mounted.

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: This decoy of a SCUD launcher piqued NATO's interest
    "The vehicle is a so-called decoy of a SCUD-B mobile missile launcher," explained Captain Harald Kaiser, the chief technician at the German Armed Forces base in Storkow near Berlin.

    It is a replica of a former Soviet-built tactical ballistic missile. The weapon system was common in the armies of the former Communist military alliance, the Warsaw Pact, he said, and frequently sold to countries in the Arab world, too.

    He said SCUD-B decoys “had won notoriety” during the first Gulf War in the early 1990s.

    "Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein used such decoys to mislead the aircraft of the United States-led coalition forces, which massively bombarded them. Later he would fire real Scuds, that were hidden somewhere else, at Israel and Saudi Arabia."

    Gulf War turning point

    The Gulf War coalition's mishap, however, has given the Storkow base a new lease of life. After German reunification it was supposed to be disbanded like the rest of the former Communist East German National People's Army (NVA).

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Some decoys are made of rubber, others of high-tech glass fiber
    But the unit's fate changed when a group of NATO specialists turned up at the base one day, "asking if we had produced Saddam's SCUD decoys," said Kaiser.

    "We really didn't have anything to do with the Iraqi decoys, but the NATO officials were truly impressed when we showed them a similar SCUD missile launcher we had produced for the NVA."

    More than toy weapons

    The former East German army base is now called "Bundeswehr Unit for Camouflage and Deception." Compared with Communist times, its staff, though, has been substantially reduced to just three military personnel and nine non-military technicians.

    The unit's arsenals, however, boast military hardware that – if it was all real - would be the envy of generals.

    Apart from the SCUD missile launcher, it holds life-sized replicas of a Russian-made surface-to-air missile battery, numerous tank turret decoys of Russian T-72 tanks and a range of armored vehicles used by the Warsaw Pact.

    In terms of NATO and Bundeswehr equipment there are mock-ups of a US-built "Patriot" anti-missile system, of German-built "Marder" and "Wiesel" armored vehicles, as well as a "Roland" missile interceptor.

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The NVA often used conventional cars to build mock-ups
    "The decoys are large made of glass fiber-reinforced plastic," said Lieutenant Steffen Koehler, the commander of the Storkow unit.

    In addition, strains of copper are woven into some parts of the decoys like cannons and wheels, which heated with electricity "imitates the precise heat signatures of the real weapons systems," said Koehler.

    For some weapon systems the technicians at Storkow even deliver the right sound signatures to make the deception of potential enemies complete.

    Severed line of tradition

    After German reunification, the Storkow experts chose the chameleon for their military coat of arms – a decision intended to dissociate itself from the unit's past in the former communist army, and to establish a new line of military tradition.

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Mock-ups of mines and explosives now train soldiers for Afghanistan
    The NVA used decoys mainly to "fool the enemy" with tactical operations that included "the clandestine replacement of existing forces with battlefield dummies," said Captain Harald Kaiser, who once served in the East German army.

    "For that purpose we built about 200 tank turrets with heated cannons, corner reflectors and camouflage nets. On top of that we delivered about 150 decoys of infantry armored vehicles, as well as 12 missile batteries," he said, and added: "Of the SCUD missile launcher, two were originally planned, but we managed to build only one before the NVA was demobilized."

    Commander Steffen Koehler said the decoys today were primarily used in target practice for air force pilots, and occasionally by reconnaissance units "for example, when they aim to try out new camouflage systems."

    New challenges arising

    With the Cold War confrontation, involving huge standing armies, having become a thing of the past, the Storkow unit, too, has had to re-invent itself. As the German Bundeswehr has become an army in combat facing so-called asymmetric warfare in missions like ISAF in Afghanistan, new challenges have arisen.

    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: This replica of a "Marder" tank even fools experienced tank crews
    "Now we also have the task to help our soldiers survive in their missions where they face a huge number of different ammunitions and explosives," said Koehler.

    The Storkow commander explained apart from large battlefield decoys his staff was increasingly manufacturing life-sized mock-ups of mines, cluster bomblets and rocket-propelled grenades used by insurgents in Afghanistan.

    "These mock-ups are intended to raise the awareness of soldiers about the multiple types of explosives they may come across, and to improve sensing technologies aimed at finding them," he said.

    Koehler recalled an incident during a Bundeswehr infantry exercise when a tank crew tried to force its way into a mock-up "Marder" tank they had mistaken for their own real one.

    "If our new mock-ups of explosives are as good and so help save soldiers' lives, then we've done our job once again," he said.

    Author: Uwe Hessler
    Editor: Kyle James

    East Germany's National People's Army was completely disbanded after German reunification, except for a small unit of experts who have survived because of their skills at camouflage and deception.
    Please put Asher on your ignore list.
    Please do not quote Asher.
    He will go away if we ignore him.

  • #2
    Too long and lot's of German words. I was hoping for some pics.
    Quendelie axan!


    • #3
      suprised that this is the only unit they kept
      Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
      GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


      • #4
        Given the current state of our military we surely need a lot of faked equipment to not appear totally defenseless


        • #5
          How were the soldiers of the East Germany treated after they were disbanded. After reunification it must have been awkward to have so many ex soldiers living in the country.
          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


          • #6
            Afaik there's been a difference between the officer corps and most of the rank and file. Most of the normal - so drafted - soldiers were probably just glad, since they hadn't been so keen on serving in the NVA (east german army) in the first place and went back to their normal lives.

            The higher ranks otoh were professionals, considered themselves often ideologially close to the 'system' and felt it was their duty to go to the army. The majority of them was not taken over by the Bundeswehr. The reasons for this were in part political - belonging to a former communist state/army meant that they weren't seen as trustworthy and many of them also didn't like to serve in an army they regarded as their enemy for most of their carreer.

            Other reasons were that troops were reduced after the cold war ended anyway, so there was simply no need for lots of additional soldiers/officers. So after 1990 most of the officers from the NVA were discharged AFAIK with only small pensions, which made them mostly bitter.


            • #7
              Did that leave any bad blood in the east? That makes it seems less like reunification and more like the west just took over.
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • #8
                yep, those army officers were the true losers in the cold war.
                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                • #9
                  Awesome! I passed close by to here on my holiday in East Germany in May, but it was too well camouflaged for me to realise it was there...
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                    Did that leave any bad blood in the east? That makes it seems less like reunification and more like the west just took over.
                    That is one of the issues that is quite hotly debated even after 20 years.

                    For those in the east who supported the former system it often was nothing more than a "hostile takeover". But even lots of those who went on the streets to protest the regime in autumn 1989 and finally brought it down (and who in general support the unification) often feel it has not been handled very well domestically (foreign-policy-wise all went well, of course).

                    If that feeling is always justified is another question. It depends to a good part on personal experiences. While the years of 1989/90 meant the end of the former regime (what most people wanted) the transition created also lots of problems.

                    Esp. unemployment became a big problem in the east since the old command style economy wasn't market-ready, so lots of companies didn't survive. Those which survived often did with money and expertise from the west, which also means the leading positions there became mostly 'westernized', so taken by guys from west Germany.

                    There are still lot's of conflicts and tensions between east and west over these and other issues, some maybe understandable and posing real problems, but personally I think lots of people also tend to lament a bit too much and forget what they gained from the unification. Probably many of those issues will disappear over time as things improve in the east.

