Kuci, how many wage earners were in the average American household in let's say 1965? One. Dad. How many people did the wage support? Dad, mom, and on average, 3 or more kids. Today? Mom and dad both work and they only have two kids.
The standard of living (defined as productive output per capita) can increase while real wages stagnate if more people are working per household, the size of households have become smaller, and/or there is debt-financing of purchases.
Pretty simple, huh?
Funny. I'm sorry I have no vague idea what I'm talking about. I'm the one who studied Finance and Economics while you learned how to calculate loss distributions. Don't be an ******* like KH and personally insult people you disagree with. It's not civil and it's not respectful.
The standard of living (defined as productive output per capita) can increase while real wages stagnate if more people are working per household, the size of households have become smaller, and/or there is debt-financing of purchases.
Pretty simple, huh?
Originally posted by Kuciwalker
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