When I was young my Scottish grandparents insisted my sister and I call our grandfather Papa which is an English corruption of the Indian word for father (I believe the word is bapa).
-AD&D nerds know all about avatars which comes from Sanskrit meaning incarnation.
-When I was growing up in the 80's break dancing was popular and everyone wore a Bandanna which is a scarf worn around the head or face.
-At school we often went to class in a Bungalow which is literally a Bengal style house.
- Myths were full of the calico cat or the calico mine all of which comes from calicut, meaning "a coarse cotton cloth with a bright printed pattern"
-We watch the discovery channel where we saw pictures of Cheetahs in Africa which means "variegated".
-When gambling or betting people would put a Chit down which means a letter or note.
-We, of course, ate chutney on our bread.
-In WW1 and WW2 millions of American soldiers slept on a cot which is Hindi for a portable bed.
-Sometimes people would say something was cushy which meant easy, soft, or happy.
-If someone was really good at something then they would be called a Guru.
-We read comic books about The Juggernaut which is Hindi for unstopable force.
-The tropics are filled with jungles which is a Hindi word.
-Theives would loot a house or company.
-When you went to bed you'd wear your Pyjamas which were loose fitting garments often used for sleeping.
-Common thieves or tough guys were called thugs.
The reality is the colonization of India was a two way exchange where lots of local words got taken into English just as lots of English words and ideas got imported into India.
-AD&D nerds know all about avatars which comes from Sanskrit meaning incarnation.
-When I was growing up in the 80's break dancing was popular and everyone wore a Bandanna which is a scarf worn around the head or face.
-At school we often went to class in a Bungalow which is literally a Bengal style house.
- Myths were full of the calico cat or the calico mine all of which comes from calicut, meaning "a coarse cotton cloth with a bright printed pattern"
-We watch the discovery channel where we saw pictures of Cheetahs in Africa which means "variegated".
-When gambling or betting people would put a Chit down which means a letter or note.
-We, of course, ate chutney on our bread.
-In WW1 and WW2 millions of American soldiers slept on a cot which is Hindi for a portable bed.
-Sometimes people would say something was cushy which meant easy, soft, or happy.
-If someone was really good at something then they would be called a Guru.
-We read comic books about The Juggernaut which is Hindi for unstopable force.
-The tropics are filled with jungles which is a Hindi word.
-Theives would loot a house or company.
-When you went to bed you'd wear your Pyjamas which were loose fitting garments often used for sleeping.
-Common thieves or tough guys were called thugs.
The reality is the colonization of India was a two way exchange where lots of local words got taken into English just as lots of English words and ideas got imported into India.