The point is, they're better general purpose athletes than marathon runners because they're mid-distance runners. For some reason, Serb, in his supposed defense of the sport, wants to marginalize the athletic abilities of soccer players by associating them with long-distance runners. I've tried to demonstrate the inadequacies of long-distance runners in other sports but he seems to not understand what many of us intuitively know, stating that long-distance runners somehow have an advantage in 'endurance' sports (which I already admit they do since they are freaking endurance athletes! but that's the extent of their advantage which is a small aspect of the entire domain of human sport). So I referenced interval training and the tabata protocol to show that the sprinter's body of work leads to him being a fair endurance athlete as well (not to mention the fact that he is more developed elsewhere in his body and has significantly more strength and power making him superior in other sports relative to the marathoner).
Oh yeah and the energy systems of soccer players resemble that of hockey players but differ from long-distance runners... so there's that.
Oh yeah and the energy systems of soccer players resemble that of hockey players but differ from long-distance runners... so there's that.