AP: Vatican details US sex abuse defense "Ignorance of law is a defense"
"See, our bishops didn't know our 1962 off-hand remark at an ice cream social requiring them to keep quiet about priests ****ing little kids didn't require them to keep quiet about priests ****ing little kids and besides, that document was scrawled on a diner napkin and is literally decades old so no one has even read it. Oh and that whole thing about updating that 1962 note in 2001 to bring it in line with the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the legal and judicial system of the Roman Catholic Church? Yeah, some one just brought it out for sh*ts and giggles. It was an in-joke between the Pope and a few individuals in the higher echelons of power at the Vatican..." [/Latin]
"See, our bishops didn't know our 1962 off-hand remark at an ice cream social requiring them to keep quiet about priests ****ing little kids didn't require them to keep quiet about priests ****ing little kids and besides, that document was scrawled on a diner napkin and is literally decades old so no one has even read it. Oh and that whole thing about updating that 1962 note in 2001 to bring it in line with the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the legal and judicial system of the Roman Catholic Church? Yeah, some one just brought it out for sh*ts and giggles. It was an in-joke between the Pope and a few individuals in the higher echelons of power at the Vatican..." [/Latin]