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What's up with Turkey these days?

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  • What's up with Turkey these days?

    "If you say the Armenian thing was a genocide we expel them Armenians alltogether?!?" WTF?

    Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    Turkey's PM has begun a tentative rapprochement with Armenia

    Turkey's prime minister has threatened to deport 100,000 Armenian migrants, amid renewed tensions over Turkish mass killings of Armenians in World War I.

    Recent resolutions in the US and Sweden have called the killings "genocide".

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the BBC that of 170,000 Armenians living in Turkey "70,000 are Turkish citizens".

    "We are turning a blind eye to the remaining 100,000... Tomorrow, I may tell these 100,000 to go back to their country, if it becomes necessary."

    Thousands of Armenians, many of them women, work illegally in Turkey. Most do low-skilled jobs such as cleaning.

    Faltering diplomacy

    Mr Erdogan was speaking in an interview with the BBC's Turkish Service, in which he was asked about the recent votes by lawmakers in the US and Sweden.

    The resolutions, recognising the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as "genocide", were passed narrowly, and in both cases Turkey reacted angrily.

    Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks in 1915-6
    Many historians and the Armenian people believe the killings amount to genocide
    Turks and some historians deny they were orchestrated
    More than 20 countries regard the massacres as genocide

    Q&A: Armenian genocide dispute

    Mr Erdogan said the resolutions "harm the Armenian people as well... and things become deadlocked".

    Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian was quoted as telling parliament on Wednesday that Mr Erdogan's comments only reminded Armenians of the mass killings.

    "These kinds of political statements do not help to improve relations between our two states," he said.

    "When the Turkish prime minister allows himself to make such statements it immediately for us brings up memories of the events of 1915."

    Diplomatic moves to normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia have faltered recently.

    Hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in 1915, when they were deported en masse from eastern Anatolia by the Ottoman Empire. They were killed by troops or died from starvation and disease.

    Armenia says up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed, but Turkey says the figure is no more than one-third of that and that many Turks died as well.

    Turkey accepts that atrocities were committed but argues they were part of the war and that there was no systematic attempt to destroy the Christian Armenian people.

    Armenia wants Turkey to recognise the killings as an act of genocide, but successive Turkish governments have refused to do so.

    Armenians have campaigned for the killings to be recognised internationally as genocide - and more than 20 countries have done so.
    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

  • #2
    The timing of the recognitions was a bit odd, at just the time when Armenia-Turkey relations were normalizing.

    In Sweden, it was the opposition that voted in the resolution with the help of a handful of errant MPs from the government parties. It has kinda screwed with the foreign policy profile of the government, which has been one of Turkey's biggest supporters in the EU pushing for their accession.


    • #3
      Why the **** won't Turkey admit it was genocide? It was committed by a different state, one modern Turkey fought against. Or are they afraid Armenia will pull a Jew and demand reparations?
      Graffiti in a public toilet
      Do not require skill or wit
      Among the **** we all are poets
      Among the poets we are ****.


      • #4
        I don't know exactly know why not, but I presume if Turkey wanted to they could word it so they recognize the genocide while rejecting any reparations claims.

        Why doesn't Russia admit that Holodomor was a genocide?


        • #5
          Originally posted by onodera View Post
          Why the **** won't Turkey admit it was genocide? It was committed by a different state, one modern Turkey fought against. Or are they afraid Armenia will pull a Jew and demand reparations?
          Maybe it's like the Katyn massacre.

          Anyway, both should be recognised and everything should be easier.
          With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

          Steven Weinberg


          • #6
            I think they are under the impression that it can't be a genocide if there are survivors.
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            • #7
              Originally posted by onodera View Post
              pull a Jew
              What's this supposed to mean?

              On topic: Erdogan's response is the stupidest reaction imaginable. Making Armenians suffer because of perceived Swedish moral superiority is just icing on the turdcake.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by germanos View Post
                What's this supposed to mean?
                It means onodera is a ****ing antisemite, but what else do you expect from a Russian?

                On topic: Erdogan's response is the stupidest reaction imaginable. Making Armenians suffer because of perceived Swedish moral superiority is just icing on the turdcake.
                "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by onodera View Post
                  Why the **** won't Turkey admit it was genocide? It was committed by a different state, one modern Turkey fought against.
                  Far from being an expert I disagree. Violence between Armenians and other minority groups was a central aspect of the transformation of the multicultural Ottoman empire into a Turkish national state.

                  That being said I do agree that the Turkish stand on the issue is unacceptable for a modern and democratic state. After the Swedish Parliament voted they recalled their ambassador. As a comment to this she said that it was unacceptable and that issues like this should be handled by historians and not politicians. I do agree with that statement in principle, but it has little value and is absurdly hypocritical when it comes from a person that represent a state that has made it illegal to claim that there was a genocide.
                  Last edited by Kropotkin; March 18, 2010, 11:10.


                  • #10
                    Hopefully they won't "expel" them by marching them hundreds of miles on foot...
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                    • #11
                      Didn't Turkey just barely avoid a military coup?
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