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How many years has it been?

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  • How many years has it been?

    I was wondering about this so I decided to search through some topics. It looks like I left this site abruptly in mid 2007 so it's been almost 3 years now since I was last on here. It was amusing to see some of the topics you guys mentioned my name in over the years that I was gone. One thing you are wrong on completely is that I am not A. Weishaupt. You need only look at the typing style and use of words to see. A good example of this is his use of the word "turd." To me, this word projects weakness. It makes me think of a guy with glasses sitting there attempting to insult someone and looking instead like that classic geek that has no sense of wit or MOBIUS for example. I think I speak for all of us in that nobody wants to project the same image that MOBIUS does. When posting, one must project an image of strength and authority, just as you would in the real world. If I were to describe this in colors it would be Black, Purple, and Silver.

    Black, the color of disconnection, neutrality, assimilation, and emulation. Purple, the color of malevolence, individual power, individual ability.
    Silver, the color of purity, cleanliness.

    So you see, the word turd does not project these colors. It is an ugly word, it disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is the word "********" that some morons have deemed a decent insult. Please, do not tarnish your image any more than it already is. One must always use beautiful colors when associating an image and projecting it.

    Therefore, I felt it important to clear up this 3 year old issue.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Warui View Post
    I was wondering about this so I decided to search through some topics. It looks like I left this site abruptly in mid 2007 so it's been almost 3 years now since I was last on here. It was amusing to see some of the topics you guys mentioned my name in over the years that I was gone. One thing you are wrong on completely is that I am not A. Weishaupt. You need only look at the typing style and use of words to see. A good example of this is his use of the word "turd." To me, this word projects weakness. It makes me think of a guy with glasses sitting there attempting to insult someone and looking instead like that classic geek that has no sense of wit or MOBIUS for example. I think I speak for all of us in that nobody wants to project the same image that MOBIUS does. When posting, one must project an image of strength and authority, just as you would in the real world. If I were to describe this in colors it would be Black, Purple, and Silver.

    Black, the color of disconnection, neutrality, assimilation, and emulation. Purple, the color of malevolence, individual power, individual ability.
    Silver, the color of purity, cleanliness.

    So you see, the word turd does not project these colors. It is an ugly word, it disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is the word "********" that some morons have deemed a decent insult. Please, do not tarnish your image any more than it already is. One must always use beautiful colors when associating an image and projecting it.

    Therefore, I felt it important to clear up this 3 year old issue.
    "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
    'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


    • #3


      • #4
        We should put that as poll options from now on.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Japher View Post
          "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
          'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


          • #6
            If you tell an idiot how to do something and they still don't get it are they tutard?
            I'm consitently stupid- Japher
            I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


            • #7
              Originally posted by Warui View Post
              I was wondering about this so I decided to search through some topics. It looks like I left this site abruptly in mid 2007 so it's been almost 3 years now since I was last on here. It was amusing to see some of the topics you guys mentioned my name in over the years that I was gone. One thing you are wrong on completely is that I am not A. Weishaupt. You need only look at the typing style and use of words to see. A good example of this is his use of the word "turd." To me, this word projects weakness. It makes me think of a guy with glasses sitting there attempting to insult someone and looking instead like that classic geek that has no sense of wit or MOBIUS for example. I think I speak for all of us in that nobody wants to project the same image that MOBIUS does. When posting, one must project an image of strength and authority, just as you would in the real world. If I were to describe this in colors it would be Black, Purple, and Silver.

              Black, the color of disconnection, neutrality, assimilation, and emulation. Purple, the color of malevolence, individual power, individual ability.
              Silver, the color of purity, cleanliness.

              So you see, the word turd does not project these colors. It is an ugly word, it disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is the word "********" that some morons have deemed a decent insult. Please, do not tarnish your image any more than it already is. One must always use beautiful colors when associating an image and projecting it.

              Therefore, I felt it important to clear up this 3 year old issue.

              Can you rephrase this in a way that makes it interesting?
              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


              • #8
                Originally posted by Warui View Post
                I was wondering about this so I decided to search through some topics. It looks like I left this site abruptly in mid 2007 so it's been almost 3 years now since I was last on here. It was amusing to see some of the topics you guys mentioned my name in over the years that I was gone. One thing you are wrong on completely is that I am not A. Weishaupt. You need only look at the typing style and use of words to see. A good example of this is his use of the word "turd." To me, this word projects weakness. It makes me think of a guy with glasses sitting there attempting to insult someone and looking instead like that classic geek that has no sense of wit or MOBIUS for example. I think I speak for all of us in that nobody wants to project the same image that MOBIUS does. When posting, one must project an image of strength and authority, just as you would in the real world. If I were to describe this in colors it would be Black, Purple, and Silver.

                Black, the color of disconnection, neutrality, assimilation, and emulation. Purple, the color of malevolence, individual power, individual ability.
                Silver, the color of purity, cleanliness.

                So you see, the word turd does not project these colors. It is an ugly word, it disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is the word "********" that some morons have deemed a decent insult. Please, do not tarnish your image any more than it already is. One must always use beautiful colors when associating an image and projecting it.

                Therefore, I felt it important to clear up this 3 year old issue.
                The '**** thing is a KH thing. The mindless drones that seek a leader of any kind, mimic him. What's funny is that from what I understand, his own wife won't follow him at all, period. So he comes here to try on some pants, and people even worse off than him nod their heads, wearing a stupid look on their faces.
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

