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Moderators Suck

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  • Moderators Suck

    It takes a special someone to be a moderator. Usually you have to be a member of the dredges of society, incapable of associating with people in real life. In addition, you need to have that special quality whereby you feel the need to control people over the internet.

    You have received an infraction at Civilization Fanatics' Forums
    Dear Nozoku,

    You have received an infraction at Civilization Fanatics' Forums.

    Reason: (Minor) Public Discussion of Mod Action

    Please do not discuss moderator actions in the forum. If you have a problem, PM the moderator involved.

    Eran of Arcadia

    This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

    Original Post:

    Moderator Action: Please don't troll
    Wow, this is like the Firaxis version of a forum.
    All the best,
    Civilization Fanatics' Forums

    This was the wonderful message I got the other day. So I've been thinking, there should be some new requirement that moderators must post pictures of themselves online. This way, they can be properly ridiculed for being the losers that they are. In addition, should they be deemed unacceptable to society, I believe we should start some sort of prison camp to house these so called net nannies. They must be removed from society at large to insure that all are free to do as they please. I'm not really sure I'm able to put into words what I really feel for these kinds of people. I do, however, feel like evolution stopped working somewhere along the line.

  • #2
    He gave me a point recently too because instead of cursing I used ****, just like that with stars, and he said it was a violation of site policy. I noticed that he did it right after I kind of made fun of him in his "Ask a Mormon" thread where I asked if he wore the Mormon magic underwear and if he attributed magical powers to it as so many Mormons testify that they have magical powers to save people from car accidents and what not.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      Well, mormons suck, lets face it. This guy is a mormon and a forum moderator. Can you imagine what he looks like? I believe we need to start hunting down the pictures of these people. I think it would just be absolutely hilarious to start a topic on here dedicated to making fun of his picture.


      • #4

        LOL Oh god, that's what he looks like. Ok, yeah, what a joke.


        • #5
          I am the very model of a forum moderator
          I've a list of regulations that could stretch round the equator.
          They're most useful when I feel the need to silence a debator
          claiming that I'm nothing more than a compulsive masturbator.
          And if I miss your spamming now, be sure I'll catch it later
          so don't you suggest that I abuse my scrotum with a grater
          for I'll damn you as a troll, a dolt, a jackal and a hater,
          and I'll fiddle with your sig to make it read "I am a traitor".

          I always feel uneasy when I chance upon some jollity
          for fear that it might step across the line into frivolity
          and if I interfere I know the chances are you'll bollock me.
          At least I know administrators stand behind me solidly,
          so if your posts begin to show the merest dip in quality
          you can be sure that you will soon be sampling my ferocity
          and as our admins sling you out at frightening velocity
          I'll add a kiss-off line of quite stupendous virtuosity.

          My every dream revolves around the string of letters "QWERTY"
          and the speed with which I act when an upset bloke hits "Alert". He
          knows he always can rely on me when forums get too dirty.
          I don't need that sort of nonsense while I'm dealing with my puberty.
          So please resist temptation when your mind is getting murky
          for my repressed sexuality has left me rather quirky
          and I'd rather not be forced to have to stuff you like a turkey,
          or to chew you up and spit you out like part-digested jerky.

          I'd like to reassure you that I've no wish to be rid of these
          apparently quite pointless and debatable abilities.
          This small and helpful insight into real responsibilities
          may help me in my struggle with my social disabilities.
          So while I give a little something back to the community
          I also get to grips with all my autistic proclivities,
          and when in public situations finally I feel at ease
          a real living pair of boobies I may one day get to squeeze.

          I've seen a girl I fancy, but I know I'll never date her,
          and I'll never kiss, I'll never woo, I'll never procreate her.
          And I know that I will never even make it as a waiter
          for I've given up my life in the pursuit of something greater.
          In closing let me offer up these thanks to my creator
          for making me a PC-based *****fight adjudicator.
          I'm a hypermanic ubermenschen rule-regurgitator
          and I am the very model of a forum moderator.
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • #6
            Originally posted by Warui View Post

            LOL Oh god, that's what he looks like. Ok, yeah, what a joke.
            OMG! Look at his eyes. Tell me those aren't scary.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #7
              He looks like a serial killer.


              • #8
                It's always the nice quiet boy who has the habit of chopping up prostitutes and stuffing them into freezers.
                Try for discussion and debate.

