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Ze proper name of ze silly American sport

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  • #46
    Would love to have a pic of Ray Lewis leveling some poofy Euro soccer player...


    It'd be really hard to get a picture of that, however, as 99.9% of soccer players would start flopping before Ray Lewis even hit them.


    • #47
      Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post
      Rugby: Non stop play (except for fouls, penalties, injuries etc)
      Oh, and every time the ball goes into touch you have to wait a minute until they form two lines.

      Rugby's a tough sport, yeah, but it's tedious as heck. Gridiron beats it into a cocked hat, and not just for cooking purposes.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
        Would love to have a pic of Ray Lewis leveling some poofy Euro soccer player...


        It'd be really hard to get a picture of that, however, as 99.9% of soccer players would start flopping before Ray Lewis even hit them.
        Except the Ray hit on Chad was pretty poofy cos Chad just got straight back up and in his face...

        Oh, and he lost that game - what a loser.
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #49
          You can't even find Tim Krumrie's leg break from Super Bowl XXIII on YouTube; apparently they were forced to take it down. Luckily, it will be forever burned in my memory. It was ****ed up...
          KH FOR OWNER!
          ASHER FOR CEO!!
          GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


          • #50
            Originally posted by duke o' york View Post
            Oh, and every time the ball goes into touch you have to wait a minute until they form two lines.
            You and I both know that the average lineout takes way less time than that, plus they generally have to hustle to set it up.

            Rugby's a tough sport, yeah, but it's tedious as heck.
            That's because you have to watch England.

            Gridiron beats it into a cocked hat, and not just for cooking purposes.
            A good game of either is just as exciting in my mind - what shades it for me is that they just get on with Rugby. An 80 minute game is usually over after about 2 hours, whereas a 60 minute game is frequently well over 3 hours.

            A **** game of yankball is literally more boring than watching Cricket or Baseball...
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #51
              Rugby's a tough sport, yeah, but it's tedious as heck.

              The tediousness of rugby is the reason football was created...

              KH FOR OWNER!
              ASHER FOR CEO!!
              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


              • #52
                This is the best hit I saw in college football this year. I'm really surprised neither player was seriously injured...

                KH FOR OWNER!
                ASHER FOR CEO!!
                GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
                  You can't even find Tim Krumrie's leg break from Super Bowl XXIII on YouTube; apparently they were forced to take it down. Luckily, it will be forever burned in my memory. It was ****ed up...
                  Oh God I remember, forever etched in my mind...

                  It was two 360 turns of his foot IIRC. Yuk! Unfortunately IIRC he looked like he was trying to illegally trip someone when he did it, so he sort of brought it on himself.

                  I also remember the similar Gerald Willhite one...
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #54
                    Well I'd be depressed if I'd stayed up all night to watch Detroit play the Panthers, but it's still better than baseball.

                    I do still love cricket though. But rugby just leaves me cold. No matter who's playing it's not as good as rugby league, and I'm not an England fan. Aren't they the rugby equivalent of watching paint dry?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by KrazyHorse View Post
                      By the way, a year ago I watched Alex Ovechkin get his nose broken with a stick in the first period and go on to score four goals. It was against my team, but still, much respect
                      Fair play to him.

                      I'm sure that plenty of footballers have played on with broken noses. Cesc Fabregas certainly has. Andrei Arshavin once played on, kicking the ball about with about twenty stitches in his foot. And those are two examples of players from just one club.

                      Anyway, this is not really the point - how much damage can a sport inflict on an individual - it's about nomenclature, and Football is Football, American Football is hand-egg, and Rugby is egg-chasing.


                      • #56
                        Shut up about Arse-nil Cort.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by duke o' york View Post
                          They can't outrun you while maintaining control of the ball, and if they pass it to somebody else that somebody's defender will be on him like a leech. They need impeccable training and practice together (or astonishing luck) to actually get a shot at the goal, and even if they do there's a goalie to block and then kick the ball way the hell out there again.

                          This can only prove that Elok is a) American, b) Australian, or c) Welsh.

                          How awful were your opponents? Let alone the referee, not to notice that just kicking someone regardless of where the ball may be is not technically how the game should be played. Well, unless you grew up in Leeds in the '70s.
                          I didn't play professionally, dude. But we have plenty of soccer-weenies over here in the states. They go to soccer camp from the age of six or so, learn all the stupid sissy-jigs and behind-the-leg passes, and still have a hard time against any defender who isn't a trained sissy-jigger too. And it's not like you can prove that a kick was actually aimed at the shins. In fact, it never was. I always aimed for the ball. If they were dumb enough to sissy-jig it was their own damned fault.
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                          • #58
                            Originally posted by KrazyHorse View Post
                            Completely gratuitous Ray-Ray hit on Ochocinco from a few weeks ago...

                            As much talking and goofing off he does, Ochocinco can take a hit:

                            They showed later the trainer trying to straighten Chad's swollen and probably broken, nose.

                            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                            • #59
                              Don't get me wrong: I love Ochocinco AND his antics. And I respected him for getting straight up from the hit. I just thought it was an awesome hit, and replayed it 50 times on youtube....
                              12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
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                              Killing it is the new killing it
                              Ultima Ratio Regum


                              • #60
                                On the other hand, soccer has that one time Zinedine Zidane delivered the Righteous Headbutt of Glorious Justice to that dude who insulted his mother on the field. That was the first and last time a soccer player did something cool. Except for that Pele guy, I guess.
                                1011 1100
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