Originally posted by HalfLotus
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My post was an attempt to inform you why many posters here believe you to be, as I put it, bat**** crazy. My own opinion on the matter is inconsequential.
The whole point of that post (and video) was to demonstrate that believing in wild conspiracy theories as opposed to more mundane theories is, generally speaking, a far less rational and sensible thing to do. Conspiracy theories nearly always fail to be rational because the subject of conspiracy theories (NWO, Illuminati, reptilian aliens) can be substituted freely without adversely affecting the quality of the theory. That is to say, when variables in a theory are interchangeable, it usually means that the variables are not properly defined.
As far as I can tell, you're one of the many name-calling trolls and majority-rules circle-jerkers here at Poly, so I'll ignore your posts for the most part.
I do want to acknowledge a mistake that I made in a previous post which you pointed out, that Limits to Growth was published after First Global Revolution. That was not a lie as you stated, in a presumption of my intent to deceive, I was simply wrong.