Long Backstory: I found this on my computer today - it's a powerpoint presentation from an Acquisitions Training Course I took a couple years ago. This was a 5-day course in which we were supposed to learn how to buy multi-million dollar weapons systems for the Department of Defense - the fact that I was a software researcher and not a contracting officer (or whatever) was irrelevant, The Rules Said that I had to take this ****ty course. 3/4 of the participants were contracting officers who took themselves too seriously and air force officers who took themselves too seriously; the remaining 1/4 were engineers who didn't want to be there and 2nd lieutenants whose spirits had not yet been broken. We were in groups of 5, and my group included one of the 2nd lieutenants who still had a spark of insubordination in him, along with an engineer who didn't want to be there; for one of the projects we had to make a powerpoint presentation extolling the virtues of the hypothetical Bulldog Ground Robot Of Death or whatever the hell it was, so me, the lt., and the engineer agreed to make the world's worst powerpoint presentation consisting of a puke-green background, bright-yellow lettering, and "explosion" transitions plus an explosion .wav that played during transitions. When giving the presentation to the class the lieutenant let slip at the end that we had tried to make the world's worst powerpoint presentation and challenged the other groups to try to surpass us.
Executive summary: the attached presentation was the obvious winner of the contest. It is short (due to limited preparation time), but it is glorious.
Disclaimer: I have no way to prove any of this, so if you (where you = rah) accuse me of lying then I will have no recourse other than to cry myself to sleep. It's possible (even likely) that I emailed this thing to people saying "hey look it's the world's worst powerpoint presentation," but taking screenshots of gmail won't come close to satisfying your dickishness on this ("how do we know that's this presentation you were emailing and not another one???") so I'm just going to preemptively conceded defeat.
Executive summary: the attached presentation was the obvious winner of the contest. It is short (due to limited preparation time), but it is glorious.
Disclaimer: I have no way to prove any of this, so if you (where you = rah) accuse me of lying then I will have no recourse other than to cry myself to sleep. It's possible (even likely) that I emailed this thing to people saying "hey look it's the world's worst powerpoint presentation," but taking screenshots of gmail won't come close to satisfying your dickishness on this ("how do we know that's this presentation you were emailing and not another one???") so I'm just going to preemptively conceded defeat.