It's been done before -- Radiohead, Coldplay, and others. But this is a little different.
Billy Corgan has announced plans for the release of the next Smasing Pumpkins album -- a collection of 44 songs, issued one at a time starting around Halloween, under the following conditions:
Basically, the financial plan is to sell a series of eleven 4-song collector EPs along the way, followed by the whole-shebang boxed set at the end. But the tunes themselves will be free.
I'm not a huge Pumpkins (Corgan) fan, but I think this is a pretty cool -- disruptive, different, a bit subversive. It's also pretentious as hell and could only be done by someone who already has all the money he needs. But at least he's flipping the bird to the RIAA.
Billy Corgan has announced plans for the release of the next Smasing Pumpkins album -- a collection of 44 songs, issued one at a time starting around Halloween, under the following conditions:
There will be no strings attached. Free will mean free, which means you won't have to sign up for anything, give an email address, or jump through a hoop. You will be able to go and take the song or songs as you wish, as many times as you wish.
I'm not a huge Pumpkins (Corgan) fan, but I think this is a pretty cool -- disruptive, different, a bit subversive. It's also pretentious as hell and could only be done by someone who already has all the money he needs. But at least he's flipping the bird to the RIAA.