In the Polanski thread Space05us expressed his wish that a convict be beaten and raped by other convicts. I disagree - torture should be conducted by professionals, not by amateurs (and especially not by other convicts). Should we reward, say, a murderer with the pleasure of beating, say, a child rapist? Of course not, prison isn't supposed to be fun and games for the murderers who get to do the beating and raping, and so the beating and raping should instead be conducted by trained assailants and rapists who are paid for an honest day's work, and if these professionals happen to enjoy the beating and raping then who are we to begrudge them the joy of a job well done? (I enjoy my job as a programmer, and I'd hate for some anti-programming sissy to insist that I not be allowed to enjoy my work; likewise, anti-torture morons have no right to insist that the professional torturers not enjoy their jobs.) Consider also that the professional torturers can be relied upon to more precisely mete out punishment - say, maybe a child rapist has both kneecaps broken from a beating, while child pornographer only has one kneecap broken. The professionals can be relied on to use condoms when they rape the convicts so as to help stem the transmission of STDs (or not, if it is deemed appropriate that a prisoner be given HIV or whatever have you).
So what say you: should torture be conducted in a professional or (as Space05us would have it) in a slipshod manner? No poll, as the answers will likely be nuanced (e.g. "sodomites should be beaten to death by amateurs but murderers should be raped to death by professionals" or whatever have you).
So what say you: should torture be conducted in a professional or (as Space05us would have it) in a slipshod manner? No poll, as the answers will likely be nuanced (e.g. "sodomites should be beaten to death by amateurs but murderers should be raped to death by professionals" or whatever have you).