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Master criminals in helicopter make fools of Swedish police

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  • Master criminals in helicopter make fools of Swedish police

    Daily news from Sweden written in English by native English-speaking journalists. An entertaining blend of Sweden's latest news headlines, politics, sport, business, and features.

    Stockholm cash depot hit by helicopter heist

    Robbers used a helicopter to carry out a spectacular theft at a cash depot south of Stockholm early Wednesday morning.

    Several powerful explosions were heard in the early hours on Wednesday coming from the G4S security company’s facilities in Västberga, south of Stockholm. Among other things, the building houses a cash depot.

    Police received a call about the incident at 5.19am.

    The chief of police for the southern district in Stockholm, Ulrika Lönngren, who has her office in Västberga, reported hearing several loud explosions and a helicopter hovering above the depot.

    The helicopter later left the area and headed north, said Lönngren.

    “The helicopter landed on the roof. Then they entered the building by breaking some windows. Next, several explosions were heard from within the building, and then they were seen loading things into the helicopter and lifting off,” she told the TT news agency.

    The entire area surrounding the G4S facility has been cordoned off and police have set up a command centre at a nearby petrol station, where a large number of officers, police dogs, and emergency vehicles have gathered.

    An officer on the scene told TT that the robbers made their daring rooftop landing and then entered the building using sledgehammers or something similar to break through the roof.

    Caltraps - spikes spread across the road to burst car tyres - had been placed near the facility in an attempt to complicate efforts by police to approach the scene.

    According to the southern district police, Sweden’s National Task Force, a paramilitary tactical unit within the National Criminal Investigation Department (Rikskriminalpolisen) is involved in the investigation.

    The entire operation lasted about 20 minutes, but it remains unclear if the robbers made off with anything, police spokesperson Björn Engström said.

    Police helicopters located on nearby Värmdö were unable to be used in response to the robbery, prompting suspicions that they had been sabotaged.

    But Engström said that the helicopters hadn’t been damaged. Rather, they found a bag marked "bomb" near the helicopters forcing officers to inspect the bags and the helicopters before attempting to take off, the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper reports.

    Police have confirmed the helicopter used in the heist, a Bell 206 Jet Ranger, was stolen overnight from a helicopter hangar near Norrtälje north of Stockholm.

    Later Wednesday morning the helicopter was found near Arninge about 30 kilometres north of the crime scene.

    According to Lönngren, there were between 10 and 20 employees working in the cash depot at the time of the heist, many of whom were involved in counting money. They are now being interviewed by police.

    The manager of the depot, Roy Gierde, told the Aftonbladet newspaper that there is a high likelihood the robbers were caught on film.

    "We have cameras everywhere," he told the newspaper.

    G4S is a security and cash handling company with operations in over 110 countries and 530,000 employees worldwide.

    The company employs about 1,000 people in Sweden, where it handles large amounts of cash for businesses and banks.

    The Stockholm-area depot holds cash for several banks and shops in and around the Swedish capital.
    This is all we've been talking about all day.

  • #2
    Very clever. We'll see if they thought of everything.


    • #3
      Was it a black helicopter?


      • #4
        It was white. Here's pictures:


        • #5
          Point of entry (through the window on the roof ):

          Google Maps:


          • #6
            Why is there a ladder leading up the window?
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #7
              They used it to get out?


              • #8
                And why did they leave some of their coke behind?


                • #9
                  I thought that was heroin?
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #10
                    Found this shot from one of the security cameras



                    • #11
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Japher
                        Very clever. We'll see if they thought of everything.
                        Maybe not. Here's some more pictures and an update below.

                        Rumors are the robbers managed to steal the equivalent of 10M USD.

                        Some arrests were made on Sunday variously around Stockholm. Anonymously in the newspapers police claim the case against the arrestees is good, but they are still looking for more accomplices. The people picked up were:

                        Alex, 34. Swedish origin, helicopter pilot, entrepreneur and sometimes TV producer, comes from a well off family, and has a narcotics conviction. Someone told me he had worked at the company that the helicopter was stolen from, which, if true, seems pretty stupid.

                        Goran B, 38. Serbian origin, unsuccessful businessman, no criminal record, but connected to Serbian organized crime going by his Facebook friends (really).

                        Goran Z, 29. Serbian origin, works for the city or some local government.

                        Metin, 36. Turkish origin, unsuccessful businessman, friend of Goran B, and likewise connected.

                        Peter, 21. Swedish origin, unemployed, trains MMA according to TV, many convictions.

                        Reza, 31. Iranian origin, has worked for a security company in Dubai, decent MMA fighter, supposedly has a lesser assault conviction.

                        Two blurry suspects:


                        • #13
                          Damn, the heist was badass enough to let them flee the country.
                          Graffiti in a public toilet
                          Do not require skill or wit
                          Among the **** we all are poets
                          Among the poets we are ****.


                          • #14
                            At least half a dozen thieves using a helicopter and all they got was $10M?!

                            "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                            "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                            • #15
                              With $1.66 million each they could almost each buy an apartment in San Francisco or New York. Sadly, a house would still be out of their reach.
                              Try for discussion and debate.

