I love this economy. I've been getting some job offers lately, but nothing hot. So I am thinking Gradschool - Enviromental Science, in addition to my MBA. However I'll have some additional classes I need to take for the switch. So, heh, to provide for myself, I am going to go work construction for a while.
I am about to literally accomplish the dream - manual labor and higher education. I don't have to save for ****, and my only expense will be paying for an appartment in central Tel Aviv. So I'll basically work my ass off in construction for 3 days a week and then study and party for the rest.
I love my life!
So, tell me about your unconventional ways of coping with this awesome job market? ( Capitalism )
I love this economy. I've been getting some job offers lately, but nothing hot. So I am thinking Gradschool - Enviromental Science, in addition to my MBA. However I'll have some additional classes I need to take for the switch. So, heh, to provide for myself, I am going to go work construction for a while.
I am about to literally accomplish the dream - manual labor and higher education. I don't have to save for ****, and my only expense will be paying for an appartment in central Tel Aviv. So I'll basically work my ass off in construction for 3 days a week and then study and party for the rest.
I love my life!
So, tell me about your unconventional ways of coping with this awesome job market? ( Capitalism )