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Police: Conn. teens mishear sex screams, beat man

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  • #16
    Question: Your mom is in her bedroom with her boyfriend. You think he is assaulting her. Do you: (a) call the cops, or (b) take the time to round up, not one, not two, not three, but FOUR of your friends to come over and knock on the door? When it opens, you don't ask if mom is okay; you attack the boyfriend. I call B.S.

    I postulate that the girl hated the idea that her mom and this guy were doing the Big Nasty. She rounded up a group of her buddies, and they beat the crap out of him.

    If the cops thought their story about the overheard assault were true, they wouldn't have arrested them.


    • #17
      glad I'm not the only one who sees BS in this story.

      I think she knew who was in there. And she called some guys to rough him up. It's safe to say she didn't like the guy. Drugs may also be involved as well. As they are in so many assaults...


      • #18
        zkribbler it doesnt take more then a few seconds to scream "my mom is gettign raped" out to a bunch playing basketball.

        this doesnt mean much but your whole takes time to round up people argument is bs aswell


        • #19
          They were playing basketball, but the guy was beaten with a bat....

          Now forgive my understanding of US sports, but if they'd hit him with a few dunks, maybe laid up on him a couple of times, and got a few easy two point shots in then I might be more appreciative of their sporting skills.


          • #20
            i wasnt saying thats what happend. but its easy to understand if they where at public playground there was a baseball bat there.

            bottom line its a pretty bad article and drawing conclusions from it is probly not a good idea


            • #21
              HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A 16-year-old girl thought she heard her mother being assaulted by her boyfriend and rounded up some friends who beat him up, only to learn later that the couple actually were having sex, the woman and police said. The girl misinterpreted the woman's amorous screams, and she and four other teens went to the woman's bedroom in the Torrington home on June 6, police Lt. Bruce Whiteley said Thursday.

              One of the teens beat the 25-year-old man with a bat and others punched him, police said. He suffered a black eye and several bruises.

              The girl, two 17-year-old boys and Dilyen Langdeau, 19, of Torrington, were arrested Tuesday night and arraigned in Bantam Superior Court on Wednesday. Langdeau was charged with assault and conspiracy; the teens face similar counts. The fifth teenager was not charged.

              A judge sealed the police report. The names of the girl and the two boys were not released because of their ages.

              The 34-year-old woman, Melanie Arnold, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the girl is her daughter. Arnold denied she was screaming, and said her daughter thought she heard a slap and believed an assault was happening.

              "Instead of asking what was going on, they assumed and took matters into their own hands," Arnold said. "Now they have to learn a lesson."

              The teens knocked on the bedroom door and Arnold opened it, according to the couple, who recently broke up.

              The teens rushed into the room and the man, Roger Swanson, said he didn't have a chance to explain himself. He said he tried to get away, but the teens chased him down and started beating him in the house.

              He said he knelt down over a chair and tried to protect his face, but got hit in the eye and in the back. He said Arnold covered his back to try to protect him, but the teen with the bat started hitting him in the legs. Then the youths left.

              "What if they fight someone else and those guys don't walk away? What if they kill somebody?" he said. "Then they're going to spend the rest of their lives in jail. These kids need to learn, go through the court system and see if you do something to somebody, you see what happens."

              A bit more detail than the article in the op.


              • #22
                the teens left? wtf?

                The BS story gets even thicker. Why didn't they call the police? I realize they might be minorities who distrust the police, nevertheless. You don't leave a guy who's raping your mother there, and just leave.


                • #23
                  Yeah. That leaving part sure does ring of bull****.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                  "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                  He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

