Oh, I was one of the first to say that the repugs would turn into the raving beasts that they claimed the democrats were during the Bush administration.
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Who is More Obsessed With Obama?
"So the conservatives continue fighting their imaginary enemy, touting their self-proclaimed victory and righteousness as independent centrists. Afterall, if they can forget the past and ignore the present, they can certainly claim that they are not conservatives (who would want to say otherwise?)."
"except for a few truly naive moderates"
So DaShi, pointing fingers? Lets try the shoe on the other foot method here. The way you are speaking your being very radical. I would say so radical in fact that your more left wing extremist than most of the anti-obama posters. Your pushing this issue that anyone one not left of center is the opposite of right. That there is but 1 party, and but 1 way to believe the country should be.
No one denies that they are extremists on both sides, but you seem to believe from what I have read from you is that only conservatives are extremists and wrong. You seem to forget that the media that promotes Obama has been known as liberal media for decades because they like liberals. And Fox has been known as a conservative media outlet, because they like conservatives. Go figure that one. But, Fox is wrong and MSNBC is right. Right? Isn't that what your saying? That because I believe differently than you that I am wrong and displaced? That I am obsessed with Obama? That due to my service to the country renewing my interest in the Constitution in comparison of actions by the government and wanting to have transparency in the presidency, that I must be obsessed with him?
No. Not really. It is more along the lines of I care too much about the freedom of the American people than to let Constitution and the Bill of Rights be squandered and exploited. You ever worn the uniform? Taken the oath? It gives you a new perspective living as an American doing the job. You start to take things a bit more serious. And you pay closer attention to the small cracks that can become giant fissures. Call me a conservative all you want, I know how I have voted over the years. Call me a radical or extremist...though I would rather be called a patriot. But what I believe doesn't matter to you, or the other liberals, because it is opposite or opposing to your beliefs. Some things we may agree on, but you will find a way to spin it to make it seem as though I am more conservative for that view.
Obsession with Obama started with the media during the campaigns. Don't forget that he was JUST elected into the senate in 2003 when he started campaigning for the 2008 nomination. That he was a very little known politician before the media sunk their teeth in and waved him around for everyone to see. I mean, hell most of my family who voted for him didn't even know his name before the Dem National Convention. The media is how people get their information, that is how they heard about Obama, and that is a good place to start with the obsession."The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
"I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse
(odd how they all say the same thing)Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Originally posted by -Jrabbit View PostThis whole "buzz-phrase of the day" thing is really starting to annoy me. I understand the desire to project a unified message, but don't the pundits realize that this technique makes it look like none of them has an original thought?None of them DOES have an original thought.
In the past, Republicans had the genius of Bill Buckley and the integrity of Barry Goldwater. Even ex-B-actor Reagan had original thoughts. Gingrich was an absolute cunning devil. But today, all the Repugs have is a Greek chorus of nattering nabobs of negativism.