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Things to see people to do in Central America and the Caribbean

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  • Things to see people to do in Central America and the Caribbean

    I am being discharged from the military (YEAHS), and my mind is set - 2 months vacation on the other side of the globe.

    the USA visa is not certain, Canada is boring, Mexico doesn't answer my calls, and South America is rather chilly this time of the year it seems.

    My plan is to go to the beach, and sit around all day, writing short stories and musings, visit some stuff, sit down and listen to some nice music in the evenings.

    also a must: Cuba. My ticket there is certain.

    I also want to go and visit Panama and Columbia - what is there to see there?

    I am an ignoramus. Help apperciated.


  • #2
    I've heard good things about Belize.


    • #3
      Honorable or dishonorable?
      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
      "Capitalism ho!"


      • #4
        Perfect chance to get into drug smuggling.
        "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
        "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
        "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


        • #5
          Originally posted by Az View Post
          I am being discharged from the military (YEAHS), and my mind is set - 2 months vacation on the other side of the globe.

          the USA visa is not certain, Canada is boring, Mexico doesn't answer my calls, and South America is rather chilly this time of the year it seems.

          My plan is to go to the beach, and sit around all day, writing short stories and musings, visit some stuff, sit down and listen to some nice music in the evenings.

          also a must: Cuba. My ticket there is certain.

          I also want to go and visit Panama and Columbia - what is there to see there?

          I am an ignoramus. Help apperciated.

          Cuba should be good. If it wasn't for the US embargo and my fear of being the first guy caught and fined a bazillion dollars then I would have gone ages ago. They do speak English in Belize so that's nice but the truth is all the major tourist economies in that area have wide spread English usage. I would recommend Belize with a day trip to Guatomala so that you can see some of the more extensive ancient Mayan ruins in the region, Costa Rica has the best national parks and some of the best developed infrastructure in the region so it is a must visit, Panama was fun but then I was stationed there with the army so maybe I had a different perspective. Other then the canal itself and visiting a few well preserved colonial areas (there are some great well preserved Spanish fortresses and the downtown historic district is not to be missed) there isn't much to do which you can't do better in Costa Rica.

          I've never been to Columbia or Venezuela so I can't help you there though I would make sure to stop by Jamaica for some Jamaican jerk chicken with acai and to take a few tours of the sites (caving is popular). I'd make sure to visit would be the Dutch West Indies, one of the French Islands in the lesser antilles, as well as one of the English Islands in the lesser antilles.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            I did two mission trips to Honduras, very nice country, excellent people
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #7
     says there is no regularly scheduled ferry travel from Cuba? is there any way to save a couple of bucks and go by boat? ( I swear I'd go trans-atlantic by boat if it was cheaper. I hate flying because of the **** legroom in coach - I am almost 2 meters high )


              • #8
                If you want to sail around then buy or rent a sailboat but make sure you take lessons so you know what the hell you're doing and don't end up with Davie Jones.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  oh I can't effort renting ****. I am on a 4000USD budget for the entire trip, including transatlantic plane tickets.


                  • #10
                    apolytoners don't travel much it seems, eh?


                    • #11
                      What do you mean? I told you about Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica and the Dutch West Indies.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #12
                        I think he wants more input from other people. Travel stories, etc. I haven't been to any of those places, sorry.
                        "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier


                        • #13
                          EDIT: having read your OP more carefully, you might want to consider Cuba indeed. But it gets a lil' bit boring after a while. There's more to see and do on the mainland!

                          When exactly are you planning on going? What are the things you like most when travelling?

                          I'm leaving on the fifth of july for a trip to Guatemala & Honduras with a couple of mates. Incidentally another two friends of mine are going to Mexican Yucatán at the same time, so we'll probably try to meet eachother somewhere in the north of Guatemala

                          Guatemala boasts:

                          - a significant amount of ancient Mayan sites (perhaps Tikal rings a bell for instance)
                          - jungle. we are planning on making a 5 day trip to El Mirador in the north and back. It's a Mayan site that has been discovered not long ago and can only be visited oldskool style on foot and through the jungle.
                          - marvellous scenery near lago de altitlan in the south and near Flores to the north, with plenty of wild animals etc.
                          - volcanoes which you can climb. I've heard this is a breathtaking experience
                          - colonial Spanish sites. Antigua near Guatemala-City (G-C is the capital which you should avoid if possible) is the best example. It's UNESCO heritage btw.

                          => Antigua

                          We're doing (a part of) Honduras as well, since it also has some Maya sites, most notably Copán, and because it has a number of excellent beaches on the Carribean side (including the Bay Islands) to snorkel, relax, parteh and so on.

                          What say you
                          "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                          "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Traianvs View Post
                            When exactly are you planning on going? What are the things you like most when travelling?

                            I'm leaving on the fifth of july for a trip to Guatemala & Honduras with a couple of mates. Incidentally another two friends of mine are going to Mexican Yucatán at the same time, so we'll probably try to meet eachother somewhere in the north of Guatemala

                            Guatemala boasts:

                            - a significant amount of ancient Mayan sites (perhaps Tikal rings a bell for instance)
                            - jungle. we are planning on making a 5 day trip to El Mirador in the north and back. It's a Mayan site that has been discovered not long ago and can only be visited oldskool style on foot and through the jungle.
                            - marvellous scenery near lago de altitlan in the south and near Flores to the north, with plenty of wild animals etc.
                            - volcanoes which you can climb. I've heard this is a breathtaking experience
                            - colonial Spanish sites. Antigua near Guatemala-City (G-C is the capital which you should avoid if possible) is the best example. It's UNESCO heritage btw.

                            => Antigua

                            We're doing (a part of) Honduras as well, since it also has some Maya sites, most notably Copán, and because it has a number of excellent beaches on the Carribean side (including the Bay Islands) to snorkel, relax, parteh and so on.

                            What say you

                            I have been to the east, just north of Nicuragua in the El Paraisio province just outside of Danli

                            Also to Choluteca due south of Tegulcigalpa near the Gulf of Fonseca

                            Very beautiful country and very warm and beautiful people.

                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #15
                              wowza at that picture. So do they have ferry services there? or it's all planes?

