This evening, I was in a hurry. I just wanted a quick BMI check and some exercise.
However, the infuriatingly perky little bastard got weird on me. It started asking if I thought my sister-in-law's posture had improved. There was no option for "I'm not interested. **** off" so I clicked the option saying I'd noticed no change. Whereupon the cheeky **** accused me of not looking enough, and started advising me to make more eye contact.
So a £60 chunk of white plastic is telling me I'm a social inadequate who needs to make of move on Mrs Gimp's sister. The Japanese are an insane breed, aren't they?
However, the infuriatingly perky little bastard got weird on me. It started asking if I thought my sister-in-law's posture had improved. There was no option for "I'm not interested. **** off" so I clicked the option saying I'd noticed no change. Whereupon the cheeky **** accused me of not looking enough, and started advising me to make more eye contact.
So a £60 chunk of white plastic is telling me I'm a social inadequate who needs to make of move on Mrs Gimp's sister. The Japanese are an insane breed, aren't they?