Now that Helicopter Ben* printed $1trillion yesterday, I was a bit mystified at one point in the NYT article describing it (
Why is the yield of bonds falling? I would image that printing more money would make it more unattractive to own bonds (as opposed to fx gold), because your investment can be devaluated out by the money the fed prints?
As an aside, have a look at the dollar versus euro exchange rate. That jump late wednesday is your dollars becoming 3% less worth at a stroke... (the fall early wednesday is an error, because yahoo is inserting the early Thursday data in early wednesday)
*I am aware that it is mostly people who don't like Ben Bernanke who call him Helicopter Ben. As far as I understand the crisis, printing money and throwing it out of helicopters is a good course of action right now for the US economy.
Why is the yield of bonds falling? I would image that printing more money would make it more unattractive to own bonds (as opposed to fx gold), because your investment can be devaluated out by the money the fed prints?
As an aside, have a look at the dollar versus euro exchange rate. That jump late wednesday is your dollars becoming 3% less worth at a stroke... (the fall early wednesday is an error, because yahoo is inserting the early Thursday data in early wednesday)
*I am aware that it is mostly people who don't like Ben Bernanke who call him Helicopter Ben. As far as I understand the crisis, printing money and throwing it out of helicopters is a good course of action right now for the US economy.