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The link between a blackman, a fight, a gunfight, a Mcburger

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  • #16
    Talk about blowing it. McDonald's could have easily spun the good PR of this for far more than the hospital bills. Now they get bad PR and will lose far more than the cost of the hospital bills in bad press.


    • #17
      If McD's policy is to call the police, not intervene, then the young man is hurting on a comp claim. However, since his action was to protect a client and no one else called the police while he was so engaged, he may have standing in a negligence case.

      As for Poly, don't be so wimpy folks, you would want someone like him to help you/your wife and would be royally pi**ed if the company screwed the helper. I was really surprised at Che, corporations can do no good, but when they really screw an employee, Che's on their side.

      Now OTOH, Ben believes Corps should run everything, so they can't be liable for anything they do except for their own negligence. In that case, screw the young hero, let him ruin his finances covering medical costs. Then we'll see where he can work. Probably somewhere that looks UP to McDonald's jobs.
      No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
      "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

