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Speaking of brain-sucking alien locusts....

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  • Speaking of brain-sucking alien locusts....

    From BBC News:

    Intelligent civilisations are out there and there could be thousands of them, according to an Edinburgh scientist.

    The discovery of more than 330 planets outside our solar system in recent years has helped refine the number of life forms that are likely to exist.

    The current research estimates that there are at least 361 intelligent civilisations in our Galaxy and possibly as many as 38,000.

    The work is reported in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

    Even with the higher of the two estimates, however, it is not very likely that contact could be established with alien worlds.

    While researchers often come up with overall estimates of the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe, it is a process fraught with guesswork; recent guesses put the number anywhere between a million and less than one.

    "It's a process of quantifying our ignorance," said Duncan Forgan, the University of Edinburgh researcher who carried out the work.

    In his new approach, Mr Forgan simulated a galaxy much like our own, allowing it to develop solar systems based on what is now known from the existence of so-called exoplanets in our galactic neighbourhood.

    These simulated alien worlds were then subjected to a number of different scenarios. If alien life forms do exist, we may not necessarily be able to make contact with them, and we have no idea what form they would take

    The first assumed that it is difficult for life to be formed but easy for it to evolve, and suggested there were 361 intelligent civilisations in the galaxy.

    A second scenario assumed life was easily formed but struggled to develop intelligence. Under these conditions, 31,513 other forms of life were estimated to exist.

    The final scenario examined the possibility that life could be passed from one planet to another during asteroid collisions - a popular theory for how life arose here on Earth.

    That approach gave a result of some 37,964 intelligent civilisations in existence.

    Form and function

    While far-flung planets may reduce uncertainty in how many Earth-like planets there are, some variables in the estimate will remain guesses.

    For example, the time from a planet's formation to the first sparks of life, or from there to the first intelligent civilisations, are large variables in the overall estimate.

    For those, Mr Forgan says, we will have to continue to assume Earth is an average case.

    "It is important to realise that the picture we've built up is still incomplete," said Mr Forgan.

    "Even if alien life forms do exist, we may not necessarily be able to make contact with them, and we have no idea what form they would take.

    "Life on other planets may be as varied as life on Earth and we cannot predict what intelligent life on other planets would look like or how they might behave."
    What would Muldar say about this?

  • #2
    Uh, this is not news. This is about as accurate as that test measuring our mpg.
    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


    • #3
      Sentience, or intelligence enough to communicate abstractly, exists at least once in the universe. This species is carbon-based and occupies a planet with a substantial amount of H2O in the form of water.

      Knowing only this much information, how can anyone estimate the number, the forms, and the planetary conditions that would support life at all, let alone sentient life. Without that data or any data on how long a sentient condition on a given planet is expected to last (nothing lasts forever), an estimate as to how many existing sentient "civilizations" there might be is based on sand and cast in water.

      Actually, it would be easier to test our MPG by monitoring usage in every car of a given model than to even estimate the margin for error in a giant stochastic multivatiate model with only two known data points.
      Last edited by Blaupanzer; February 5, 2009, 15:13. Reason: To respond to Lorizael
      No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
      "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


      • #4
        Based on the thread title, I half expected this thread to be about Lancer's house and loads of photos single Filipina women seeking penpals.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #5
          That part of the thread is coming up soon.


          • #6
            If the result includes our planet its already bogus.

            Alinestra, stay tuned.
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • #7
              I hate misleading thread titles. I thought this was going to be about right-wing religious extremists.
              A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


              • #8
                [...]´recent guesses put the number anywhere between a million and less than one. ´[...]

                Less than one is a good guess. Is that number based on observation or statistics?

