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Naked people oppressed in Switzerland?

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  • Naked people oppressed in Switzerland?

    Naked krauts blitz around ze world

    A local Swiss government plans to take action against a sudden and apparently unwelcome phenomenon - naked hikers.

    Authorities in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden plan to introduce fines for anyone found walking in the picturesque mountain region without any clothes.

    They decided to act before this year's hiking season began, after noticing a sudden influx of nudists last year - many of them from Germany.

    "FKK", or "free body culture", is a popular pastime in Germany.

    But Appenzell Innerrhoden is not keen to encourage its spread.

    "We were forced to introduce the legislation against this indecent practice before the warm weather starts," said Melchior Looser, justice minister in the canton in north-eastern Switzerland.

    "The point is many children visit our mountains in the summer," he told he Guardian newspaper.

    A naked hiker was detained last autumn, but could not be fined as naked rambling was not outlawed, he said - hence the need for a new law.
    Never heard about naked hikers - the article is telling LIES!

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

  • #2
    Melchior Looser - now, that´s even better than Max Power.

    So, FKK, is a ´popular pastime´ in Germany? One might get the wrong impression when reading this - personally, i dont know a single person who ever did it (that i know of). How about You, BeBro? I would rather describe it as a ´fringe-group´pasttime and a remainder of the 68´er.

    But maybe the author was inspired by the canton´s name. Originally ´Appenzell´ was just one canton, but got split and now it´s ´Appenzell - Innerrhoden´ and ´Appenzell - Ausserrhoden´. ´Hoden´ means ´testicles´ in german, ´inner´ is inside (or just ´inner´), ´ausser´ means outside (or ´outer´)... (apparently the inner and outer refer to something called ´Rhoden´ though, but that is just to easy to overlook for giggles)... And of course there have to be naked hikers in the canton of ´Something Inner-Testiclia´...


    • #3
      The Swiss should look at the bright side. Better a naked German invasion than the usual kind.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unimatrix11 View Post
        Melchior Looser - now, that´s even better than Max Power.

        So, FKK, is a ´popular pastime´ in Germany? One might get the wrong impression when reading this - personally, i dont know a single person who ever did it (that i know of). How about You, BeBro? I would rather describe it as a ´fringe-group´pasttime and a remainder of the 68´er.

        I have nothing to do with this

        Yeah, I thought too that it's rather a "fringe group" thing limited to some beach areas.


        • #5
          Nice beaches in Germany.
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6
            I was wondering...
            If you want to smoke, you have to go outside...
            If you want to be naked, you must stay inside...

            Where to you go when you want to smoke naked?!?

            The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


            • #7
              Doesn't the Swiss climate oppress naked people anyway?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lancer View Post
                The Swiss should look at the bright side. Better a naked German invasion than the usual kind.
                From The Man with Bogart's Face:

                Sam Marlow: He was a good soldier. They were all good soldiers. Just doing what they were ordered to do.
                Elsa: What do you mean?
                Sam Marlow: Ah, I don't know what I mean. It's tough to tell the enemy without a uniform. You know what'd end all wars? Make everybody fight naked. Then nobody'd know who to kill, and that would be the end of it.
                Elsa: Sam...
                Sam Marlow: No, I mean it. And let the women get in there naked, too. That'd cinch it. No more war... just peace on earth and a lot of whoopee.

