So, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, 3rd mvt.
This is still kicking my ass, like the motherwhumping, fits-tucking, pass-umping bun-on-a-stitch that it is. Beethoven was generally agreed by most musical theorists to be an unprecedented badass who wrote his music while drinking the blood of the vanquished masses so I'll give him a by on this, but god DAMN he's murder on the fingers.
I finished up practicing yesterday and I kid you not, there was blood on the keyboard. Had to sponge it off with warm water before my landlord got home.
So the measures that are STILL kicking my ass after TEN SODDING YEARS are:
If nothing else this post should highlight that Poly needs to diversify its smilies to include testicles.
This is still kicking my ass, like the motherwhumping, fits-tucking, pass-umping bun-on-a-stitch that it is. Beethoven was generally agreed by most musical theorists to be an unprecedented badass who wrote his music while drinking the blood of the vanquished masses so I'll give him a by on this, but god DAMN he's murder on the fingers.
I finished up practicing yesterday and I kid you not, there was blood on the keyboard. Had to sponge it off with warm water before my landlord got home.
So the measures that are STILL kicking my ass after TEN SODDING YEARS are:
- 9 - 13. The Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music commentary says we should take the higher notes of the left hand into the right hand. WTF?! It's less of a stretch I grant you that, but at high speeds you're now trying to coordinate three keys in right against one key in left. Bollocks, says I.
- 30 and 32 have complicated trills between RH4 and RH5 fingers that somehow require you to still hold down an octave lower on RH1. Further bollocks! says I
- 33 - 35 I can play at slow speed, but I can't ever get it as fast as the preceding Alberti bass bits. I can get the off-beat chords in 39 - 40 okay even at high speeds, but the thing that really kills me is the ascending scale in 40 (and earlier to a lesser extent in 35, the swine). Return of bollocks!
- Oddly, the staccato chords from 43 -56 aren't that hard. But maybe it's because I've never attempted to play them at full speed. Absence of bollocks. :l
- There's a really cool bit in 71 - 87 where the Alberti bass inverts and goes into the right hand. (So... technically would that be "Alberti treble"?
) The problem is I can't keep the correct rhythm in the left hand. Which is really weird because this is much simpler than the usual flurry of notes in LH. The dotted eighth note (dotted crotchet? in UK terms, I'm not sure) to sixteenth note always gets me. I find my hand slipping into a series of four eighth notes, evenly spread, and closer to the lower register the notes get so blurry that I have to really rein in the RH otherwise you can't hear the melody in LH. Faint to moderate presence of bollocks.
- 92 - 93. There is no way in hell my fingers are fast enough to do the proper RH chords at that speed. I can fudge it by trailing the top notes in RH5 and occasionally hammering the other two in RH 1&2/1&3 but I may have to sic Pekka on this to DESTROY ITS FACE. Prognosis: bollocks on forehead.
- Things actually get pretty good after that for a decent stretch.
- Then the staccato chords come back. This time they're in a different key, and it's harder especially on the saraband (repeat?). It's not too bad for me as it's just an issue of getting the speed up, but this is easily the first part to deteriorate after a long absence like I've had so far. Deservant of only one bollock, for displaying some redeeming features.
- 163 - 166 I can do with no problems at full speed, which surprises me. I will give a rare Triumphal Smiley for this:
- 167 -170 has the same LH melody problems I had before. Here the tendency to make all the quick notes evenly spaced is even stronger than above. It was around here that my middle finger LH started bleeding and I needed a sponge.
- 185 - 186 has a chromatic, which is the spunk of Satan.
- 196 - 198 is flat out impossible. I can't do the arpeggios with both hands simultaneous unless it's meaninglessly slow. (And by meaninglessly slow I mean you could verbally count faster than I play, which just shouldn't happen. Especially because I'll bet you my fingers are faster than your lips.)
- Wiglaf is still on ignore, so Beethoven at least hasn't screwed up that law of the Universe.
If nothing else this post should highlight that Poly needs to diversify its smilies to include testicles.