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German kids try to elope to Africa

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  • German kids try to elope to Africa

    Very cute story!

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

    Child elopers' Africa plan foiled

    Two German children - aged six and seven - have been stopped by police from eloping to Africa to tie the knot in the sun, reports say.

    The budding lovebirds, identified as Mika and Anna-Lena, packed bathing costumes, sunglasses and a lilo and headed for the airport.

    They even had the presence of mind to invite along an official witness - Anna-Lena's five-year-old sister.

    The three got as far as Hanover railway station before police intervened.

    The young couple were "very much in love" and had decided to get married in Africa "where it is warm", police spokesman Holger Jureczko told the AFP news agency.


    The idea for the getaway wedding was born as the children's families celebrated New Year's eve together and Mika regaled the two girls with stories of a recent holiday to Italy.

    The following morning, as their parents slept, the intrepid trio walked 1km (0.6 miles) to the local tram station at Langenhagen, where they hopped aboard a tram for Hanover central station.

    But the group aroused the suspicion of a guard as they waited for a train to the airport, and police were called in.

    Officers persuaded the children they would not get far without tickets and money, but consoled them with a free tour of the police station, where they were shortly picked up by relieved parents.

    Although any marriage plans have been put on hold for now, police did not altogether rule out the possibility of an African wedding.

    "They can still put their plan into action at a later date," AFP quoted the spokesman as saying.

    I like how they brought along the 5 year old sister as a witness!
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

  • #2
    image of the children, from - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


    • #3
      They were actually planning to execute a coup to overthrow the government in Equatorial Guinea. The eloping bit was a cover.


      • #4
        Evil evil children
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #5

          It must have been the girl's idea to begin with. No honest boy would come up with such an elaborate and basically unproductive scheme. Hand-picked flowers, a bit of extra candy, sure, but a trip to Africa - with her sister - come on. Once you've kissed one girl behind the baobab tree..


          • #6
            This may also be, because german parents (and uncles, like me, of 3 boys: 1,3,8) often enthrall their kids with stories about africa. It´s where the wild animals live, where it´s always warm, where there is adventure and exotic things to see, the jungle and the desert and pirates if need be (and, hey, that´s true!). Therefore, when i play with my nephew, the trains, planes, cars -whatever- go to africa quite frequently.

            Telling stories about africa also has a special meaning to me personally, cause my dad was really great with it to his grand-children, but he didnt get the chance to watch them grow up and my brother´s two youngest wont hear any africa-stories from him. I try to make up for that, as good as i can.

            (Note: My dad had been to Tunis once for a week, and i was in egypt for two - that´s it. Doesnt matter tho. In the stories Tigers live in Africa, too, if that´s good for the story...)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Winston View Post

              It must have been the girl's idea to begin with. No honest boy would come up with such an elaborate and basically unproductive scheme. Hand-picked flowers, a bit of extra candy, sure, but a trip to Africa - with her sister - come on. Once you've kissed one girl behind the baobab tree..
              What do You think, they think, where afirca is ? They apparently knew you fly there. But to a kid, a flight and bus-trip are pretty much the same. They dont think in distances. By walking the km to the bus-station they where about a quarter or so there, from their perspective.


              • #8
                Wait. No, no don't tell me. You're German aren't you?


                • #9
                  AAHZ-Summary™ plox?
                  Order of the Fly
                  Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                  • #10
                    Just sharing, Winston. I know i mention it alot. I merely try to tickle out how things are in other people´s home-countries - like: Is there a distant, exotic, adventure land for kids in where you´re from? If so, which one is it, and how is it portraied?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unimatrix11 View Post
                      Just sharing, Winston. I know i mention it alot. I merely try to tickle out how things are in other people´s home-countries - like: Is there a distant, exotic, adventure land for kids in where you´re from? If so, which one is it, and how is it portraied?
                      That part of it was fine. Excellent, in fact I was thinking more of a certain stereotype concerning Germans which would've allowed you to ignore that my previous post was intended as distinctively tongue-in-cheek.


                      • #12
                        Well, we can book that under ´Part of the sharing´, i guess.

                        But, you are right: Look at the pic. She is all proud, he is slightly embarressed... If i was to read his thoughts from it, the result would be something along the lines of ´wtf was i thinking?´- He still probably thinks africa is like around the corner, tho

                        Looks like it was taken at the police station and the kids got candy... btw.
                        Last edited by Unimatrix11; January 5, 2009, 17:46.


                        • #13
                          I think when I was that age (or a couple years ago), it would have been my idea and not the girls.

                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #14
                            My folks tell me that I came home from kindergarten with "a boyfriend" when I was 5.

                            I never thought about taking him to Africa and marrying him though. I just brought him back for cookies and to play on my Apple IIc computer. We played Aztec for a while then my dad booted me off the computer
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #15
                              Maybe they were on their way to Nigeria to get their portion of funds from an investment they made with a deposed regent.
                              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned

