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The most accurate summary of the LotR plot.

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  • The most accurate summary of the LotR plot.

    The story starts with the twentieth birthday-party for Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit who lives with his brother Sam in a mythical land called the Shire. Frodo owns a magic Ring which makes him invisible when he wears it, a gift from his cousin Bilbo who stole it from the hoard of a Dragon years ago.
    One day the old wizard Gandalf comes to the Shire, and he tells Frodo of an evil being named Sauron who wants to capture the Ring for himself. In ages long past Sauron stole the Ring from the Elves, to protect him from the Powers of Good; but the Ring was stolen from him by a creature named Gollum,and then stolen from Gollum by the Dragons, and then from the Dragons by Bilbo, who finally gives it freely to Frodo. "Sauron has been searching for the Ring for years," Gandalf tells Frodo, "and now he has sent his ally, the evil Witch-king, to the Shire to look for it." Frodo and Sam consult with their loyal friends Merry and Pipsqueak, and when the evil Witch-king appears with his nine servants the clever hobbits trick them into going into a mushroom-patch, disorienting the witches just long enough to escape the Shire.
    But the tone of the book rapidly becomes more serious as the Witch-king and his evil servants pursue the hobbits through the forest. Frodo discovers that the witches have destroyed the village of Bree, and the Witch-king uses a magic spell to burn down the home of their old friend Tom Bombadil. Frodo, horrified, wants to go back and fight the evil witches, but at a hill called Weathertop he meets a noble man named Aragorn who convinces him to go to the city of Rivendell. "In Rivendell you will be safe from their magic," Aragorn tells him, "for Elrond is a sensible man, and does not believe in it." With that Aragorn leads them rapidly to Rivendell, with the witches in hot pursuit. As they ford the last river between them and Rivendell the Witch-king casts a spell on the river-water, causing it to rise up and try to drown them; only Frodo's quick thinking can save them, and he uses the power of the Ring to make all the water evaporate into fog. The fog is so thick that the Witch-king and his servants become hopelessly lost, and our heroes make it to the safety of Rivendell.

    I won't spoil the ending for you.
    Graffiti in a public toilet
    Do not require skill or wit
    Among the **** we all are poets
    Among the poets we are ****.

  • #2
    Not nearly complete, somewhat inaccurate and not particularly amusing.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #3
      Here is my summary of the trilogy:

      Four anarcho-syndicalist hobbits team up with a tramp claiming to be royalty, a guy who just simply tags along because he wants a gold ring, a bearded dwarf who enjoys spelunking, a tree hugger with pointed ears, an elderly magician who likes hanging around small people a little too much.

      This "Fellowship of the Ring" decide to fight Mordor, an industrializing nation that threatens the established order. Keep in mind they want to prop up a government which has failed to effectively govern outside the capital city for that past few centuries and has left the surrounding land unpopulated and unused.

      Their plan centers causing social turmoil amongst the leadership of Mordor by thowing Sauron's wedding ring in a giant volcano and informing his wife that Sauron himself told them to do it.

      The Dark Lord Sauron will be far too occupied with Mrs. Sauron's divorce proceedings to finish his invasion. The final settlement leaves Sauron unable to conquer Middle Earth because he is forced to split his realms and armies into two halves. Sauron eventually comes to terms with his reduced power and finds a bachelor pad in Moria.

      The tramp who claims to be royalty stages a coup in Gondor and rules Middle Earth with an iron fist for many years. He rewrites the Third Age's history into an epic tale that makes the dysfunctional Fellowship of the Ring sound much more austere.
      Last edited by Riesstiu IV; January 1, 2009, 16:36.


      • #4
        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


        • #5
          And here I was thinking he meant this far superior summary:



          • #6
            Originally posted by Riesstiu IV View Post
            Here is my summary of the trilogy:

            Four anarcho-syndicalist hobbits team up with a tramp claiming to be royalty, a guy who just simply tags along because he wants a gold ring, a bearded dwarf who enjoys spelunking, a tree hugger with pointed ears, an elderly magician who likes hanging around small people a little too much.

            This "Fellowship of the Ring" decide to fight Mordor, an industrializing nation that threatens the established order. Keep in mind they want to prop up a government which has failed to effectively govern outside the capital city for that past few centuries and has left the surrounding land unpopulated and unused.

            Their plan centers causing social turmoil amongst the leadership of Mordor by thowing Sauron's wedding ring in a giant volcano and informing his wife that Sauron himself told them to do it.

            The Dark Lord Sauron will be far too occupied with Mrs. Sauron's divorce proceedings to finish his invasion. The final settlement leaves Sauron unable to conquer Middle Earth because he is forced to split his realms and armies into two halves. Sauron eventually comes to terms with his reduced power and finds a bachelor pad in Moria.

            The tramp who claims to be royalty stages a coup in Gondor and rules Middle Earth with an iron fist for many years. He rewrites the Third Age's history into an epic tale that makes his dysfunctional the Fellowship of the Ring sound much more austere.
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • #7
              Lord of the cockrings.
              Dildo Baggins and his precious


              • #8
                Lots of great example of these from the SAT writing teachers where I work. I think the best from this last summer was "Oprah was able to overcome being an ugly negro."
                Stop Quoting Ben

