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Dogs Demand a Fair Shake!

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  • Dogs Demand a Fair Shake!

    LONDON, England (CNN) -- Dogs appear to experience a range of complex, unpleasant emotions such as jealousy and pride, scientists have discovered.

    Dogs hate their owner showing affection to other dogs.

    Until now, this type of behavior had only been shown in humans or chimpanzees, but researchers suspected that other species that live together could be sensitive to fair play -- or a lack of one.

    "We are learning that dogs, horses, and perhaps many other species are far more emotionally complex than we ever realized," Paul Morris, a psychologist at the University of Portsmouth who studies animal emotions, told The Sunday Times.

    "They can suffer simple forms of many emotions we once thought only primates could experience."

    Scientists noted that dogs hate to see their owners being affectionate to other dogs and can suffer if a new baby or partner arrives on the scene.

    To test the theory, Friederike Range and colleagues at the University of Vienna in Austria asked 33 trained dogs to extend a paw to a human.

    The animals performed the trick virtually all of the time whether they were given a reward or not -- when alone or with another dog.

    But the dogs' enthusiasm waned when they saw other dogs being rewarded but received nothing themselves.

    Dogs that were ignored extended their paws much less often, doing so in only 13 out of 30 trials. They also showed more stress, such as licking or scratching themselves.

    "They are clearly unhappy with the unfair situation", Range told New Scientist magazine. She also suspects that this sensitivity might stretch beyond food to more abstract things like praise and attention.

    "It might explain why some dogs react with 'new baby envy' when their owners have a child," she said.

  • #2
    God, this is the biggest "No ****, Sherlock." I've ever seen. Even bigger than the "nerds have less sex than jocks" study. I've read before where dogs supposedly don't have emotions or personalities. Anyone who's ever owned a dog can tell you what kind of ignorant bull**** that is. Glad the science community has finally pulled it collective head out of its collective ass.
    You've just proven signature advertising works!


    • #3
      Did you know that dogs have to eat and drink?




      • #4
        Reminds me:

        Study Reveals: Babies are Stupid
        May 21st, 1997

        LOS ANGELES - A surprising new study released Monday by UCLA's Institute For Child Development revealed that human babies, long thought by psychologists to be highly inquisitive and adaptable, are actually extraordinarily stupid.

        The study, an 18-month battery of intelligence tests administered to over 3,500 babies, concluded categorically that babies are "so stupid, it's not even funny."

        According to Institute president Molly Bentley, in an effort to determine infant survival instincts when attacked, the babies were prodded in an aggressive manner with a broken broom handle. Over 90 percent of them, when poked, failed to make even rudimentary attempts to defend themselves. The remaining 10 percent responded by vacating their bowels.

        It is unlikely that the presence of the babies' fecal matter, however foul-smelling, would have a measurable defensive effect against an attacker in a real-world situation," Bentley said.

        Another test, in which the infants were placed on a mound of dirt outdoors during a torrential downpour, produced similarly bleak results.

        "The chicken, dog and even worm babies that we submitted to the test as a control group all had enough sense to come in from the rain or, at least, seek shelter under a leafy clump of vegetation or outcropping of rock," test supervisor Thomas Howell said. "The human babies, on the other hand, could not grasp even this incredibly basic concept, instead merely lying on the ground and making gurgling noises."

        According to Howell, almost 60 percent of the infants tested in this manner eventually drowned.

        Some of the babies tested were actually so stupid that they choked to death on pieces of Micronaut space toys. Others, unable to use such primitive instruments as can openers and spoons due to insufficient motor skills, simply starved to death, despite being surrounded by cabinets full of nutritious, life-giving Gerber-brand baby-food products.

        Babies, the study concluded, are also too stupid to do the following: avoid getting their heads trapped in automatic car windows; use ice to alleviate the pain of burn injuries resulting from touching an open flame; master the skills required for scuba diving; and use a safety ladder to reach a window to escape from a room filled with cyanide gas.

        "As a mother of four, I find these results very disheartening," Bentley told reporters. "I can honestly say that the effort I have expended trying to raise my children into intelligent beings may have been entirely wasted, a fool's dream, if you will."

        Study results also prompted a strong reaction from President Clinton. "All of us, on some primitive, mammalian level, feel a great sense of pride in our offspring," Clinton said. "It is now clear, however, that these feelings are unfounded. Given the overwhelming evidence of their profound stupidity, we have no choice but to replace our existing infant population with artificially incubated simu-drones, with the eventual goal of phasing out the shamefully stupid human baby forever." - The Onion

        Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


        • #5
          Dude, my son found his hands last week... at 3 months! That's gifted!


          • #6

            Poor Kids are Dumber


            • #7
              Look at the two last words of the last paragraph
              Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


              • #8
                My son is always going to be gifted, no matter what The Onion says. And, he may be in it one day.

