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What an opportunity!

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  • What an opportunity!

    I've just been approached, not by an old-fashioned Philosopher-King, but rather by a modern up-to-date Philosopher-Entrepreneur:


    We are forming a global for-profit company consisting of talented
    individuals in areas of human knowledge. The following offer letter
    is intended for all the members of your organization and is intended
    not to be competitive with the aims of your organization. Please
    disseminate to those interested. Note that S4 Group (not yet
    registered) currently has good scientific results (we can prove that
    the universe is 4-dimensional and have a replacement for quantum
    mechanics that could explain spirit) that will be commercially
    profitable and is open to 6 billion. My background is Princeton AB,
    incomplete PhD from Columbia/MIT, and a decade of experience in
    startups, finance, biotechnology, etc.

    NOTE: Email acceptance will be respected as it is by US Courts.

    November 15, 2008
    New York

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    S4 Group will be registered with the New York State Department of
    Corporations as a Limited Liability Company. You are invited as
    an equal partner in ownership and profits of this entity as an
    investor; that is to say as a Corporate Officer as well as an equal
    member of the Board of Directors.
    Monthly investement amount for this entity is set to
    $100/month but could be lower if sufficiently many agree globally. If
    you are unable to afford this investment amount and
    would like to be a partner, your investment amount will be waived with
    the provision that when you receive wages from the partnership, you
    will repay without interest an amount equal to the investment that
    partners who have invested in a regular schedule to be determined

    1. Communications are Trade Secrets

    If you decline the offer for partnership, please note that all
    communication (emails/scientific claims/business strategy) with regard
    to this partnership are trade secrets and to be treated as
    intellectual property. If you accept the partnership offer, you may
    discuss the ideas, the scientific claims, and other partnership
    information to prospective partners only or to prospective clients of
    S4 products and services.

    2. Invitation of New Partners

    You agree to waive your rights under New York State Partnership law to
    vote on the inclusion of new partners into the Partnership. In
    particular, as a member of the Partnership, you are free to invite new
    equal partners who have read and understood the tenets of New York
    Partnership laws and wish to contribute constructively to the
    Partnership. There is no restriction on citizenship, race,
    ideological views, health conditions for partnership; the only
    requirements are access to the internet, the agreement to be available
    to follow NY State Partnership Law, and a commitment to the ideals of
    Truth, Justice, Brotherhood, Equality, and Liberty.

    3. Restriction of Partnership Discussion Topics

    S4 Group will adhere to the freedom of speech tenet of the US
    Constitution internally to the Partnership. This is necessary in
    order for artists, theologians, scientists and other talent to discuss
    their work freely. You agree to not take legal action in any nation
    against any other partner for any ideas, thoughts, views that you deem
    as disparaging to you; instead, you agree to either engage in a
    rational debate, bring the comments to all members of the Partnership,
    or ignore such communication as irrelevent to your work. Furthermore,
    you agree to refrain from discussing the shortcomings of any other
    partner in the success of the Partnership unless your talent is to
    improve productivity of particular partners and you wish to discuss
    your achievements in having produced results.

    4. Financial Management

    S4 Group will, as soon as necessary, create a transparent accounting
    system visible over the internet. The specifications of the system
    are the following. Initial operating costs of the partnership are
    costs of the physical address for the partnership: 1087 Flushing
    Avenue, Suite 408, Brooklyn NY 11237 and the cost of my labor in
    organizing the partnership, not to exceed $42,000/year. Excess funds
    of the Partnership will be kept in trading accounts per partner. Each
    partner will have full discretion in the use of his or her account
    without the requirement to consult with other partners; furthermore,
    the account balances will be readjusted when new partners join the

    Any partner who sells any product or service produced within S4 Group
    is entitled to 15% of the proceeds and the remaining will get
    distributed into N accounts where N is the number of partners. This
    process will be automated, and no one partner will be responsible for
    the functioning of this process.

    5. Accounting Practices

    All partners will have access to the account activity of all other
    partners. Accounting irregularities by a partner will possibly result
    in expulsion from the partnership by a joint vote and the contacting
    of appropriate national authorities for violation of national laws.
    In particular, misappropriation of Partnership funds for personal use,
    for activities not permitted by US laws, for misreporting of
    Partnership fund use according to the New York Partnership laws will
    result in contacting appropriate regulatory body for financial

    6. Right to Initiate Debate

    You agree to accept the right of any partner to challenge the
    activities of any other partner on consistency with the five ideals of
    Truth, Justice, Equality, Brotherhood, and Freedom. Such a challenge
    has no punitive legal action attached to it, and the partner
    challenged will have the option of not responding or to engage in
    rational debate.

    7. Default Strategy for Business with Corporate Entities

    You agree to the default strategy of negotiation or business with
    global corporate entities is through mathematical game theory. In
    particular, if a mathematical game theory strategy for maximal revenue
    generation is proved and presented, you agree to present an optimal
    strategy based on rational grounds or provide partners with better
    reasons on rational grounds in your counter-proposal for a business
    strategy. The default S4 model assumptions for corporations are
    revenue-maximization, survival of the fittest corporation by
    competition in the markets, formation of global cartels of cooperative
    revenue-maximizers. In this model, for example, if an effective
    strategy for revenue-maximization of S4 is to invite all the employees
    of a corporation into our Partnership, you agree to debate such a
    strategy on business grounds.

    8. Guidance for Internal Functioning

    You agree to read, when you have the opportunity to do so, The
    Republic of Plato for guidance of activities in the Partnership
    without the necessity of discussion with other Partners. As the
    organizer, I interpret this text as a descriptive rather than
    prescriptive text; you have no obligation to agree with this
    interpretation of the text.

    Thank you for your being. You are welcome to join S4 later if you are
    unable to do so now.

    Zulfikar Ahmed
    So one goal is to form a global cartel of co-operative revenue maximizers. How can I pass this up?

  • #2
    At least he's not at all vague as to what the whole thing is about..


    • #3
      You can never trust a Philosopher. These are people who have conned enough people to convince them of the utility of their program.
      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


      • #4
        My background is Princeton AB,
        incomplete PhD from Columbia/MIT, and a decade of experience in
        startups, finance, biotechnology, etc.
        Should he inquire at Princeton & Columbia, or is that not really necessary hmm anyone?
        "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
        "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca

