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  • blood-sucking ticks on flesh?


    • Is it some of those soap things that melt in the water when bathing?
      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
      Also active on WePlayCiv.


      • Blood after a tiny puncture wound
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • Hi ! (Back after an emial-issue has been resolver, that kept me from posting).

          I´ll start to describe what i see again first:

          3 red sphereical objects, that look like accumlated liquied on a white--reddish thing that seems to be of porous material.
          On close examination it seems like the biggest red sphere on the left is slightly elevatred from the white object and that this has an indent just below the red thing. This seems to indicate that the red thing sat in this indenture and rose. Along with the redishness of the white thing, this gives me the impression, that the red stuff is a) lighter than the white stuff and b) escaped from out of the white stuff. Since the red stuff seems to be liquid, the picture is probably not taken in earth´s atmosphere, but the whole setting is either in a liquid altogether, or in space (zero-gravity environment - with some other force than gravitional being responsible for the leaking out of the red).

          Bright spots can be seen on each of the red sphere´s surfaces, probably a reflection of the camera´s lighting.
          This means that both the camera and the object depicted are probably in the same medium (e.g. both in water / air).

          Anyways, in conclusion: The red comes out of the white and it keeps going to the top of the pic. It forms prefect sphrerical bubbles and thus is either very small, or in 0-grav. The white seems of a fibric material.

          I´d say, its a face pad some astronaut used to wipe blood from his face after shaving. Then he took the pad, and watched the blood seep out of it again (and made this pic). Or something VERY similar ...

          (i just hope the pic isnt upside-down)


          • Great effort, Unimatrix11.

            You know, if you hadn't made that post voluntarily, I'd have paid to be able to read an analysis like that!

            Oh, and you're also wrong..


            • Ok, time is up, so here is the "winner" - and the correct answer.

              Although still a ways away, I think Seedle came closest, first, so you get to post the next picture.

              This one was a crop showing a detail of a picture of hydnellum peckii, or bleeding tooth fungus. Full picture below.
              Attached Files


              • Yuck ! Looks like straight from Alpha Centauri... (cause due to my analysis it MUST be either under water or in outer space ).

                Nice pick, Winston...

                So what exactly is the red stuff ? It´s poo ?


                • Probably sweat, due to its working so hard to come and get you!


                  • It's the blood of disobedient orphans who didn't listen to their moms when they said "Hold my hand tight, now"...

                    This also reminds me of the funny pic where a sign in a park said "carnivorous mushrooms - keep a firm grip on your children".
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • Hmmm, acknowledged. Give me a bit.

                      Edit: On today's edition of what in the world did Carmen Sandiego take a picture of:

                      Carmen has taken a picture of this:

                      Last edited by Seedle; December 8, 2008, 22:18.
                      You've just proven signature advertising works!


                      • Cuckoo spit?
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                          Cuckoo spit?
                          looks like it.


                          • Carmen Sandiego is STILL around ?! Ugh !

                            Is a cuckoo spit a spider´s nest ? If so, i agree. If not, i say ´spider´s nest´ (and pass on a description this time).


                            • It's an animals' eggs. Some species lay eggs on leafs in a substance that resembles spit. I've seen it numberous times.
                              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                              Also active on WePlayCiv.


                              • There is probably only one thing more disgusting than none state-building insects (+ spiders), and that´s their nests... I usually like animals, but when i see one of those, i feel the strong urge to destroy - no, eridicate - completely anihalate - that thing deep, deep inside me... like a primal instinct (which it probably is). Actually, if i was in a room, with one of those, and a naked super-hot chick, licking her fingers for me, i wouldnt quite know what to do first...

