Originally posted by HalfLotus
Demand...right. So there is a 15-30% increase in demand for energy and food over the past couple of years?
Demand...right. So there is a 15-30% increase in demand for energy and food over the past couple of years?
It is far more likely that recent inflation is caused by the Fed's enormous increase in the money supply over the last several years. And why they stopped publishing M3 data to conceal that massive increase.
Stupid and insane.
Since the Fed no longer publishes honest money supply data (as if they ever did, considering their CPI numbers don't include food or energy costs, LOL), we rely on private sources which estimate the increase in the money supply in the 10s of trillions of of Dollars.
Stupid, insane and a liar. CPI includes energy and food costs. "Core inflation" does not.