Obama will be in jail by the end of the week. .
I went to the Obama website this afternoon and clicked on the "Donate" button.
I used my real MasterCard number (but was not asked for the 3 digit security code).
Used the following information and it was accepted...
First name: Fake
Last Name: Donor
Address: 1 Dollar To Prove A Point
City: Fraudulent
State: AL
Zip / Post: 33333
Email Address: allmyinfoismadeup@mediabias.com
Phone Number: 2125551212
Employer: Mainstream Media
Occupation: Being in the Tank
And incredibly, my $5 donation was ACCEPTED!!!
I then went to the McCain site and used the exact same information (and WAS asked for the 3 digit security code for my MasterCard). There, my contribution was rejected with the following message: "Your transaction was not approved for the following reason(s): Invalid data", and then: "We have found errors in the information that you have submitted. Please review the information below and try again."
I have screen shots and printouts of all of this as well.
Please tell me what I can do with this information? Is this a violation of FEC law by the Obama Campaign? How do we publicize this???
Thanks for all you do.
I used my real MasterCard number (but was not asked for the 3 digit security code).
Used the following information and it was accepted...
First name: Fake
Last Name: Donor
Address: 1 Dollar To Prove A Point
City: Fraudulent
State: AL
Zip / Post: 33333
Email Address: allmyinfoismadeup@mediabias.com
Phone Number: 2125551212
Employer: Mainstream Media
Occupation: Being in the Tank
And incredibly, my $5 donation was ACCEPTED!!!
I then went to the McCain site and used the exact same information (and WAS asked for the 3 digit security code for my MasterCard). There, my contribution was rejected with the following message: "Your transaction was not approved for the following reason(s): Invalid data", and then: "We have found errors in the information that you have submitted. Please review the information below and try again."
I have screen shots and printouts of all of this as well.
Please tell me what I can do with this information? Is this a violation of FEC law by the Obama Campaign? How do we publicize this???
Thanks for all you do.
I am going to enjoy measuring the drapes in the White House. It's too late for Obama to cover this up too, I've got it all on floppy so that when his operatives try to use a key to scratch the data out it won't work due to the plastic casing.