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Good places for higher education in Europe?

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  • Good places for higher education in Europe?

    I've been looking around for good places to pursue my Master's after I finish my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering, and recently one of my friends mentioned that he was considering going to France for further study.

    This piqued my curiosity, as I hadn't really considered the non-English speaking countries, because of the language barrier. He, however, told me that many universities in the continent use English as the medium of instruction.

    So, to all of the forumers from Europe - what places would you recommend for graduate studies in the technical fields? Which are the good technical institutes in your country? How difficult is it for someone not knowing the language to live there? How difficult is it for a foreign student to get a scholarship and keep it? And how high are the living and food expenses?

  • #2
    NOT here
    Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
    Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
    Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


    • #3
      MIPT. The campus's a bit dilapidated, but the profs are still top notch.
      You get no scholarship and have to know Russian,. though. Food and rent are also insane-ish.
      But you can still get the best technical degree n Europe there.
      Graffiti in a public toilet
      Do not require skill or wit
      Among the **** we all are poets
      Among the poets we are ****.


      • #4
        Originally posted by onodera

        You get no scholarship and have to know Russian,. though. Food and rent are also insane-ish.


        • #5
          BEst? Depends how you measure best. Not according to rankings it isn't. In fact it's almost unknown outside Russia. Doesn't mean the degree isn't very good, just means outside from few famous people who studied there once in their life... aneeshm is into CS, and in that, MIPT doesn't seem to be the best. There seems to be few very interesting programs for other type of technical degrees though, so it can't be bad, rather good. But perhaps not for CS.

          edit: this was strictly CS based though. This school seems very good for physics students. So...I'm aiming at CS studies strictly. Physics seems to be their bread and butter and like a good deal if you're into that.
          In da butt.
          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


          • #6
            Stay the **** out of Britain.
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Krill
              Stay the **** out of Britain.
              Which institutes, specifically, would it be good for me to 'stay the **** out of' in Britain?


              • #8
                Originally posted by aneeshm

                Which institutes, specifically, would it be good for me to 'stay the **** out of' in Britain?
                Aberdeen, University of
                Abertay, University of
                Aberystwyth University
                Advanced Legal Studies, Institute of
                Advanced Study, School of
                American InterContinental University London
                Aston University
                Bangor University
                Bath Spa University
                Bath, University of
                Bedfordshire, University of
                Birkbeck, University of London
                Birmingham City University
                Birmingham, University of
                Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln
                Bolton, University of
                Bournemouth University
                Bournemouth, Arts Institute at
                Bradford, University of
                Brighton, University of
                Bristol, University of
                Bristol, University of the West of England
                British College of Osteopathic Medicine
                British School of Osteopathy
                Brunel University
                Buckingham, University of
                Bucks New University
                Cambridge, University of
                Cancer Research, Institute of
                Canterbury Christ Church University
                Cardiff University
                Cardiff, University of Wales Institute
                Central Lancashire, University of
                Central London
                Central School of Speech and Drama
                Chester, University of
                Chichester, University of
                City University, London
                Classical Studies, Institute of
                Commonwealth Studies, Institute of
                Conservatoire for Dance and Drama
                Courtauld Institute of Art
                Coventry University
                Cranfield University
                Cumbria, University of
                Dartington College of Arts
                De Montfort University
                Derby, University of
                Dundee, University of
                Durham University
                East Anglia, University of
                East London, University of
                Edge Hill University
                Edinburgh College of Art
                Edinburgh, University of
                Education, Institute of
                English Studies, Institute of
                Essex, University of
                European School of Osteopathy
                Exeter, University of
                Falmouth, University College
                Glamorgan, University of
                Glasgow Caledonian University
                Glasgow School of Art
                Glasgow, University of
                Gloucestershire, University of
                Glyndwr University
                Goldsmiths, University of London
                Greenwich, University of
                Guildhall School of Music and Drama
                Harper Adams University College
                Henley Management College
                Heriot-Watt University
                Hertfordshire, University of
                Heythrop College
                Historical Research, Institute of
                Huddersfield, University of
                Hull, University of
                Imperial College London
                Institute for System Level Integration
                Institute for the Study of the Americas
                Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies
                Jewish-Christian Relations, Centre for
                Keele University
                Kent, University of
                King's College London
                Kingston University
                Lampeter, University of Wales
                Lancaster University
                Leeds College of Music
                Leeds Metropolitan University
                Leeds Trinity and All Saints
                Leeds, University of
                Leicester, University of
                Lincoln, University of
                Liverpool Hope University
                Liverpool John Moores University
                Liverpool, University of
                London Business School
                London Metropolitan University
                London School of Economics and Political Science
                London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
                London South Bank University
                London, University College (UCL)
                London, University of
                Loughborough University
                Manchester Business School
                Manchester Metropolitan University
                Manchester, University of
                Middlesex University
                Napier University
                Newcastle University
                Newman University College, Birmingham
                Newport, University of Wales
                Northampton, University of
                Northern School of Contemporary Dance
                Northumbria University
                Norwich University College of the Arts
                Nottingham Trent University
                Nottingham, University of
                Open University
                Oriental and African Studies, School of
                Oxford Brookes University
                Oxford, University of
                Pharmacy, School of
                Plymouth, University of
                Portsmouth, University of
                Queen Margaret University
                Queen Mary, University of London
                Queen's University Belfast
                Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
                Reading, University of
                Richmond - The American International University in London
                Robert Gordon University
                Roehampton University
                Rose Bruford College
                Royal Academy of Music
                Royal Agricultural College
                Royal College of Art
                Royal College of Music
                Royal Holloway, University of London
                Royal Northern College of Music
                Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
                Royal Veterinary College
                Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
                Salford, University of
                Scarborough Campus, University of Hull
                Scottish Agricultural College
                Sheffield Hallam University
                Sheffield, University of
                Southampton Solent University
                Southampton, University of
                St Andrews, University of
                St George's, University of London
                St Mary's College
                St Mary's University College
                Staffordshire University
                Stirling, University of
                Stranmillis University College
                Strathclyde, University of
                Sunderland, University of
                Surrey, University of
                Sussex, University of
                Swansea Metropolitan University
                Swansea University
                Teesside, University of
                Thames Valley University
                Trinity College Carmarthen
                Trinity Laban
                UHI Millennium Institute
                Ulster, University of
                University Campus Suffolk
                University College Birmingham
                Wales, University of
                Warburg Institute
                Warwick, University of
                Westminster, University of
                Wimbledon College of Art
                Winchester, University of
                Wolverhampton, University of
                Worcester, University of
                Writtle College
                York St John University
                York, University of
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • #9
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #10
                    Good places for higher education in Europe?

                    * Good places in Europe for higher education?


                    • #11
                      * Education places for higher in good Europe.


                      • #12
                        * Places good education higher Europe for in.
                        "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                        "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                        "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


                        • #13
                          You're not helping.


                          • #14
                            We don't want to though.
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                            • #15
                              Amsterdam. About as high as you can get.
                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time

