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Financial Crisis solution - Universal Health Care

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  • #16
    I think something clicked with Space.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kidicious
      I think something clicked with Space.

      Alcohol, age, and not being able to find a job over a few months time span.

      Don't get me wrong though, I still believe people are entitled to what they earn. However I believe there is a cultural deficiency in this country. We are such a melting pot that we no longer hold any traditional values. We treat our elders in such a manner that we may as well be asking them to die sooner. We look upon out youth like they are the scourge of the nation. When something goes wrong it's always someones' fault, never collectively our fault, such as this current crisis which is very much the fault of our culture as a whole.

      I am almost a perfect example of what is wrong in this country, give me a few years of failure and I will be a perfect example. I am, by all accepted standards, uneducated. I do, as a matter of fact, have a poor employment history. But when people see me apply for jobs they just turn me down because I'm not good enough, there have been exactly zero offers to help me improve what I am. I, of course, am not the only one. There are many people out there, most of who are far less intelligent than I am (I am pretty ****ing awesome, all flaws and mistakes aside), who don't understand why the system, in their eyes, is being unfair. Nobody is willing to educate them, they are the chaff of society.

      I am by no means saying I personally am helpless. I know all of the mistakes I've made in the past, I know why I am turned down for a lot of jobs. But there are people, who if they were put in my position would not be able to comprehend what is going on. They need someone to guide them, someone to practically be them. They also need a system willing to help throughout their life, with each of their stumbles, as they will inevitably fail multiple times throughout their lives. Not because they are lazy or stupid, but because they are different. Maybe they have mental issues, maybe a drug addiction, perhaps a learning "disability". Maybe they weren't taught properly in the first few years of life. It doesn't matter why, what matters is that we as a whole are failing them. Not only those in our own country but also those abroad.

      I think the most important question, that is never asked enough, is what do we want in this world?

      Do we want a perfect utopia where we can all live together in harmony?

      Do we want one major nation, where all of the normal, intelligent people live, and all of the rest are left to fight over a leg of meat as if they were hyenas and lions in the wild?

      What do we want? Whose voice matters? What is really important?


      • #18
        I agree with you mostly, but don't drink so much. That is actually one of the biggest problems in our country.

        As far as people keeping what they earn and all that stuff, I'm with you on that.

        Just hang in there and do what you can today, and don't worry about the rest.
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • #19
          Originally posted by The Emperor Fabulous
          Many people with bad credit can still afford to make their mortgage payments, as long as they don't get sick.
          Doesn't this also apply to people with good credit? We do have a problem with wages not keeping up with Healthcare, or making positive gains for that matter, but universal health care would not eliminate or even mitigate financial irresponsibility.


          • #20
            Credit is part of the problem, the biggest part of the problem. You can't spend money you don't have. At least you shouldn't be able to. Sure it would lead to slower economic growth, but at least it wouldn't be false growth.

            edit: restricting credit that is


            • #21
              Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut
              I failed to detect any logic whatsoever.
              Would you like a nice glass of Chinese milk?

              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut
                I failed to detect any logic whatsoever.
                You are further proof that Chinese people are actually a race of soulless robots.


                • #23
                  He's from ****ing Nebraska. Christ.

                  Why do you guys hate Americans?
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #24
                    I've never even been to Nebraska.


                    • #25
                      311 sucks.
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • #26
                        I agree.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut
                          I've never even been to Nebraska.
                          I detect bull****.

                          I prefer a system of govt insurance with private medicine. Throw in some sensible checks and it will cost less and be much more effective than our current system. Perfect? No. Someone will find a way to cheat it, but every system has flaws.
                          I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                          I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Space05us

                            Alcohol, age, and not being able to find a job over a few months time span.

                            Don't get me wrong though, I still believe people are entitled to what they earn. However I believe there is a cultural deficiency in this country. We are such a melting pot that we no longer hold any traditional values. We treat our elders in such a manner that we may as well be asking them to die sooner. We look upon out youth like they are the scourge of the nation. When something goes wrong it's always someones' fault, never collectively our fault, such as this current crisis which is very much the fault of our culture as a whole.

                            I am almost a perfect example of what is wrong in this country, give me a few years of failure and I will be a perfect example. I am, by all accepted standards, uneducated. I do, as a matter of fact, have a poor employment history. But when people see me apply for jobs they just turn me down because I'm not good enough, there have been exactly zero offers to help me improve what I am. I, of course, am not the only one. There are many people out there, most of who are far less intelligent than I am (I am pretty ****ing awesome, all flaws and mistakes aside), who don't understand why the system, in their eyes, is being unfair. Nobody is willing to educate them, they are the chaff of society.

                            I am by no means saying I personally am helpless. I know all of the mistakes I've made in the past, I know why I am turned down for a lot of jobs. But there are people, who if they were put in my position would not be able to comprehend what is going on. They need someone to guide them, someone to practically be them. They also need a system willing to help throughout their life, with each of their stumbles, as they will inevitably fail multiple times throughout their lives. Not because they are lazy or stupid, but because they are different. Maybe they have mental issues, maybe a drug addiction, perhaps a learning "disability". Maybe they weren't taught properly in the first few years of life. It doesn't matter why, what matters is that we as a whole are failing them. Not only those in our own country but also those abroad.

                            I think the most important question, that is never asked enough, is what do we want in this world?

                            Do we want a perfect utopia where we can all live together in harmony?

                            Do we want one major nation, where all of the normal, intelligent people live, and all of the rest are left to fight over a leg of meat as if they were hyenas and lions in the wild?

                            What do we want? Whose voice matters? What is really important?

                            But when people see me apply for jobs they just turn me down because I'm not good enough, there have been exactly zero offers to help me improve what I am.

                            And, while I don't know you, I would venture to guess that you actually were good enough for some of those jobs, or if you weren't, could have become so very quickly if hired due to your attitude and intelligence. And I think that applies to a great many people.
                            You've just proven signature advertising works!


                            • #29
                              I prefer a system of govt insurance with private medicine. Throw in some sensible checks and it will cost less and be much more effective than our current system. Perfect? No. Someone will find a way to cheat it, but every system has flaws.
                              I'm not particularly confident that a combination of government and private health insurance can be effective. Certainly, more people will be covered, but the costs will still be huge.

                              I think the problem with medicine in the US is that the drivers are all wrong. Doctors usually work for a group or a practice that, in order to survive, has to be profitable. So, while it's in his interest to provide good care to maintain the business, it's also in his interest to do so in the most profitable fashion possible. That means doing the procedure with the highest margins. So, if a doctor can figure out what's wrong with you by poking you a few times, or he can do it with that whiz-bang, gee-whiz super-duper medicinetronometer, guess what's coming?
                              "Beauty is not in the face...Beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran
                              "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves" - Victor Hugo
                              "It is noble to be good; it is still nobler to teach others to be good -- and less trouble." - Mark Twain


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Space05us
                                I am almost a perfect example of what is wrong in this country, give me a few years of failure and I will be a perfect example. I am, by all accepted standards, uneducated. I do, as a matter of fact, have a poor employment history. But when people see me apply for jobs they just turn me down because I'm not good enough, there have been exactly zero offers to help me improve what I am. I, of course, am not the only one. There are many people out there, most of who are far less intelligent than I am (I am pretty ****ing awesome, all flaws and mistakes aside), who don't understand why the system, in their eyes, is being unfair. Nobody is willing to educate them, they are the chaff of society.

                                I am by no means saying I personally am helpless. I know all of the mistakes I've made in the past, I know why I am turned down for a lot of jobs. But there are people, who if they were put in my position would not be able to comprehend what is going on. They need someone to guide them, someone to practically be them. They also need a system willing to help throughout their life, with each of their stumbles, as they will inevitably fail multiple times throughout their lives. Not because they are lazy or stupid, but because they are different. Maybe they have mental issues, maybe a drug addiction, perhaps a learning "disability". Maybe they weren't taught properly in the first few years of life. It doesn't matter why, what matters is that we as a whole are failing them. Not only those in our own country but also those abroad.

                                I think the most important question, that is never asked enough, is what do we want in this world?

                                Do we want a perfect utopia where we can all live together in harmony?

                                Do we want one major nation, where all of the normal, intelligent people live, and all of the rest are left to fight over a leg of meat as if they were hyenas and lions in the wild?

                                What do we want? Whose voice matters? What is really important?
                                Sheeite man.

                                I really cheer for you and I'm glad that you realize are well aware of your own short comings.

                                But I have to say this to you - life is a *****. there is no one holding your hand, because life is a ***** to everyone, and each man has to hold himself afloat, and usually has little time for others. in many places of the world, people who make too many mistakes die hungry.

                                i mean, 150 years ago you'd die on the street. 50 years ago you'd turn to a life of crime. The fact that you are self-aware, have something to eat and have time to post in this forum is already incredible.

                                i think that the fact that most people who made tons of bad decisions don't die of hunger, is incredible already.

                                and you know what it also means?
                                it means that someone is picking up the cheque for their life of poor judgement. usually people with slightly better judegement who are doing their best to avoid mistakes and to save their own family.

                                life is a ***** and your only chance in life is to rely on friends and family.

                                other people have their families to support.

                                a system that supports people with really poor judgement would be funded and manned by people with good judgement. and i'm not sure it would be able to bring money man.

                                so my point is - i really don't think what you're talking about is realistic.

                                i realize there's a need for it, in a utopic world. but the world is not utopic. not because we make it so, but because of bad luck, famine, earthquakes, and evil people.

                                i doubt you can realistically expect anyone to pay lots of money to teach lots of people life lessons.
                                Last edited by Sirotnikov; October 3, 2008, 17:55.

