originally posted by BeBro:
I don't really get what the "beauty" is. Why is the "primitiveness" aesthetically pleasing? I mean I can understand that some people prefer the "simpleness" of it, most often because they don't have an idea of what's going on, but what exactly makes it aesthetically pleasing to someone who doesn't buy into this, even opposes it? Take "power", this is not something you only find in fascism. Also something like belligerence has never been exclusively fascist.
I don't really get what the "beauty" is. Why is the "primitiveness" aesthetically pleasing? I mean I can understand that some people prefer the "simpleness" of it, most often because they don't have an idea of what's going on, but what exactly makes it aesthetically pleasing to someone who doesn't buy into this, even opposes it? Take "power", this is not something you only find in fascism. Also something like belligerence has never been exclusively fascist.
And of course power isn't unique to fascism. But fascism is such a brute manifestation of masculine warrior culture and the thirst for power, something we, at least subconsciously, associate as "primitive." That it existed in the 20th century, after WWI, blows my mind. It's the exact same way of thinking that Urglok had when he wanted to kill Muglog to become the chief of the tribe and attack that other tribe down the river. Only this time Urglok has a modern day military uniform and has read all the classics. It's the same reason I find neo-conservatism fascinating. That there are actually educated people out there that blatantly say we need to expand the American empire. In the year 2008. It just blows my mind.
originally posted by BeBro
Also, some other points are very debatable. I don't mention all, but take "Anyways, seeing a political system as an organic outgrowth of the given nation's culture to me is just aesthetically beautiful." - There is something very disturbing in the idea that fascism would be the "organic outgrowth" if you mean by that it's something like a logical consequence of any nation's culture at a certain point in time (could be I misunderstand what you want to say here).
Also, some other points are very debatable. I don't mention all, but take "Anyways, seeing a political system as an organic outgrowth of the given nation's culture to me is just aesthetically beautiful." - There is something very disturbing in the idea that fascism would be the "organic outgrowth" if you mean by that it's something like a logical consequence of any nation's culture at a certain point in time (could be I misunderstand what you want to say here).
Why do you say that fascism being the logical consequence of the nation's culture at a point in time is 'disturbing?' How is a government not the logical consequence of a nation's culture at a point in time? And even if you are being an uber-realist, you can't deny the strong cultural connections of fascism. Fascism champions the nation's traditional culture, and for this reason was so popular before WWII. It resonates with people. People love feeling a sense of community, pride in how they are as a people or nation, etc. In Europe, they saw two world wars that killed tens of millions of people, thus we do not see such pride and nationalism as a part of the political platform of major political parties (well, except for Austria, hehe). But the United States never learned this lesson. We never had a war on our soil by a foreign invader (at least since 1814), and we have never been truly punished by nationalism and all of the awful things that come from it. The result is social conservatism is a much more powerful political force here than in Europe, and the Republican party has been so strong. That type of ideology would never exist in western europe post WWII.
originally posted by kidicious:
It's hideous. I guess you could say it's beautiful in that way.
It's hideous. I guess you could say it's beautiful in that way.
originally posted by Darius871:
Actually they'd cancel each other out; Xanax is an anxiolytic benzodiazepine, not a stimulant. I.e. I was recommending Xanax, not accusing of its use. Every johnmcleod post I've ever seen is a classic case study of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) taken to its absurd extreme.
Remember that thread where he was asking about pharmacological castration because overwhelming guilt over the very thought of sex with girls he knows made him uncontrollably nervous? Things like this would be any psychiatrist's wet dream. It's so perfect that I almost have to think it's a brilliant troll putting Wiglaf to shame.
Actually they'd cancel each other out; Xanax is an anxiolytic benzodiazepine, not a stimulant. I.e. I was recommending Xanax, not accusing of its use. Every johnmcleod post I've ever seen is a classic case study of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) taken to its absurd extreme.
Remember that thread where he was asking about pharmacological castration because overwhelming guilt over the very thought of sex with girls he knows made him uncontrollably nervous? Things like this would be any psychiatrist's wet dream. It's so perfect that I almost have to think it's a brilliant troll putting Wiglaf to shame.
originally posted by Barnabas:
Women can be fascists leaders too.
By the way, racism isn't inherent to fascism.
This speech in Spanish, but it is a good example of a woman being a typical fascist leader in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.
Women can be fascists leaders too.
By the way, racism isn't inherent to fascism.
This speech in Spanish, but it is a good example of a woman being a typical fascist leader in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.She rejects the offer to become vice president because she knows she will die of cancer in the near future.
Anyways, this belief in the inherent goodness of the nation's people and culture can go well with racism, since it is only a simple logical step until this belief leads to the belief that the other nations/races are inferior. But we mustn't forget that Nazism does not equal Fascism. Nazism was based on racial beliefs involving genetics. Hitler wanted a supreme race. This is entirely different from other brands of fascism. The other thing is that speech from Eva Peron points out the not so bad side of Fascism. Many people consider Peron to have had Fascist tendencies, yet he was a democratic leader and many consider him to have been the best Argentina ever had. Fascism has strong populist tendencies, and populist leaders like Peron sometimes have certain fascist tendencies, even if on a theoretical political level they have none.
originally posted by fed1943:
I bet the poster never lived under a fascist regime.
Best regards,
I bet the poster never lived under a fascist regime.
Best regards,