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EU warns Iran close to nuclear arms capacity

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  • EU warns Iran close to nuclear arms capacity

    I suppose the EU will muster the will to invade considering the evidence of WMD's?;_ylt=AtglMjbbhPvH0j8sIhnpXLNvaA8F

    EU warns Iran close to nuclear arms capacity
    By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press Writer Wed Sep 24, 11:39 AM ET

    VIENNA, Austria - Iran is nearing the ability to arm a nuclear warhead even if it insists its atomic activities are peaceful, the European Union warned Wednesday.


    In comments prepared for delivery to the International Atomic Energy Agency's 35 board members, the EU also asserted that Iran appeared to have had a past nuclear arms program despite its denials.

    The statement was made available to reporters as the meeting turned its attention on Iran's nuclear defiance on its third day. The main international concerns focus on the country's refusal to freeze uranium enrichment despite three U.N. Security Council sanctions and its blocking of IAEA attempts to follow up on intelligence suggesting it was developing a nuclear arms program until several years ago.

    Iran insists its nuclear activities are geared only toward generating power. But Israel says the Islamic Republic could have enough nuclear material to make its first bomb within a year. The U.S. estimates Iran is at least two years away from that stage, and some experts say the country could reach that stage in as little as 6 months through uranium enrichment.

    An IAEA report drawn up for Wednesday's meeting says Iran has increased the number of centrifuges used to process uranium to nearly 4,000 from 3,000 just a few months ago.

    But David Albright, whose Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security closely tracks suspect secret proliferators, has also been able to extrapolate other information from the report that is less obvious but of at least equal concern.

    Iran, he says, has managed to iron out most of the bugs in the intensely complicated process of enrichment that often saw the centrifuges breaking down. The machines, he says "now appear to be running at approximately 85 percent of their stated target capacity, a significant increase over previous rates."

    That, he says means, they can produce more enriched uranium faster. And while the IAEA says the machines have spewed out only low-enriched material suitable solely for nuclear fuel, producing enough of that can make it easy to "break out" quickly by reprocessing it to weapons-grade uranium.

    To date, Iran has produced nearly 1,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium, said the report — close to what Albright says is the 1,500-pound minimum needed to produce the 45-60 pounds needed for a simple nuclear bomb under optimal conditions.

    And with Iran's centrifuges running ever more smoothly, it "is progressing toward this capability and can be expected to reach it in six months to two years," says Albright.

    Touching on such fears, the statement by the 27-nation EU said that Iran's defiance of Security Council demands on enrichment is troubling "because it brings us closer to the moment where Iran will have fissile materials for a weapon, if it chose to increase their degree of enrichment."

    It also cast serious doubt on Iranian assertions that it never embarked on studies geared toward making nuclear weapons.

    While the evidence "remains to be verified, the IAEA's exhaustive and detailed" information, "leads one to think that the Iran has methodically pursued a program aimed at acquiring the nuclear bomb," the statement said.

    In a statement, Iran's mission to the IAEA again denied wrongdoing and suggested the pressure was part of a U.S. witchhunt.

    The Islamic Republic "has repeatedly declared that there is not and has not been any undeclared nuclear activities and material in Iran," it said, denouncing the "fabricated and baseless allegations ... produced by the United States."

    An IAEA report circulated to the board members Monday that faulted Iran for blocking efforts to further investigate the alleged weapons program.

    Part of the report touched on what appeared to be drawings and calculations by Iranian engineers on reconfiguring its Shahab-3 missile to be able to carry a nuclear payload. Iranian officials say the missile has a range of 1,250 miles — enabling a strike on Israel and most of the Middle East.

    Gregory L. Schulte, Washington's chief IAEA delegate, noted that — beyond dismissing the allegations — Iran "refuses to provide credible explanations to support its claims that all of this information ... is pure forgery and fabrication."

    And his German counterpart, Ruediger Luedeking, said that "if Iran is not pursuing a military nuclear program it should have no difficulty in cooperating with the agency.

    "Iran needs to explain why its military is so deeply involved in its nuclear program," he said.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    I've said this before:

    If I were one of Iran's rulers, I'd be going balls out to get nuclear weapons. With all the saberrattling in Washington and Israel, I'd figure obtaining nukes would be the only thing which might keep my country safe.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Zkribbler
      I've said this before:

      If I were one of Iran's rulers, I'd be going balls out to get nuclear weapons. With all the saberrattling in Washington and Israel, I'd figure obtaining nukes would be the only thing which might keep my country safe.
      Pakistan might have some to spare
      So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
      Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Zkribbler
        I've said this before:

        If I were one of Iran's rulers, I'd be going balls out to get nuclear weapons. With all the saberrattling in Washington and Israel, I'd figure obtaining nukes would be the only thing which might keep my country safe.
        Word. Israel has indicated its willingness to attack Iran first already.
        Islamic judges may be fundamentalists, but they're not complete nutjobs. They're not going to drop the bomb on Tel-Aviv just because they made one.
        Graffiti in a public toilet
        Do not require skill or wit
        Among the **** we all are poets
        Among the poets we are ****.


        • #5
          Isreal should build a few boomers. They don't have the land area to hide missiles and they are so close that Iran could nuke them practicly without warning with nuke tipped scuds. Boomers would provide a retaliatory capability that Iran couldn't first strike. MAD in miniature.
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6
            Originally posted by onodera
            They're not going to drop the bomb on Tel-Aviv just because they made one.
            Maybe you should read up on some of their statements about the return of the 13th imam. Not saying that they would do it, but they have made some interesting comments that are pretty nutjob.
            "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


            • #7
              Originally posted by onodera
              They're not going to drop the bomb on Tel-Aviv just because they made one.
              Maybe you should read up on some of their statements about the return of the 13th imam. Not saying that they would do it, but they have made some interesting comments that are pretty nutjob.
              "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lancer
                Isreal should build a few boomers. They don't have the land area to hide missiles and they are so close that Iran could nuke them practicly without warning with nuke tipped scuds. Boomers would provide a retaliatory capability that Iran couldn't first strike. MAD in miniature.
                Looks like they have already thought of that.

                "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                • #9
                  That's interesting PLATO. Huh. I bet if Iran nuked Israel it would be pretty tricky to tell an Israeli retaliatory sub launched missile from a US sub launched missile.

                  Iran better think twice.

                  What I consider far more likely is Iran giving a nuke to a terrorist group and they put it in a container headed for Long Beach.

                  A nuke going off there might be hard to trace.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • #10
                    I assume that Israel probably has the best HUMINT regarding Iran's nuclear capacity of anyone in the world, and if that intel tells them that Iran is about to get a bomb, they're gonna strike. Ditto US with regards to SIGINT - best in the world, we'll probably know if they're about to get nukes, and either we'll allow Israel to strike or we'll do it ourselves (I lean more towards the former, though).
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PLATO

                      Looks like they have already thought of that.

                      Do these ships fire cruise missles from their torpedo tubes, or do they have vertical missle tubes? Why would Germany be building nuclear missle capable submarines? They haven't been allowed to have their own nuclear weapons.
                      "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by David Floyd
                        I assume that Israel probably has the best HUMINT regarding Iran's nuclear capacity of anyone in the world, and if that intel tells them that Iran is about to get a bomb, they're gonna strike. Ditto US with regards to SIGINT - best in the world, we'll probably know if they're about to get nukes, and either we'll allow Israel to strike or we'll do it ourselves (I lean more towards the former, though).
                        Yeah, our intel has really been great when it comes to WMDs.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by David Floyd
                          I assume that Israel probably has the best HUMINT regarding Iran's nuclear capacity of anyone in the world, and if that intel tells them that Iran is about to get a bomb, they're gonna strike. Ditto US with regards to SIGINT - best in the world, we'll probably know if they're about to get nukes, and either we'll allow Israel to strike or we'll do it ourselves (I lean more towards the former, though).
                          A US strike would be the end of oil for a while.

                          Actually we should leave this crisis to EU leadership.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #14
                            That's why I said I imagined we'd let Israel do it
                            Follow me on Twitter:
                            Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lancer
                              A nuke going off there might be hard to trace.
                              Actually it is very easy to trace nukes. The plants that provide the fissil material leave a type of isotopic signature.

                              Who wants to bet that if Israel pops a nuke on somebody that the signature is for the Savannah River plant?
                              "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003

