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Widely Known Faces-Numbered Edition

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  • Widely Known Faces-Numbered Edition

    NOTE: One thing I want to do in this thread is post any images that are clear models for the painting. For sake of keeping the thread organized and readable, however, please PM me with links/images, and I will post them, while giving credit obviously. I don't mean to sound like a dick, I know it isn't my forum and I don't get to make the rules and all that. But if we have people just posting images as they find them we'll get repeats, and they'll be all out of order, etc. You are obviously free to do as you please, and I'm not going to throw a fit or anything, but I do think the thread will be more readable and usable if I can organize the photos at the beginning of the thread.
    edit: And I don't mean to say don't post in my pretty thread. Post away! But don't post the list, cause I worked hard on it, and I won't be happy.
    I just want the pictures to be organized, that's all.

    Okay, here's the numbered list of the faces and names we've guessed. Thanks to Winston for introducing the painting and threads to the forums. The original threads:


    The full pic the numbers I am using are based on:

    A much better image from Dry . It is bigger, but the numbers DO NOT MATCH the numbers in the pic I found.

    The list: Ok, I decided to just use carriage returns. It will result in longer than absolutely necessary posts, but with the reply box being smaller than the space in the post, the word wrap will make a nightmare of trying to make into columns or something. For simplicity and my sanity, I'm also just going to post pics along with the numbers, rather than doing a list, and then a separate section of photos.
    If you feel I went with the wrong choice, or if I missed an ID, speak up! Also if I misspell your user name.

    1:No consensus. Onodera says St. Peter, Thue says Plato, germanos says Socrates. I say either St. Peter or Aristotle, but St. Peter may or may not be elsewhere, and I'm really not convinced of any of them.
    St. Peter: Aristotle:

    2:Cui Jian, named by Frostyboy. Good job!

    3:Lenin, Jaguar. I'm generally not going to pic people who are obvious.

    4:Tukhachevsky by onodera, though he wasn't sure. The face seems off, but so do alot of the faces. And this helmet appears to have flaps on the side. But the whole star and spike thing definitely works. A cautious

    5:Lots of argument here. Most mention one of various Pharaos, Huej insists he isn't. I don't think a name was agreed upon.

    6:Bill Clinton, Hercules 7:Peter the Great, Will9 8: DeGaulle, Winston

    9:Margaret Thatcher, Hercules

    10: No consensus. Van Gogh has a vague resemblance, but he was identified elsewhere.

    11:Bruce Lee, Imran Siddiqui 12: Winston Churchill, Cronos (no, I'm not doing your weird capitalization)

    13:No ID 14:Oppenheimer, germanos pic thanks to Solomwi

    15:Elvis, GePap 16:William Shakespeare, Imran 17: Mozart, GePap

    18:Genghis Khan, Kidicious. Though this is one 2 or 3 guys ID'd as Genghis. Still up for debate, I think.

    19:Napoleon Bonaparte, Imran 20: Che Guevera, Frostyboy 21: Fidel Castro, Dry

    22:Marlon Brando, Dry 23: I don't think anybody ID'd this guy. But sometimes I had trouble telling just who posters were referring to. This is where numbers are good.

    24:Marilyn Monroe, Winston 25: Yasser Arafat, Hercules 26:Julius Caesar, Imran

    27:Well, Imran says Bogart, but to me it looks nothing like Bogart, this guy seems to be wearing a military style uniform, and Bogey is famous for smoking cigarettes, not cigars like this guy. I say still open, but feel free to contradict me.

    28:George W. Bush, Impaler 29: Pavarotti, Winston (Wow, is that a word or just a name in Italian? Cause google spell-check recognizes it. Interestingly, it DOESN'T recognize google. )

    30: Salvador Dali, GePap 31: Empress Dowager Ci'Xi, GePap 32: Liu Xiang, Dry 33: Koffi Anon, Bebro
    Last edited by Seedle; September 23, 2008, 17:13.
    You've just proven signature advertising works!

  • #2
    34: Prince Charles, Zkribbler 35: Ariel Sharon, BeBro 36: Lao Tzu, Solomwi

    37: I, uhh, can't seem to find a person numbered 37...

    38: Qin Shi Huang, DaShi 39: Gorbachev, Solomwi 40: Mother Teresa, Solomwi. Though Kidicious debates this

    41:Jiang Qing, Zkribbler He wasn't sure... 42: Otto von Bismarck, Imran

    43: St. Peter, Notyoueither. I dunno, especially if #1 is St. Peter. But it's a decent guess, so, do we count it?

    44:The painter of this painting, Hercules 45: Paul Revere, Imran He had doubts, so do I, but it could be.

    46: edit: Jacques Verges, Dry 47: Dante Alighiery, Dry 48: No ID

    49: No ID, unless it actually is an Asiafied Shatner....

    50:Timur (the Lame), Solomwi or Genghis Khan, Snoopy369. I'd be inclined to say Timur since #18 is apparently Khan, but maybe they are reversed. Or maybe neither 18 nor 50 is Khan or Timur. I dunno.

    51: No ID, I think. Given the chisel he's holding, I'll guess Michelangelo, but I'm just pulling that out of my butt.

    52:Tojo, Blackcat 53: Michael Jordan, Jaguar 54: Eisenhower, GePap

    55:No real ID. 56: No ID 57: Ghandi, Dry 58: Vincent Van Gogh, germanos.

    59: Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Winston 60: Kadinsky, germanos

    61: Confucius, GePap. But see #63

    62: Noah, SpencerH Moses, nikolai.

    63: Imran says Confucius. Who is apparently already ID'd, but:

    I said Zhang Jiao, based on the fact he's in yellow, and my complete lack of knowledge of Chinese history. Since I think #61 IS Confucius, I'm calling this one open. Most of the other Chinese people have been ID'd, someone must know this guy, right?

    Over half way through, who else needs a break? Well, while searching google images for Zhang Jiao, I found this:

    You're welcome.

    64: Mao Zedong, GePap 65: Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, Winston

    66:Zhou Enlai, GePap 67: No ID 68: Abe Lincoln, OzzyKP

    69: Pablo Picasso, Winston 70: Steven Spielberg, Winston 71: Nietzsche, Imran

    72: Karl Marx, GePap 73: DaVinci, Dry Nice Job.

    74: Stalin, GePap 75: Queen Elizabeth II, Imran
    Last edited by Seedle; September 24, 2008, 22:37.
    You've just proven signature advertising works!


    • #3
      76: No ID? If you ID'd this guy in the original thread, post to let me know. And I think the fish-to-the-face smiley would be appropriate.

      77: No ID 78: Deng Xiaoping, Winston 79: Sun Yat Sen, ZKribbler

      80: My first instinct was Custer as well, but I think Dry got it with Maxim Gorky (Dry's photo):

      81: Saddam Hussein, Jrabbit 82: Mussolini, Lancer 83: Hitler, Kuciwalker

      84: Guan Yu, Seedle (yay me!) 85: Pele, Jrabbit 86: William Gates, Will9

      87: The ugliest drawing of Audrey Hepburn ever, Winston

      88. Beethoven, confirmed by GePap, first guessed by Hercules

      89: Charlie Chaplin, Jrabbit 90: Henry Ford, GePap 91: Lei Feng, Frostyboy

      92: Norman Bethune, SpencerH 93: Mike Tyson, AAHZ 94:Freud, Tatilla the Hun

      95: Jonas Salk, GePap. I'm unconvinced, personally.

      96: Putin, Solomwi 97: Hans Christian Andersen, Winston

      98: Shirley Temple, Winston 99: Chiang Kai Shek, GePap

      100: Leo Tolstoy, onodera 101: Albert Einstein, OzzyKP 102 Hemingway, Winston

      103: Alfred Hitchcock, germanos. I must say I agree, but it does look a bit thin to Hitchcock, even with the baggy chin.

      EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS PERSON: Osama Bin Laden, above George W. Bush.

      That's what I've got! Thanks to those who expressed their appreciation of my efforts. Once again, if you think I got something wrong, post, I'll make edits, it'll be fun.
      Last edited by Seedle; September 23, 2008, 19:03.
      You've just proven signature advertising works!


      • #4
        Don't forget, we concluded the artist is a Communist Chinese Jew named Long Kok.
        be free


        • #5
          As I posted before here there is a bigger one, where you may zoom in to get more details.
          It is here:

          Of course it has not the same numbering, but I found it more convenient for identifying the figures.
          The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


          • #6
            *Tips hat to Seedle for being energetic enough to attempt this*


            • #7
              Originally posted by Winston
              *Tips hat to Seedle for being energetic enough to attempt this*
              I would too, but I'm not wearing a hat.


              • #8
                Me three but my hat ran away
                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                  Me three but my hat ran away
                  I think it might have been freed by PETA.


                  • #10
                    People For the Emancipation of... Accoutrements?

                    Damn them! They must have been the ones that stole my favorite Gucci handbag!
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • #11
                      Heh, I saw a Wizard of Id cartoon today where the dialogue went like this:

                      Lackey: - The animal rights people are picketing the castle.

                      King: - Release the dogs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dry
                        As I posted before here there is a bigger one, where you may zoom in to get more details.
                        It is here:

                        Of course it has not the same numbering, but I found it more convenient for identifying the figures.
                        Too bad I missed it before, I like the numbering on yours better. Thanks Dry. Still sticking with the one I posted though.
                        You've just proven signature advertising works!


                        • #13
                          Note that the guy who numbered the picture in the OP failed to number Osama Bin Laden.
                          If you don't like reality, change it! me
                          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                          • #14
                            Uggghhh. I don't know if the problem is on my end or the forum's, but I'm having alot of trouble posting/navigating/even getting on the site. This will get done tonight though.

                            @GePap: I was aware, but thank you. I was thinking about making him #37, but #37 may actually be on there and I'm just not seeing it.
                            You've just proven signature advertising works!


                            • #15
                              This would be a great party quiz. Is there a true number explanation available, not some 90% correct guess list by Apolytoners?
                              So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                              Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!

