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Biden = RIAA?

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  • #46
    yeah but that's the difference between republicans and democrats.

    No way in hell does McCain think Palin is a viable option. It's all about votes, so you can be the president.

    Obama wants to be new breed, and he is, however, it doesn't matter if you don't win. Democrats are either a) thinking they will win it for sure so it doesn't matter and we can stick to principles or b) thinking that victory is not yet in the bank, thus this move will help us securing it.

    A or B, it's freaking stupid.

    Now, they have a decent candidate running, he can handle himself in debates I'd assume, he's teflon Obama, dirt slides off from him if it was found. He has great defense, where Kerry lacked it, meaning you can play hard ball but look as if you aren't, making the other ones look like douches. ON top of that, your opponent is old and seems unreliable with his condition. IT would look like choosing Palin would secure Obama's win, just the chance of her actually becoming the president is absolutely horrendous.

    But their strategy is still poor. They should look into how people do decision making. It's really very simple. Facts rarely matter, because people aren't always cognitively processing information when making decisions. On the contrary, often times it is based on a feeling that can derive from anything from a value or how the person looks or carries himself. People happen to like people who they can identify with, who are similar to them, who talk in their terms, people just like that.

    Republicans are following this idea closely in their strategy and have been doing that in the last elections. It's not the candidates making the difference but the horrible strategy of democrats, which will make them eternal losers unless they face the facts and start attracting them voters and accept the fact that not everyone is interested in fiscal matters. Some people get a better feeling when they see you throwing a baseball, or a combination fo many of these things which just gives them a good feeling about the person, where as the more distant douche seems like ... meh.

    It rarely has to do with facts, and unless democrats realize this and implements this into their strategy, they will lose in the future as well. It doesn't matter how bad the republican candidate is or how good the democrat is. It doesn't matter even if the republicans are facing the fact that they have a guy who probably will lose his memory in a year, drop dead in few and then you have a soccer mom as a president... it doesn't matter. Just look at the polls, Obama should be DESTROYING his opponents. Yet, the question is Obama's inexperience. Compared to Palin? Or him being an elite or whatever. How did that happen again? Strategy.

    IMO campagn managers for dems should take a vacation and do some water boarding for being so freaking incompetent.
    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


    • #47
      Obama ran a masterful primary campaign and if he loses, it is because he has zero control over the bunch of loose cannons that are the face of the Democratic Party. That is the one thing that Clinton had going for him, his staff controlled everything and everyone. Obama's staff can't even control Biden, let alone hundreds of bloggers and special intrest group spokespersons who are more concerned about their issues than getting a Democrat in the WH.
      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


      • #48
        The VP is supposed to be the second fiddle, not the headliner. Hillary is simply too ambitious for the VP slot, and I doubt that Obama would have ever been able to trust her, and why would he? And if you all recall I backed Hillary during the primaries.

        The problem was not that Hillary wasn't picked, but that he picked Biden. Personally, I think he should have gone with Bill Richardson - less gaffe prone, big resume, and likeable. Also would have helped in the West, places like Colorado and Nevada, and would have cemented the Hispanic vote. Perphaps an all minority ticket would have been too much, but I think Richardson would have been a better VP choice.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

