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Palin, republicans and mediocrity

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  • Palin, republicans and mediocrity

    This is not mine, I translated it from this blog

    Republicans used to be the party of the establishment, of elites, of excellent universities. Nowadays, when you listen to Palin, you see it is the party of small towns, fishermen, of simple people.

    It is an exaltation of all that is rustic. Being capable, intelligent, talented is not something well seen, it is democrat stuff, San Francisco stuff (*** stuff).
    Democrats used to be the party of the common man, but democrat leaders were not common men and did not pretend to be common men, nowadays republicans want to be the party of the common man, and they want their leaders to be commen men too.

    The delegates are ecstatic with Palin, if one fell from another planet and heard what kind of things candidates praise and what they hide about their lives one may think having many kids requires more intelligence and skill than being the president of Harvard Law Review.

    Obama tries to hide that he is a notoriously brilliant man, Palin highlights that she is simple, elemental, that she has never stood out or been a part of the elite.

    Surely, there is some logic in wanting to vote for "one of us", someone who is not a genius whom nevertheless knows how "the people like me" live.

    But when republicans praise that mediocrity, and mix it with their fanatic and so idiosyncratic reactionary conservatism (non existent is most big western parties) they become disgusting.

    Their populism is always intellectual but never economic, because both, the Hewlett Packard CEO and the eBay ex CEO who spoke before, seem to be doing well with the mediocrity of the Bushes and Palins.
    I need a foot massage

  • #2
    It makes me wonder how people can be so misinformed. The Republican Party is the authoritarian party. They don't oppose elites, just elites that do not pay lip service to authoritarian values.

    [edit] If you want to blame someone for this, blame Nixon. Funny thing is that by today's standards, Nixon looks a pretty decent sort of a guy (at least he didn't believe this crap). Hell, I agree with what Hunter Thompson says: I hated the s.o.b, but I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over the slime you have now.
    Last edited by Agathon; September 4, 2008, 06:31.
    Only feebs vote.


    • #3
      That's true. The question is why can't more Americans see this fact?
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        Being capable, intelligent, talented is not something well seen

        Palin is quite obviously capable, intelligent and talented.


        • #5
          I couldn't get over her thick accent last night. They are definitely trying to get the redneck vote out there. Also, they are trying to get pro-life undecideds, but they are going to lose about as much pro-choice independents.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • #6
            Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut

            Palin is quite obviously capable, intelligent and talented.
            Did you see the RNC last night? Why would anyone who isn't a redneck be impressed by that?
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • #7
              Originally posted by Oerdin
              That's true. The question is why can't more Americans see this fact?
              Look, I'll turn off troll mode and be honest. When I was talking about misinformation, I meant the author of this piece, not the electorate.

              The reason the Republicans win all the time is that more people want to vote for them. It isn't a case of Americans being misled by the media (although they do suck) or some other form of conspiracy. There's enough money on either side for it not to make that much of a difference. Enough people in the right places like this strange substitute for normal politics to make it a winner (I do not think Americans really understand how abnormal their politics is in comparison to the other democracies). Rich people like it because they pay less tax. Social dominators like it because it perpetuates a hierarchical society. Authoritarians like it because it makes a great show of opposing "liberalism" (which is code for substantive action on behalf of traditionally oppressed groups like blacks, immigrants and homosexuals) on behalf of traditional (including religious) authorities.

              There has always been a puritanical/authoritarian streak in American political life. The fact is that the United States electorate is far to the right of other democracies and is extremely authoritarian (compare the standard of criminal punishment in the US with any other democracy and you quickly realize that it is much closer to the severity of punishments that occur in authoritarian regimes).

              To outsiders (and liberal Americans) it doesn't look rational at all, for the simple reason that it isn't. The Democrats keep making the mistake of trying to reason with the electorate, when the portion of the electorate (poor right leaning Americans) they are trying to reach has given over its own faculty of reasoning to its perceived authorities (which are in many cases religious). These people will simply not listen to reason because they have placed faith in their own authorities to be right come what may (so if their chosen authority says you are wrong, you are wrong and damn the evidence). That's how the Republicans managed to convince people that John Kerry wasn't a real war hero against all reasonable evidence. The other Republican voters are voting for financial reasons (like Ming and rah) and cannot be swayed. What's important to realize is that these people know that social conservatism won't have any effect on them. They have enough money to send their daughters abroad for abortions, for example.

              It may be this election where swing voters are simply so fed up with the Republicans that they will vote for Obama (the old "change" imperative in democratic politics), but they won't go away and if he wins, Obama can expect a revitalized challenge from the right in 4 years time (people forget that there was only 6 years between Watergate and Reagan's election).

              If you think you can change this, you are likely deluded. Americans are simply very right wing, authoritarian people (the average southern Republican politician would be viewed as an extreme right wing religious fascist in my country). If you don't like it, then you are probably better off moving to Canada, which despite its faults has a pretty middle of the road, sensible form of politics. You'd be surprised at how calm things can be.

              Don't be fooled into believing that there is some form of conspiracy or a fix to let the "true will of the people" prevail. The true will of the American people is prevailing. They just don't like what you like. There really is nothing you can do. You can't reason with them, and the political institutions of your country don't work well enough to marginalize them.


              Only feebs vote.


              • #8
                I always liked stuff from the mediocre cuisine, like pasta


                • #9
                  Well, for a long time the Republican Party was a Wall Street Party. These religious conservatives didn't make noise until the 80s and have quickly taken over, really because they are the most willing to work their hearts out for an election. They are the ground forces that will never quit. It is hard to shuck them off as they can be very powerful, even though they are relatively small. The Wall Street crowd will vote (R), but they aren't going to be going door to door or make phone calls to get people out to vote.
                  “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                  - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kidicious
                    I couldn't get over her thick accent last night. They are definitely trying to get the redneck vote out there. Also, they are trying to get pro-life undecideds, but they are going to lose about as much pro-choice independents.
                    Thick accent?

                    You need to travel a bit more around this country.


                    • #11
                      The anti-intellectual streak in Republicans is probably the #1 reason I haven't voted for one in a major election since I turned 18. It drives me up the ****ing wall.
                      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by asleepathewheel
                        Thick accent?

                        You need to travel a bit more around this country.
                        Yeah, that threw me as well. Sure, there was an accent, but it was pretty damned mild.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • #13
                          That and the psycho religiosity... but it goes hand in hand. edit: response to Guy.

                          Aggie is right about one thing: Americans really are quite conservative... though it's interesting when you look at poll numbers on particular issues - then they don't look as conservative as you would think (based on Presidential politics). But when you get off the issues an into who is "one of us" and all that (which the Republicans absolutely excel at), that's where the conservatism shows up. Hence picking Palin (and labeling Obama "elitist"). She appeals to lots of Americans. Not me, not in the slightest, but they don't give a flying **** about me and those like me (the New England socially liberal Republican remains only in museums). I'm not the target audience.

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #14
                            The anti-intellectual streak is there because it's been proven to work so they use it.

                            The Dems work the other end because that's all they know. But in the end, it makes them appear elitist. It makes them sound patronizing. They know better than us and they're going to make us do things because it's good for us. This type of attitude doesn't sit well with rural america. It makes charges of bigger government stick since they're always talking about how they're going to use more money to solve all of our problems. (bribes to the urban lower middle class)

                            Political parties do what they do in hope of fooling enough people to vote for them. Dems and Repugs alike.

                            And yes, that accent was quite mild.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #15
                              Last year in the city of Buenos Aires, we had an election for major, the winner was Mauricio Macri, a business man who had presented himself before in elections and always lost, and whom many thought had no chance in hell of winning because he is like, right wing and authoritarian.

                              What helped him win, was picking as vice-major, a nice typical middle class lady, on a wheel chair

                              She became the "human face" of Macri, and lots of people who wouldn't have voted for him, finally did it becase they thought, if she likes him, he can't be thaat bad.

                              I don't think these two cases are very similar, but now I believe vice presidents can decide elections.
                              I need a foot massage

